Sustainability is Elastic: 6 months of reflection


This week Elastic released its first full Sustainability Report. Comprehensive in scope and topics covered, the report highlights our advancements in key environmental, social, and governance (ESG) areas and outlines our wider operational and product sustainability strategy and future ambition.

Building a stronger Elastic and a better shared future

I just passed the six-month mark as Elastic’s director of sustainability and ESG, which provided the chance to reflect back. One thing I discovered early on is that our leadership team not only supports ESG-related initiatives wholeheartedly, but they also encourage a sustainability mindset that aligns with our values and helps build a stronger Elastic. This has been invaluable. And thanks to our unique Source Code, a clear set of ideas helped to articulate a vision of sustainability, combining a stronger Elastic with a better shared future. 

I also learned that Elasticians care deeply about environmental and social justice issues, will communicate openly, and ask thought-provoking questions. I found instant camaraderie within a culture that promotes mutual trust and lives its values unapologetically. 

My hope is that this Sustainability Report lives up to these values, but also that it will inspire further debate and help propel us forward. Elasticians have a relentless drive to make a positive impact in their communities and for the world. This is among the reasons why Elastic is a great company to work for and why it has been both exciting and inspiring to help formalize what sustainability means to the business. 

Working alongside many content contributors and creative thinkers, the production of the report was a true team effort from the start. Some of the highlights include: 

  • A breakdown of our full greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory, including indirect impacts from our cloud service providers and other supply chain sources
  • Details of how Elasticians are working cross-functionally to address our environmental impacts and improve the efficiency of our business
  • Updates on our DEI vision and philosophy and new 2% Pledge to hold ourselves accountable for building diverse candidate and leadership pipelines
  • How we’re supporting important causes and partnering with customers to drive positive societal impacts

In collaboration with my fellow Elasticians, the progress we’ve made in a short space of time has been a career high. I’ve been working in the sustainability field for over 15 years, and the passion and drive I’ve experienced here at Elastic is invigorating. I’m even more excited by our momentum and future opportunities. As a company that helps users find what they need faster, there's incredible potential for efficiency, productivity, and sustainability to unite and compound, benefiting customers and society at scale. This is one opportunity of many that I’m looking forward to exploring as we continue our sustainability journey. 

I hope you’ll download the report and share feedback as we look ahead!