Mitigate security risks by solving your hidden data challenges

Your organization has data stored all over. With that comes increased potential points of failure and elevated risk for monetary and reputational loss. Because of increasing attack surfaces and sophisticated security threats, security teams need to analyze every security event to keep your organization and customers protected, remain in compliance, and avoid reputational loss.

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Unfortunately, your current tools aren't working

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    Slow time to results

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    Inflexible architecture

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    Disconnected workflows

Opting for point solutions like log monitoring, APM, SIEM may seem strategic for mitigating security risk, but it can lead to drawbacks that ultimately impact your security posture. But don't worry! There's a better solution.

  • Find answers quickly

    Clunky point solutions and data lakes are slow process and correlate data. This can end up leaving you vulnerable. You need a solution that can process and correlate data quickly and accurately to detect threats and thwart attacks at scale.

  • Use all of your data

    Your data isn't all in one place. And your teams need to be able to monitor all environments to detect threats. Traditional point solutions and data lakes make it difficult to use all of your data at the same time. Mitigate security risk, no matter where your data lives with a flexible architecture.
  • Connect workflows

    Point solutions are built for one purpose. Data lakes lack out-of-the-box solutions. Using them together, you get disjointed workflows, data discrepancies, and blind spots. This can lead to security breaches. You need connected workflows to get the answers and outcomes you need when you need them.

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