
Connecting to Elasticsearch with Elasticsearch.Net is quite easy but has a few toggles and options worth knowing.

Choosing the right connection strategyedit

If you simply new an ElasticsearchClient, it will be a non-failover connection to http://localhost:9200

var client = new ElasticsearchClient();

If your Elasticsearch node does not live at http://localhost:9200 but i.e, then you will need to pass in some instance of IConnectionConfigurationValues.

The easiest way to do this is:

var node = new Uri("");
var config = new ConnectionConfiguration(node);
var client = new ElasticsearchClient(config);

This however is still a non-failover connection. Meaning if that node goes down the operation will not be retried on any other nodes in the cluster.

To get a failover connection we have to pass an IConnectionPool instance instead of a Uri.

var node = new Uri("");
var connectionPool = new SniffingConnectionPool(new[] { node });
var config = new ConnectionConfiguration(connectionPool);
var client = new ElasticsearchClient(config);

Here instead of directly passing node, we pass a SniffingConnectionPool which will use our node to find out the rest of the available cluster nodes.

Be sure to read more about Connection Pooling and Cluster Failover here


Besides either passing a Uri or IConnectionPool to ConnectionConfiguration, you can also fluently control many more options. For instance:

var config = new ConnectionConfiguration(connectionPool)
    .SetBasicAuthentication("user", "pass")

The following is a list of available connection configuration options:

Disable automatic proxy detection. Defaults to true.
Enable compressed responses from Elasticsearch (Note that nodes need to be configured to allow this. See the http module settings for more info.
Enable more meta data to be returned per API call about requests (ping, sniff, failover, and general stats).
Will cause Elasticsearch.Net to write connection debug information on the TRACE output of your application.
By default responses are deserialized off stream to the object you tell it to. For debugging purposes it can be very useful to keep a copy of the raw response on the result object.
var result = client.Search<MySearchObject>(....);
var obj = result.Response;
//This will only have a value if the client configuration
//has ExposeRawResponse set
var raw = result.ResponseRaw;

this only make sense if you need a mapped response and the raw response at the same time. If you need a string or byte[] response simply call:

var result = client.Search<string>(...);
Allows you to pass a Action<IElasticsearchResponse> that can eaves drop every time a response (good or bad) is created. If you have complex logging needs this is a good place to add that in.
Allows you to set querystring parameters that have to be added to every request. For instance, if you use a hosted elasticserch provider, and you need need to pass an apiKey parameter onto every request.
The default HttpConnection is unbounded in how many async connection it will start. Do note that the HttpConnection does not use any threads. If you need to throttle this you can use this setting. For other IConnection implemenations, it can also be a hint to how many persistant connections it should hold, i.e the ThriftConnection listens to this.
Sets proxy information on the connection.
Sets the global maximum time a connection may take. Please note that this is the request timeout, the builtin .NET WebRequest has no way to set connection timeouts (see the MSDN documentation on WebRequest).
As an alternative to the C/go like error checking on response.IsValid, you can instead tell the client to always throw an ElasticsearchServerException when a call resulted in an exception on the Elasticsearch server. Reasons for such exceptions could be search parser errors and index missing exceptions.
Appends pretty=true to all the requests. Handy if you are debugging or listening to the requests with i.e fiddler. This setting can be safely used in conjuction with SetGlobalQueryStringParameters.
Sets the HTTP basic authentication credentials to specify with all requests.

This can alternatively be specified on the node URI directly:

var uri = new Uri("http://username:password@localhost:9200");
var config = new ConnectionConfiguration(uri);

…​but may become tedious when using connection pooling with multiple nodes.

Configuring SSLedit

SSL must be configured outside of the client using .NET’s ServicePointManager class and setting the ServerCertificateValidationCallback property.

The bare minimum to make .NET accept self-signed SSL certs that are not in the Window’s CA store would be to have the callback simply return true:

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, errors) => true;

However, this will accept all requests from the AppDomain to untrusted SSL sites, therefore we recommend doing some minimal introspection on the passed in certificate.