Keeping up with Kibana: This week in Kibana for July 23rd, 2018

Welcome to Keeping up with Kibana! This is a series of posts on new developments in the Kibana project and any related learning resources and events.


Check out this guest blog by Edan Shahmoon from Micro Focus who was kind enough to share his experience with Canvas. 


The team focused on ongoing maintenance of the Kibana & Vega maps


  • Add region ISO code to GeoIP Ingest Plugin in Elasticsearch #31669


Last week the design team started a large project converting Kibana to use Sass in place of Less. This needs to be done so Kibana’s style layer can talk with EUI and paves the way for consistency and theming. We also spent time getting Kibana up to speed with the latest version of EUI (to use our new popover service). Lastly, a pattern was added to give provide an example of the K7 date selector.


  • EuiCard updates #1032
  • Added visualization type glyphs #1020
  • Fix EuiOutsideClickDetector to work when its nested inside itself #1039
  • Enhance the test's polyfilled MutationObserver #1035
  • Global date picker #1026


Last week we added a sweet new feature: the ability to validate scripted fields directly from within the scripted fields UI.



  • Change painless scripted field #21026
  • Add rollupSearchStrategy #20505
  • Make 'Change password' button on account page keyboard-accessible #20958
  • Reactify users roles #20739
  • scripted fields preview and validate script before saving PR 20746



  • Progress is continuing on index migrations PR (#20897)
  • Scripted fields preview (#20746)


  • PR still in review for chromium bug fix (#20770)
  • Fixed sample data gap bug (#20897)
  • Fix disabled range input control bug (#20811)


The visualization teams was refactoring the core rendering infrastructure and loaders to use TypeScript in that week (PRs outstanding for upcoming week). Also fixed a regression issue for 6.3 where visualizations unnecessarily flicker while rerendering (#20817).