




For universities looking to do more with less, start with your data

UK universities are taking on more and more priorities, but government per-student funding in the UK is near an all-time low. Learn how universities can strategically do more with less by examining a fundamental component of their operations: data.

ChatGPT and Elasticsearch: Faceting, filtering, and more context

By providing tools like ChatGPT additional context, you can increase the likelihood of obtaining more accurate results. See how Elasticsearch's faceting and filtering framework can allow users to refine their search and reduce costs.

Unlocking the potential of large language models: Elastic's first code contribution to LangChain

In this blog, we explore the exciting synergy between Langchain and Elasticsearch, two powerful tools transforming the landscape of large language models. We provide an overview of the collaboration and its potential to shape application development.

ChatGPT and Elasticsearch: APM instrumentation, performance, and cost analysis

In this blog, we'll instrument a Python application that uses OpenAI and analyze its performance, as well as the cost to run the application. Using the data gathered from the application, we will also show how to integrate LLMs into your application.

How to give back to the Elastic community

Why should you join the Elastic Contributor Program? If you're looking for a way to highlight your contributions and browse through other community members' contributions as well, Elastic Contributors offers a great platform to do so.

Gaining new perspectives beyond logging: An introduction to application performance monitoring

Change is on the horizon for the world of logging. In this post, we’ll outline a recommended journey for moving from just logging to a fully integrated solution with logs, traces, and APM.

Elastic and AWS — Securing the cloud, together

Elastic has achieved AWS Security ISV Competency Partner status by working closely with AWS. This recognition highlights Elastic’s deep technical expertise with security in AWS and proven customer success securing the cloud journey for organizations.

How to enable Kubernetes alerting with Elastic Observability

In the Kubernetes world, different personas demand different kinds of insights. In this post, we’ll focus on alerting and provide an overview of how alerts in Elastic Observability can help users quickly identify Kubernetes problems.

Elastic continues to innovate and grow through AWS partnership

Elastic’s partnership momentum with AWS continues to grow through a series of collaborative efforts culminating in a new three-year global strategic collaboration agreement (SCA).