Articles by Jack Shirazi
Principal Software Engineer
Jack Shirazi works in the APM Java agent team at Elastic. He is the founder of JavaPerformanceTuning.com and author of Java Performance Tuning (O’Reilly) and has been an official Java Champion since 2005. Jack has worked at all levels and all stages of IT projects in several industries, including with real-time, low latency, and highly scaled applications. As well as authoring his popular book and contributing to several other books, Jack has published over 70 articles on Java performance for various sites and magazines. He has also published over 200 newsletters for JavaPerformanceTuning.com over 20 years in addition to publishing over 10,000 Java performance and memory related tips.

Elastic's contribution: Invokedynamic in the OpenTelemetry Java agent
The instrumentation approach in OpenTelemetry's Java Agent comes with some limitations with respect to maintenance and testability. Elastic contributes an invokedynamic-based instrumentation approach that helps overcoming these limitations.

How to capture custom metrics without app code changes using the Java Agent Plugin
When the application you're monitoring doesn't emit the custom metrics you'd like, and you can't directly change the app code, you can use a Java Agent Plugin to automatically instrument the application and emit the custom metrics you desire.
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