Delete shutdown APIedit

This feature is designed for indirect use by Elasticsearch Service, Elastic Cloud Enterprise, and Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes. Direct use is not supported.

Cancels shutdown preparations or clears a shutdown request so a node can resume normal operations.


DELETE _nodes/<node-id>/shutdown



Enables a node to resume normal operations following a put shutdown request. You must explicitly clear the shutdown request when a node rejoins the cluster, regardless of the shutdown type.

Path parametersedit

(Optional, string) The ID of a node that you prepared for shut down.

Query parametersedit

(Optional, time units) Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s.
(Optional, time units) Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s.


Prepare a node to be restarted:

PUT /_nodes/USpTGYaBSIKbgSUJR2Z9lg/shutdown
  "type": "restart",
  "reason": "Demonstrating how the node shutdown API works"

Cancel the shutdown preparations or clear the shutdown request after restarting:

DELETE /_nodes/USpTGYaBSIKbgSUJR2Z9lg/shutdown

Which returns the following response:

    "acknowledged": true