Fuzzy Like This Field Query


Fuzzy Like This Field Queryedit

Deprecated in 1.6.0.

This query will be removed in Elasticsearch 2.0

The fuzzy_like_this_field query is the same as the fuzzy_like_this query, except that it runs against a single field. It provides nicer query DSL over the generic fuzzy_like_this query, and support typed fields query (automatically wraps typed fields with type filter to match only on the specific type).

    "fuzzy_like_this_field" : {
        "name.first" : {
            "like_text" : "text like this one",
            "max_query_terms" : 12

fuzzy_like_this_field can be shortened to flt_field.

The fuzzy_like_this_field top level parameters include:

Parameter Description


The text to find documents like it, required.


Should term frequency be ignored. Defaults to false.


The maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated query. Defaults to 25.


The fuzziness of the term variants. Defaults to 0.5. See Fuzziness.


Length of required common prefix on variant terms. Defaults to 0.


Sets the boost value of the query. Defaults to 1.0.


The analyzer that will be used to analyze the text. Defaults to the analyzer associated with the field.