Elastic Stack 6.0.0 GA is Released
6.0.0 is here.
Not much more needs saying. You should download it now or use it on Elastic Cloud (your favourite hosted Elasticsearch and Kibana provider.)
If you haven’t followed the release cadence over the past few months, you may be surprised by today’s announcements. Today represents the culmination of thousands of pull requests and the effort of hundreds of committers. This has culminated in two alpha releases, two beta releases, two release candidates, and -- finally -- general availability (GA). This milestone would have been impossible to achieve without the effort of a variety of teams within Elastic. And, importantly, the perspective and feedback of our users who chose to participate in the Pioneer Program.
Not only are we releasing the entirety of the Elastic Stack, today also marks the release of Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.1 that includes 6.0 support, offline installation, and a variety of UX changes simplifying the provisioning, management, and monitoring of clusters. And, because just GA’ing multiple products on the same day isn’t enough…APM is still in Alpha and we invite your participation in testing it on 6.0.0.
When there are so many features to highlight in a release, where do you even start? Either you craft the next great novel or you choose to provide links to details. Happy reading and…more importantly…happy searching, analyzing, and visualizing.
We are also hosting a live virtual launch event on December 6th, with Shay and Elastic engineering leads. Join us for 6.0 demos, AMAs, and more during our live 6.0 launch celebrations.
An entirely new zero-downtime upgrade experience, the addition of fast, op-based recovery thanks to sequence IDs, improved handling of sparse data, faster query times, distributed Watch execution, and the list keeps going. The summary, or aggregation, of features is in the detail post.
A Dashboard Only mode, a Full Screen mode, the ability to export saved searches to .csv, Alert creation via a UI in X-Pack Gold and above, a migration assistant in X-Pack Basic, and all of it is made more accessible via contrast changes, keyboard accessibility enhancement and more. Visualize the future of interacting with your data in the detail post.
Multiple, self-contained pipelines in the same Logstash instance and the addition of UI components - Pipeline Viewer in X-Pack Basic and Logstash pipeline management in X-Pack Gold. Grok the details in the detail post.
Beats <3 containers and, also, Beats <3 modules (and improving the dashboard for those modules). Combine this with a new commands and configuration layout generally and more efficient storage in Metricbeat. Also, say ‘Heya’ to Auditbeat. If you want all the details, ‘Go’ read the detail post.
First class support for Spark’s Structured Streaming has landed in 6.0, alongside a re-write of connector mapping code to better support multiple mappings. Support for reading and writing the new join fields has been added as well. Users can also now take advantage of script types other than inline for update operations. This is just a reduced view though, so map your eyes to the details in the detail post.