Elastic Security

Free monitored Elastic Endpoint Security for 2020 US election campaigns

Elastic has partnered with Defending Digital Campaigns (DDC), a non-partisan organization that provides low- and no-cost security products and services to presidential and congressional campaigns to help defend them from attack and interference.

  • Prevent election meddling

    Elastic Security has partnered with the DDC to ensure 2020 election campaigns have the highest quality monitored endpoint protection solution, supported by members of the Elastic Security team. We are committed to applying the same defenses we provide for governments and enterprises to safeguarding election campaigns.

  • Free comprehensive protection

    Campaigns have faced two significant barriers as they seek to better secure themselves from cyber threats: the high cost of quality cybersecurity products and the experience to organize an effective security strategy. To solve these challenges, Elastic is proud to protect the integrity of democracy as the first endpoint security solution available through the DDC.

Trusted, used, and loved by

Elastic Security prevents 2020 election interference

Members of the Elastic Security team aren't strangers to the challenge of securing presidential campaigns, and have spent the past year monitoring candidates in the early stages of the 2020 US election. Our partnership with DDC enables Elastic Security to achieve an even greater scale and impact, applying our expertise and technology to assist candidates running for the US Senate, House of Representatives, and the office of the US President.

  • Prevent modern cyberattacks

    Stop attacks like ransomware, phishing, and malware with best-in-class prevention

  • Keep your campaign running

    Automatically prevent targeted attacks, uncover adversary activity, and contain the threat before damage and loss

  • Manage your security in one place

    Elastic Security offers a single autonomous agent to provide 24x7 online and offline protection