Prometheus Monitoring

Analyze your Prometheus metrics at scale

Prometheus + Elasticsearch

Achieve global, scalable, and secure Prometheus monitoring for containers and Kubernetes. Ship your Prometheus metrics to Elasticsearch and unify them with your logs and APM data for increased observability that's open source.

Getting started with Elasticsearch: Store, search, and analyze with the open source Elastic Stack.

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Intro to ELK: Get started with logs, metrics, data ingestion and custom visualizations in Kibana.

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Getting started with Elastic Cloud: Launch your first deployment.

Learn more
  • What is Prometheus and Prometheus monitoring?

    Prometheus is an open source monitoring platform. Built primarily for monitoring containerized workloads, Prometheus is a popular tool for collecting time series data from instrumented jobs using an open, vendor-neutral, text-based exposition format. 

  • Boost your Prometheus metrics with Elastic

    The Elastic Stack can securely ingest operational data from multiple sources with ease. View your metrics across geographically dispersed Prometheus instances, unify your Prometheus metrics with your logs and APM data in Elasticsearch, and correlate them all in Kibana. Read more about the benefits of running Prometheus with Elastic at scale.

Support for OpenMetrics

Moving more deployments to the cloud? The Elastic Stack handles cloud native metrics just like any other index. As OpenMetrics continues to standardize how metric data is exposed, we focus on streamlining the experience of collecting all of your metrics for unified analysis.


Expand from metrics to observability

Aggregate, correlate, and visualize all your operational data in Elasticsearch however you want. Prometheus metrics are only one part of what makes your containers and clusters observable. Avoid operational silos by bringing your Prometheus data together with logs and traces. Learn more about observability with the Elastic Stack. Watch how to augment Prometheus metrics with logs and APM data.


Simply configure a centralized, global view

Monitoring Kubernetes clusters with multiple Prometheus servers? No problem. Consolidate data from hundreds of Prometheus instances and achieve a global view of data coming from all endpoints with a plug-and-play experience.

  • Long-term (infinite) data retention

    Collect and store all of your Prometheus metrics in Elasticsearch for as long as they’re valuable to you. Unlock insights into your environments by analyzing your historical data for trends and patterns.

  • High cardinality with search functionality

    Annotate your metrics the way you want. Trace IDs, request IDs, container IDs, version numbers, etc. will always tell you more about what’s happening in your systems. Read more about how Elastic handles high cardinality samples.

Powerful security

Fine tune permissions to your Prometheus metrics and other operational data using role-based and attribute-based access controls. With Elastic, you can rest assured that your data travels securely regardless of how large and distributed your environments are. Learn more about user authorization, TLS and other security features in Elastic.
