Neural network definition

Neural networks are a subset of machine learning that aims to mimic the structure and functionality of a biological brain. Also known as artificial neural networks (ANNs), neural networks consist of interconnected nodes, or artificial neurons, structured in layers with weighted connections that transmit and process data. Neural networks with multiple layers form the foundation of deep learning algorithms.

Neural networks are designed to learn patterns and relationships from training data, continuously adapt and improve, and apply that learning to make predictions or decisions. Their ability to extract meaningful information from complex data to solve problems sets them apart from traditional algorithms.

How does a neural network work?

Neural networks work through a process called forward propagation. Through an architecture inspired by the human brain, input data is passed through the network, layer by layer, to produce an output. Within neural networks are layers of nodes, which are sets of defined inputs, weights, and functions. Each neuron in a layer receives inputs from the previous layer, applies a weight to each input, and passes the weighted sum through an activation function. The output of the activation function becomes the input for the next layer.

During training, the network adjusts the weights to minimize the difference between predicted outputs and actual outputs. This process, known as backpropagation, uses optimization algorithms to update the weights and improve the network's performance. The process of trial and error allows it to learn from its mistakes and increase accuracy over time. Eventually, the neural network can accurately make predictions on data it has never encountered before.

A basic neural network consists of interconnected neurons in three layers:

  • Input layer: Information enters a neural network from the input layer; input nodes then process and analyze the data and pass it along to the next layer.
  • Hidden layer: Taking their input from an input layer or other hidden layers, hidden layers analyze the output from the previous layer, process it, and pass it to the next layer.
  • Output layer: The output layer produces the final result and can have single or multiple nodes.

Larger deep learning networks have many hidden layers with millions of interconnected neurons.

Types of neural networks

Different types of neural networks are each designed to solve specific problems. They are generally classified by how data flows from the input node to the output node. Some of the most common types of neural networks include:

  • Feedforward neural networks
    The simplest variant, these networks consist of input, hidden, and output layers. Information flows in only one direction — from input node to output node. Feedforward neural networks use a feedback process to improve predictions over time and are often employed in tasks like classification and regression and in technologies like computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), and facial recognition.
  • Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
    CNNs are particularly useful for image and video recognition, classification, and analysis. They rely on a multitude of convolutional layers that act as filters to detect local patterns and hierarchical structures in data.
  • Deconvolutional neural networks (DNNs)
    Widely used in image synthesis and analysis, deconvolutional neural networks perform using a CNN process in reverse. They are able to detect lost features or signals that may have originally been deemed unimportant by a CNN.
  • Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
    A more complex neural network, RNNs are designed for sequential data processing and are often leveraged using time-series data to make predictions about future outcomes. They have feedback connections that allow information to flow in loops, enabling them to retain the memory of past inputs and process variable-length sequences. The self-learning system is frequently used in stock market predictions, sales forecasting, and text-to-speech conversions.
  • Long short-term memory networks (LSTMs)
    LSTM networks are a specialized type of RNN that effectively handle long-term dependencies in sequential data. They mitigate the vanishing gradient problem associated with traditional RNNs by adding a memory cell that can store information for longer periods of time. LSTMs are often deployed for gesture and speech recognition and text prediction.

Why are neural networks important?

Neural networks are important because they enable machines to solve real-world problems and make intelligent decisions with limited human intervention. Their ability to handle complex unstructured data, answer questions, and make accurate predictions have made them an essential tool across many domains and industries. From chatbots and autonomous vehicles to science, medicine, finance, agriculture, cybersecurity, and product recommendations, neural networks are making a powerful impact.

Neural networks can generalize and infer connections within data, making them invaluable for tasks like natural language understanding and sentiment analysis. They can process multiple inputs, consider various factors simultaneously, and provide outputs that drive actions or predictions. They also excel at pattern recognition, with the ability to identify intricate relationships and detect complex patterns in large datasets. This capability is particularly useful in applications like image and speech recognition, where neural networks can analyze pixel-level details or acoustic features to identify objects or comprehend spoken language.

Additionally, neural networks offer nonlinear mapping capabilities, which traditional algorithms often struggle with. Their ability to capture and model intricate interactions between variables makes them ideal for tasks like financial analysis, predictive modeling, and complex system control.

Benefits of neural networks

The most obvious benefit of neutral networks is that they can work more efficiently and continuously at solving problems than humans (and lesser analytical models) can. Their reach is constantly being expanded into new fields, with ever harder problems to solve. We’ll delve more specifically into their end-use benefits shortly, but on a macro level, here are some of the more general, practical benefits of neural networks:

  • Ability to handle complex data: Neural networks can effectively process and learn from massive, complicated datasets, extracting valuable insights that might not be apparent through traditional methods. They are capable of sophisticated decision-making, pattern recognition, and non-linear mapping.
  • Learning and adaptability: Neural networks can learn from data and adjust their weights to improve performance. They can adapt to changing conditions and make accurate predictions even with new data.
  • Parallel processing: Neural networks can perform computations in parallel, allowing for efficient processing of large amounts of data. This enables faster training and inference times.
  • Robustness to noise and errors: Neural networks have a certain degree of tolerance to noisy or incomplete data. That allows them to handle missing information or variations in input, making them more practical and powerful in real-world scenarios.
  • Scalability: Neural networks can be scaled up to handle large-scale problems and datasets. They can also be trained on distributed computing systems, leveraging the power of multiple processors.

What is the difference between deep learning and machine learning and neural networks?

Deep learning, machine learning, and neural networks are interconnected but distinct terms. Deep learning refers to a subset of machine learning techniques that utilize neural networks with multiple layers. Neural networks are the fundamental models, or backbone, within deep learning networks that learn from data.

Machine learning encompasses a broader range of algorithms and techniques for training models to make predictions or decisions.

Challenges and limitations of neural networks

The biggest challenges and limitations of neural networks are usually in the training process. Training a deep neural network requires physical hardware, labor, expertise, and a whole lot of valuable time. Beyond that, some common challenges and limitations include:

  • Vanishing or exploding gradients: Deep neural networks may encounter difficulties in propagating gradients during backpropagation, resulting in the vanishing or exploding gradient problem.
  • Need for labeled data: Neural networks typically require labeled training data, which can be time-consuming and costly to acquire, especially in domains with limited labeled data availability.
  • Interpretability and transparency: Neural networks are often referred to as "black boxes" due to their complex and non-linear nature. Interpreting the decision-making process of neural networks can be challenging, and the inability to explain how or why a result was generated can lead to a lack of trust.
  • Resource requirements: Training large-scale neural networks with massive datasets can require costly and significant high-performance computational resources.
  • Risk of data bias: Assumptions made while training algorithms can cause neural networks to amplify cultural biases. Feeding an algorithm data sets that aren’t neutral will invariably lead it to propagate bias.

Use cases of neural networks

Neural networks have been widely adopted across a diverse range of industries and fields. They contribute to everything from medical diagnoses and fraud protection to energy demand forecasting, chemical compound identification, and even the route your delivery driver takes. Here are just a few examples on the ever-expanding list of use cases:

  • Complex pattern recognition
    On a general level, neural networks are excellent at recognizing patterns and extracting meaningful information and insights from massive datasets. This is particularly relevant in fields like genomics, where neural networks can analyze vast amounts of genetic data to identify disease markers and develop targeted treatments.
  • Image and speech recognition
    Neural networks are revolutionizing image and speech recognition applications, enabling next-generation image classification, object detection, speech-to-text conversion, and voice assistants. From content moderation and facial recognition to accurate video subtitling, much of the world benefits from neural networks every day.
  • Natural language processing
    Neural networks play a vital role in natural language processing tasks, including sentiment analysis, machine translation, chatbots, and text generation. They allow businesses to glean useful intelligence from instant analysis of long-form documents and emails, user comments, and social media interactions.
  • Autonomous vehicles
    Neural networks are an essential component in autonomous vehicles, enabling object detection, lane detection, and real-time decision-making. They provide the computer vision that allows vehicles to perceive and navigate their surroundings, and recognize everything from road signs to people.
  • Healthcare applications
    Neural networks have made significant contributions to healthcare, including disease diagnosis, drug discovery, personalized medicine, and medical image analysis.
  • Recommendation systems
    Neural networks power recommendation systems, providing personalized suggestions for products, movies, music, and much more. They analyze user behavior and preferences to offer relevant recommendations. They can also help create targeted marketing through social network filtering and user behavioral analytics (UBA).
  • Financial analysis
    Neural networks are used in the financial sector for applications like fraud detection, market forecasting, risk assessment modeling, price derivatives, securities classification, credit scoring, and algorithmic trading. They can capture elusive patterns in financial data.
  • Manufacturing and quality control
    Neural networks are used for anomaly detection, predictive maintenance, quality control, and optimization in manufacturing processes.

Neural networks with Elastic

Elastic is at the forefront of artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning. The Elasticsearch Relevance Engine (ESRE) delivers capabilities for creating highly relevant AI search applications, built on more than two years of focused machine learning research and development. The Elasticsearch Relevance Engine combines the best of AI with Elastic’s text search, giving developers a tailor-made suite of sophisticated retrieval algorithms and the ability to integrate with external large language models (LLMs).

With Elastic's advanced capabilities, developers can use ESRE to apply semantic search with superior relevance right out of the box. You can build powerful AI and machine learning-enabled search experiences with a set of tools like a vector database, text classification, data annotation, PyTorch, and Hugging Face to train models for your datasets.