On-demand webinar

Upgrading Your Elastic Stack to 5.0

Hosted by:

Chris Earle

Chris Earle

Support Engineer


Pius Fung

Pius Fung

Support Engineer



Version 5.0 introduces many new features and improvements across all components of the Elastic Stack. From a new scripting language for Elasticsearch to a new monitoring API for Logstash to a more colorific and eye-pleasing Kibana to a new Beat for gathering infrastructure metrics, there are many compelling reasons to upgrade your Elastic Stack to 5.0. In this video, Pius and Chris walk through the considerations, best practices and caveats for upgrading your Elastic Stack to 5.0.

Highlights include:

  • Full Elastic Stack upgrade order
  • Upgrading from 2.x
    • Demo: Elasticsearch migration plugin
    • Demo: Deprecation logging
  • Upgrading from 1.x
  • Upgrading on Elastic Cloud
  • Best practices and caveats using real-world examples

Additional resources:

Elasticsearch, Kibana and X-Pack 5.x are also immediately available on Elastic Cloud, the official hosted Elasticsearch service. You can check it out with a no-cost 14-day Elastic Cloud trial.

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