On-demand webinar

Canvas: A Single (and Stunning) Pane of Glass for Logs, Metrics, and APM

Hosted by:

Alex Francoeur

Alex Francoeur

Kibana Product Manager



Canvas is a creative way to visualize, present, and report on your data in Kibana. Backed by Elasticsearch, Canvas allows you to create dynamic, infographic-style representations of your live data. This makes it perfect for operational monitoring and observability use cases.

If you’re using the Elastic Stack for your infrastructure logs and metrics, application performance data, or general uptime monitoring and you’d like a fully customizable way to present this data, then Canvas is the tool for you. In this video, we use Canvas and Elasticsearch SQL syntax to build out the optimal workpad for operational visibility.


  • A quick introduction to Canvas
  • Visualizing operational logs and metrics in Canvas for infra health and uptime reporting
  • Using Elasticsearch SQL syntax to shape your data for Canvas visuals
  • Creating unique, custom workpads using conditional image and image reveal widgets
  • Tips and tricks for prepping your workpads for the big screen

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