
Articles by Nick Knize

Geospatial Software Engineer, Elastic

Geospatial Software Engineer

Nick is an Elastic technical lead focusing on the spatial search and analytics portfolio across the Elastic Stack. He left the world of defense contracting to join Elastic. When he is not playing with shapes inside Elasticsearch and Lucene he enjoys the outdoors with his family and playing music.


BKD-backed geo_shapes in Elasticsearch: precision + efficiency + speed

Geo_shape fields created in the Elastic Stack 7.0+ guarantee 1cm accuracy while providing faster searching and indexing. Learn more in this post.


This Week in Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene - 2019-10-21


Numeric and Date Ranges in Elasticsearch: Just Another Brick in the Wall

Numeric and Date Range indexing has finally come to Elasticsearch! Come find out how you can index and search your entire calendar using Elasticsearch 5.2.


Supercharging geo_point fields in Elasticsearch 2.2

Interested in making your Elasticsearch application location aware? Read how we have supercharged GeoPoint fields in 2.2.