Elastic Observability 8.13: GA of AI Assistant support for AWS Bedrock and enhancements for AI Assistant and SLO


Elastic Observability 8.13 announces general availability (GA) for AWS Bedrock support in Elastic AI Assistant, along with enhancements for the AI Assistant and SLOs.

AI Assistant enhancements 

  • Elastic AI Assistant support for AWS Bedrock

  • Contextual awareness of the entry point into AI Assistant

  • Performance improvements

  • Tech preview of editing and visualizing ES|QL queries from the AI Assistant

SLO enhancements

  • Ability to group your SLOs by tag, SLI indicator type, or status

  • Ability to triage burn rate alerts

Elastic Observability 8.13 is available now on Elastic Cloud — the only hosted Elasticsearch offering to include all of the new features in this latest release. You can also download the Elastic Stack and our cloud orchestration products, Elastic Cloud Enterprise and Elastic Cloud for Kubernetes, for a self-managed experience.

What else is new? Check out the Elastic 8.13 announcement post to learn more.

AI Assistant enhancements

AWS Bedrock support

Elastic Observability 8.13 adds connectivity for AWS Bedrock, specifically for the Claude models. The Bedrock/Claude LLM adapter parses data from AWS using a SerDe stream using @smithy/eventstream-serde-nodeuses and offers the same experience as the other Elastic LLM connectors (OpenAI and Azure OpenAI). Setup is simple with the Amazon Bedrock connector configuration page.

1 - connectors

Entry point contextual awareness

When entering AI Assistant chat, it will now understand what was on the screen you entered it from. For 8.13, we've added screen context for the SLO list page, the SLO detail page, the alert details page, and the APM service inventory.

2 - nginx server availability

ES|QL editing and visualization (tech preview)

When the AI Assistant responses use ES|QL, you can now do the following:

  1. See the “Display results” of the ESQL query

  2. Visualize the query on the generated ES|QL:

3 - request to group esql
4 - visualize query

Once you get the Lens chart, you can also edit the chart.

5 - creating an esql query

Users can save the ES|QL chart on a dashboard. From there they can continue editing the chart.

SLO enhancements

Grouping and filtering SLOs

We have added the ability to group your SLOs by tag, SLI indicator type, or status. SREs can easily scan these groups for a summary of their performance, including the number of healthy SLOs, unhealthy SLOs, and the worst performing SLO.

SREs also have the ability to apply filters by tag or SLO status or using any field available via search bar.

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Triage burn rate alerts

SLO burn rate alerts now have a page to assist with triaging burn rate alerts. This page allows users to get detailed information on the burn rate alert and history of any other times it has been alerted.

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Try it out

Read about these capabilities and more in the release notes

Existing Elastic Cloud customers can access many of these features directly from the Elastic Cloud console. Not taking advantage of Elastic on cloud? Start a free trial.

The release and timing of any features or functionality described in this post remain at Elastic's sole discretion. Any features or functionality not currently available may not be delivered on time or at all.

In this blog post, we may have used or referred to third party generative AI tools, which are owned and operated by their respective owners. Elastic does not have any control over the third party tools and we have no responsibility or liability for their content, operation or use, nor for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of such tools. Please exercise caution when using AI tools with personal, sensitive or confidential information. Any data you submit may be used for AI training or other purposes. There is no guarantee that information you provide will be kept secure or confidential. You should familiarize yourself with the privacy practices and terms of use of any generative AI tools prior to use. 

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