On-demand webinar

Graph Capabilities with the Elastic Stack

Hosted by:

Mark Harwood

Mark Harwood



Steve Kearns

Steve Kearns

Vice President, Product Management



Update: Graph is also available in Elastic Cloud, our hosted Elasticsearch & Kibana service. Check out a free 14-day Elastic Cloud trial too.

Elasticsearch can power graph exploration at scale by collecting signals like clicks or purchases to identify meaningful connections between subjects on the fly. Watch this video for a preview and demo of Graph capabilities in the Elastic Stack, including:

  • Detecting Sources of Risk - What are the shared behaviors of people trying to hack my website?
  • Recommending Content - If users bought this type of gardening gloves, what other products might they be interested in?
  • Identifying Relationships - Which people on Stack Overflow have expertise in both Hadoop-related technologies and python-related tech?

Graph lets users leverage the relevance and distributed query execution capabilities of Elasticsearch — and we look forward to telling you how.

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