Testing and validationedit

  1. Build the package you’d like to verify (e.g. apache):

    cd apache
    elastic-package build
  2. Start the testing environment:

    Run from inside the Integrations repository:

    elastic-package stack up -d -v

    The command above will boot up the Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Elastic Package Registry) using Docker containers. It rebuilds the Elastic Package Registry Docker image using packages built in step 1. and boots up the Elastic Package Registry.

    To reload the already deployed Elastic Package Registry, use the following command:

    elastic-package stack up -v -d --services package-registry
  3. Verify that your integration is available in the correct version. For example, MySQL: http://localhost:8080/search?package=mysql (use experimental=true parameter if the package is in experimental version. Alternatively set release to beta or higher in your package’s manifest.yml, if appropriate.)

        "description": "MySQL Integration",
        "download": "/epr/mysql/mysql-0.0.1.tar.gz",
        "icons": [
            "src": "/package/mysql/0.0.1/img/logo_mysql.svg",
            "title": "logo mysql",
            "size": "32x32",
            "type": "image/svg+xml"
        "name": "mysql",
        "path": "/package/mysql/0.0.1",
        "title": "MySQL",
        "type": "integration",
        "version": "0.0.1"

    The elastic-package stack provides an enrolled instance of the Elastic Agent. Use that one instead of a local application if you can run the service (you’re integrating with) in the Docker network and you don’t need to rebuild the Elastic-Agent or it’s subprocesses (e.g. Filebeat or Metricbeat). The service Docker image can be used for [system testing](https://github.com/elastic/elastic-package/blob/main/docs/howto/system_testing.md). If you prefer to use a local instance of the Elastic Agent, proceed with steps 4 and 5:

  4. (Optional) Download the Elastic Agent.
  1. (Optional) Enroll the Elastic Agent and start it:

    Use the "Enroll new agent" option in the Kibana UI (Ingest Manager → Fleet → Create user and enable Fleet) and run a similar command:

    ./elastic-agent enroll http://localhost:5601/rel cFhNVlZIRUIxYjhmbFhqNTBoS2o6OUhMWkF4SFJRZmFNZTh3QmtvR1cxZw==
    ./elastic-agent run

    The elastic-agent starts two other processes: metricbeat and filebeat.

  2. Run the product you’re integrating with (e.g. a docker image with MySQL).
  3. Install package.

    Click out the configuration in the Kibana UI, deploy it and wait for the agent to pick out the updated configuration.

  4. Navigate with Kibana UI to freshly installed dashboards, verify the metrics/logs flow.

Use test runnersedit

elastic-package provides different types of test runners. See Test an integration to learn about the various methods for testing packages.

The test subcommand requires a reference to the live Elastic Stack. You can define service endpoints using environment variables. If you’re using the Elastic Stack created with elastic-package, you can use export endpoints with elastic-package stack shellinit:

$ eval "$(elastic-package stack shellinit)"

To preview environment variables:

$ elastic-package stack shellinit