Articles by Battulga Purevragchaa
Battulga Purevragchaa is a Partner Solutions Architect with AWS ISV Workload Migration Program. He helps AWS partners to build migration accelerators for their customers leveraging his years of industry and cloud experience.

Simplify your Elastic on AWS deployment with the Elastic Cloud Quick Start
Streamline your Elastic on AWS deployment with the Elastic Cloud Quick Start — an automated reference deployment — with just a few steps. And easily migrate your on-prem Elastic workloads into Elastic on AWS after your deployment.

10 Steps for automating Elastic workload migration from on-prem to Elastic on AWS
Streamline your Elastic on-premises migration to AWS with a proven methodology and simple steps to success. Take advantage of everything that the cloud has to offer — scalability, affordability, and simplicity with Elastic on AWS.
Sign up for Elastic Cloud free trial
Spin up a fully loaded deployment on the cloud provider you choose. As the company behind Elasticsearch, we bring our features and support to your Elastic clusters in the cloud.