
Articles by Jared Pane

Principal Solutions Architect, Elastic


Protecting California's workforce: EDD’s cybersecurity evolution after COVID-19

Discover how the Employment Development Department (EDD) of California transformed its cybersecurity operations using Elastic, improving incident response and safeguarding millions in the process.


Arizona Department of Homeland Security enhances cybersecurity with Elastic's AI-driven security analytics

Discover how the Arizona Department of Homeland Security (AZDOHS) tackled cybersecurity challenges by integrating Elastic's machine learning and AI capabilites, leading to a strengthened defense against threats and improved operational efficiency.


The role of generative AI in higher ed IT

Generative AI has the potential to transform the IT landscape at universities, increasing productivity and job satisfaction and leading to better student outcomes. Learn how Elasticsearch can serve as the bridge between private data and LLMs.


How analytics better enables online learning, cost management, and cybersecurity in higher education

Whether higher education IT leaders are looking to restore, evolve, or transform IT ecosystems as pandemic recovery continues, they can make strides in the areas of online learning, cost management and cybersecurity with deeper analytical insight.


Avoiding gaps in state and local cyber protection as talent supply catches up with demand

As state and local governments build teams to close cybersecurity talent gaps, they must avoid gaps in cyber protection. Elastic can help with powerful security solutions that are a force multiplier for teams of all sizes, and are easy to learn.


Deterring ransomware for state and local government

Ransomware attacks cost the U.S. government more than $18.9 billion in 2020. With defense in depth techniques such as canary-based detections and searchable snapshots, state and local IT teams can make ransomware a thing of the past.