Get to know the Elastic Community series: Meet Bhavya Gupta


Bhavya is an Elastic® Community member with two years of IT experience. Currently, she works as an Elastic Engineer at Jolera. She graduated in 2022 and her favorite tech stack is ours! The ELK Stack (Elasticsearch®, Logstash, and Kibana®). She is also proficient in Java programming language.

What was the initial spark for you to enter the IT Industry?

I was always fascinated by the IT industry, ever since my high school days. I mean, seriously, have you seen how technology has totally transformed our world? It's mind-blowing! From binge-watching fantastic shows on Netflix to being blown away by virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and all that cool stuff, I couldn't get enough. The way these technologies redefine how we live and connect with each other sparked a deep curiosity within me. This curiosity and fascination ultimately led me to pursue a career in the IT industry.

When did you first embrace Elastic as a technology?

Ever since high school, I've been fascinated by how quickly I can search for anything on Google, browse through ecommerce sites, or find my favorite shows on Netflix. During college, when classes went online due to COVID, I had plenty of time to dig deeper into this. That's when I stumbled upon Elasticsearch, the tech behind efficient searching. I started learning about it, connecting with experienced folks in the field, and soaking up all the information. As time went on, I gained a lot of expertise and ended up being among the top 20 contributors on Stack Overflow when it came to answering questions about Elasticsearch. It's been an amazing ride, filled with growth and learning!

You work in a male-dominated industry. What challenges have you faced as a woman in that environment, and how did you deal with them? 

I may be a newbie in the IT industry with just a couple of years of experience, but I'm well aware that it used to be dominated by men. But you know what? I draw inspiration from those incredible women who smashed through barriers and made their mark despite the challenges they faced. I consider myself fortunate that, up until now, I haven't faced stereotypes, biases, or a lack of representation. However, if such challenges arise in the future, I am determined to not let them hinder my progress. With dedication and perseverance, I'm confident I can leave my own mark alongside the remarkable women and men in this industry.

What is your most memorable moment from being part of the Elastic Community? 

Being part of the Elastic Community brings me so much joy and pride, and let me tell you about this unforgettable moment. Imagine this: In 2021, I became a Silver Contributor, which opened up a wonderful opportunity for me to take the Elastic Certified Engineer Exam. I successfully passed the exam in 2022, nailing it on my first try! Can you believe it? Self-learning all the way! It was a remarkable validation of my skills and knowledge! Not only did it prove my Elasticsearch skills, but it also made me stand out from the crowd. And guess what? I even got a job offer because of my Elasticsearch knowledge and certification triumph. It's been an absolute thrill!

Why did you decide to join the Elastic Contributor Program? What were the most significant benefits you reaped from it?

During my college days, while pursuing my passion for learning Elasticsearch, I faced a lack of hands-on experience with real-world data and projects. However, I didn't let that stop me. To gain more experience, I turned to Stack Overflow, where I answered questions and gained insights into real-world challenges. As my knowledge grew, I began sharing my learnings and implementing new features through blogs on platforms like Medium and Hashnode. 

Along the way, I discovered the Elastic Contributor Program, thanks to fellow Elasticsearch enthusiasts. In 2021 and 2023, I became a Silver Contributor and achieved the esteemed title of Gold Contributor in 2022. Throughout my journey, I had the privilege of connecting with incredible community contributors such as Amit Khandelwal, Sagar Patel, and Aravind Putrevu. It has truly been a thrilling and rewarding experience! 

What are your favorite things about the Elastic community?

The Elastic Community is amazing! The well-written Elastic documentation streamlines the learning process, making it a piece of cake to apply and put into action. The Elastic Contributor Program provides great visibility, encouraging community members to contribute and climb the leaderboard. Plus, the helpful folks are always there to lend a hand when you get stuck. It's a supportive and inspiring community all around!

Any final thoughts you'd like to share?

To sum it all up, Elastic is a fantastic platform with powerful tools like Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey in the tech world, Elastic provides incredible tools and resources to empower you. The documentation is like a gold mine of knowledge, making learning and implementation super easy. In addition, the Elastic Contributor Program is the icing on the cake, where you can show off your skills and be part of a lively community. With Elastic, the possibilities are endless. So, jump in, embrace the journey, and let your potential shine!