Bucket aggregations


Bucket aggregationsedit

Global Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Global Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:


Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.global.Global;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Global agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");
agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count

Filter Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Filter Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

    .filter("agg", QueryBuilders.termQuery("gender", "male"));

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.filter.Filter;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Filter agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");
agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count

Filters Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Filters Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =
            new FiltersAggregator.KeyedFilter("men", QueryBuilders.termQuery("gender", "male")),
            new FiltersAggregator.KeyedFilter("women", QueryBuilders.termQuery("gender", "female")));

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.filters.Filters;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Filters agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry
for (Filters.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {
    String key = entry.getKeyAsString();            // bucket key
    long docCount = entry.getDocCount();            // Doc count
    logger.info("key [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, docCount);

This will basically produce:

key [men], doc_count [4982]
key [women], doc_count [5018]

Missing Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Missing Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:


Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.missing.Missing;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Missing agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");
agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count

Nested Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Nested Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

    .nested("agg", "resellers");

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.nested.Nested;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Nested agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");
agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count

Reverse Nested Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Reverse Nested Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =
        .nested("agg", "resellers")

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.nested.Nested;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.nested.ReverseNested;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.Terms;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Nested agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");
Terms name = agg.getAggregations().get("name");
for (Terms.Bucket bucket : name.getBuckets()) {
    ReverseNested resellerToProduct = bucket.getAggregations().get("reseller_to_product");
    resellerToProduct.getDocCount(); // Doc count

Children Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Children Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =
        .children("agg", "reseller"); 
  1. "agg" is the name of the aggregation and "reseller" is the child type

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.join.aggregations.Children;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Children agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");
agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count

Terms Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Terms Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:


Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.Terms;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Terms genders = sr.getAggregations().get("genders");

// For each entry
for (Terms.Bucket entry : genders.getBuckets()) {
    entry.getKey();      // Term
    entry.getDocCount(); // Doc count


Ordering the buckets by their doc_count in an ascending manner:


Ordering the buckets alphabetically by their terms in an ascending manner:


Ordering the buckets by single value metrics sub-aggregation (identified by the aggregation name):

    .order(Terms.Order.aggregation("avg_height", false))

Significant Terms Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Significant Terms Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =

// Let say you search for men only
SearchResponse sr = client.prepareSearch()
        .setQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery("gender", "male"))

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.significant.SignificantTerms;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
SignificantTerms agg = sr.getAggregations().get("significant_countries");

// For each entry
for (SignificantTerms.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {
    entry.getKey();      // Term
    entry.getDocCount(); // Doc count

Range Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Range Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =
                .addUnboundedTo(1.0f)               // from -infinity to 1.0 (excluded)
                .addRange(1.0f, 1.5f)               // from 1.0 to 1.5 (excluded)
                .addUnboundedFrom(1.5f);            // from 1.5 to +infinity

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.Range;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Range agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry
for (Range.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {
    String key = entry.getKeyAsString();             // Range as key
    Number from = (Number) entry.getFrom();          // Bucket from
    Number to = (Number) entry.getTo();              // Bucket to
    long docCount = entry.getDocCount();    // Doc count

    logger.info("key [{}], from [{}], to [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, from, to, docCount);

This will basically produce for the first example:

key [*-1.0], from [-Infinity], to [1.0], doc_count [9]
key [1.0-1.5], from [1.0], to [1.5], doc_count [21]
key [1.5-*], from [1.5], to [Infinity], doc_count [20]

Date Range Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Date Range Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =
                .addUnboundedTo("1950")    // from -infinity to 1950 (excluded)
                .addRange("1950", "1960")  // from 1950 to 1960 (excluded)
                .addUnboundedFrom("1960"); // from 1960 to +infinity

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.Range;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Range agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry
for (Range.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {
    String key = entry.getKeyAsString();                // Date range as key
    DateTime fromAsDate = (DateTime) entry.getFrom();   // Date bucket from as a Date
    DateTime toAsDate = (DateTime) entry.getTo();       // Date bucket to as a Date
    long docCount = entry.getDocCount();                // Doc count

    logger.info("key [{}], from [{}], to [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, fromAsDate, toAsDate, docCount);

This will basically produce:

key [*-1950], from [null], to [1950-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], doc_count [8]
key [1950-1960], from [1950-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], to [1960-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], doc_count [5]
key [1960-*], from [1960-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], to [null], doc_count [37]

Ip Range Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Ip Range Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregatorBuilder<?> aggregation =
                .addUnboundedTo("")             // from -infinity to (excluded)
                .addRange("", "")    // from to (excluded)
                .addUnboundedFrom("");          // from to +infinity

Note that you could also use ip masks as ranges:

AggregatorBuilder<?> aggregation =

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.Range;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Range agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry
for (Range.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {
    String key = entry.getKeyAsString();            // Ip range as key
    String fromAsString = entry.getFromAsString();  // Ip bucket from as a String
    String toAsString = entry.getToAsString();      // Ip bucket to as a String
    long docCount = entry.getDocCount();            // Doc count

    logger.info("key [{}], from [{}], to [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, fromAsString, toAsString, docCount);

This will basically produce for the first example:

key [*-], from [null], to [], doc_count [13]
key [], from [], to [], doc_count [14]
key [*], from [], to [null], doc_count [23]

And for the second one (using Ip masks):

key [], from [], to [], doc_count [0]
key [], from [], to [], doc_count [13]
key [], from [], to [], doc_count [50]

Histogram Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Histogram Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.histogram.Histogram;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Histogram agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry
for (Histogram.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {
    Number key = (Number) entry.getKey();   // Key
    long docCount = entry.getDocCount();    // Doc count

    logger.info("key [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, docCount);

Date Histogram Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Date Histogram Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =

Or if you want to set an interval of 10 days:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.histogram.Histogram;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Histogram agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry
for (Histogram.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {
    DateTime key = (DateTime) entry.getKey();    // Key
    String keyAsString = entry.getKeyAsString(); // Key as String
    long docCount = entry.getDocCount();         // Doc count

    logger.info("key [{}], date [{}], doc_count [{}]", keyAsString, key.getYear(), docCount);

This will basically produce for the first example:

key [1942-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [1942], doc_count [1]
key [1945-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [1945], doc_count [1]
key [1946-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [1946], doc_count [1]
key [2005-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [2005], doc_count [1]
key [2007-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [2007], doc_count [2]
key [2008-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [2008], doc_count [3]

Geo Distance Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Geo Distance Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =
                .geoDistance("agg", new GeoPoint(48.84237171118314,2.33320027692004))
                .addRange(3.0, 10.0)
                .addRange(10.0, 500.0);

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.Range;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
Range agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry
for (Range.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {
    String key = entry.getKeyAsString();    // key as String
    Number from = (Number) entry.getFrom(); // bucket from value
    Number to = (Number) entry.getTo();     // bucket to value
    long docCount = entry.getDocCount();    // Doc count

    logger.info("key [{}], from [{}], to [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, from, to, docCount);

This will basically produce:

key [*-3.0], from [0.0], to [3.0], doc_count [161]
key [3.0-10.0], from [3.0], to [10.0], doc_count [460]
key [10.0-500.0], from [10.0], to [500.0], doc_count [4925]

Geo Hash Grid Aggregationedit

Here is how you can use Geo Hash Grid Aggregation with Java API.

Prepare aggregation requestedit

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

AggregationBuilder aggregation =

Use aggregation responseedit

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.geogrid.GeoHashGrid;
// sr is here your SearchResponse object
GeoHashGrid agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry
for (GeoHashGrid.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {
    String keyAsString = entry.getKeyAsString(); // key as String
    GeoPoint key = (GeoPoint) entry.getKey();    // key as geo point
    long docCount = entry.getDocCount();         // Doc count

    logger.info("key [{}], point {}, doc_count [{}]", keyAsString, key, docCount);

This will basically produce:

key [gbqu], point [47.197265625, -1.58203125], doc_count [1282]
key [gbvn], point [50.361328125, -4.04296875], doc_count [1248]
key [u1j0], point [50.712890625, 7.20703125], doc_count [1156]
key [u0j2], point [45.087890625, 7.55859375], doc_count [1138]