France public sector
Preserve data for digital reform
French government and research institutions use Elastic to centralize and secure their data. Find out why.

See our solutions in action
Customer spotlight
"Elastic gives us the ability to verify the precision and compliance of commercial fishing declarations compared with actual recorded events."
Customer spotlight
"The monitoring tasks we perform are data access and distribution, data processing, and services health and performance, with dedicated dashboards for each of these areas."
Customer spotlight
"We're collecting several billion log records from our endpoints and network sensors. All the data we need in order to detect anomalies, we now have in our hands."
Top-of-mind topics
Learn how Elastic provides organizations with limitless telemetry in a Zero Trust Architecture.
Limitless eXtended Detection and Response (XDR) empowers analysts to stop threats at scale.
Hear from Elastic’s CEO about our important work in the public sector.
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