What's new

Elastic 8.14

The 8.14 release brings the general availability (GA) of ES|QL, designed and purpose-built from the ground up to greatly simplify data investigations, as well as GA of improvements in vector search and the tech preview of new generative AI Attack Discovery security capabilities.

8.14 Enhancements

Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Elastic Cloud

Save space with improved storage efficiency of time series indices, surface better search results, and accelerate time to insights and time to (issue) resolution.

With these new storage efficiencies, you can control the granularity of your data regardless of the retention period keeping you on budget.

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    Apache Lucene is the technology of choice behind the world’s leading vector database. All modern, generative AI search experiences are elevated with the fastest release of Lucene on the market, packaged in Search with innovations contributed by Elastic and driven by customer needs.

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    Elastic Observability transforms metrics, logs, and traces into actionable IT insights to unify observability across the digital ecosystem.

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    Protect, investigate, and respond to complex threats by unifying the capabilities of SIEM, endpoint security, and cloud security. This release brings the tech preview of new generative AI Attack Discovery to pinpoint the most pressing threats in your environment, the GA of support for additional LLMs and AI Assistant functionality, and more.