Share your #ElasticStories

We’re constantly amazed by the innovation and imagination our community displays with the Elastic Stack. We’ve seen use cases that we couldn’t have imagined. We showcase them on our blog, customer page, and at our Elastic{ON} Tour and community events.

We do this because sharing these stories exposes new and unimaginable possibilities of what can be accomplished with the Elastic Stack. It’s true, knowledge is power.

But a ton of awesome work engineered with the Elastic Stack by our wonderful community of users is going unnoticed by us and our community at large.

That’s about to change — one tweet at a time.

Introducing #ElasticStories

Today, we’re launching the #ElasticStories hashtag for the benefit of the Elastic community. It’s an unfiltered venue to share Elastic Stack stories regardless of simplicity or complexity.

Got a machine learning, Logstash or Canvas story? What about an application search or security use case? Wanna share how you've implemented maps, cross-cluster replication, or APM? Tell everybody about it in #ElasticStories. Don’t forget to include links or any artwork or screenshots you might have to illustrate how you leverage our products, solutions and services.

Your story could involve an entire use case, a feature that made your life easier, a challenge you overcame, or a milestone you reached — you name it.

Community Engagement

The Elastic community, in addition to our products and services, is always evolving thanks to productive feedback from members of the community sharing advice and stories. The #ElasticStories hashtag on Twitter is another forum for the community’s voice to be aired and heard.

But there’s much more in store for the #ElasticStories hashtag.

We will retweet some of these astounding #ElasticStories tweets on our @Elastic account. What’s more, we plan on featuring select #ElasticStories tweets on the Elastic blog and in our Community newsletter. If we find a story that is super inspiring, we might post a writeup — by us or perhaps by you — on our website.

Over and again we find ourselves both humbled and amazed by the Elastic community’s awe-inspiring uses of our products and services. We expect that state of mind to continue when we learn more from you at #ElasticStories.

Let’s hear your Elastic stories!