Implementing your own Serializeredit

If you want to use your own custom serializer, you need to implement the SerializerInterface interface. Please keep in mind that the client uses a single Serializer object for all endpoints and all connections.

class MyCustomSerializer implements SerializerInterface

     * Serialize request body
     * @param string|array $data Request body
     * @return string
    public function serialize($data)
        // code here

     * Deserialize response body
     * @param string $data Response body
     * @param array  $headers Response Headers
     * @return array|string
    public function deserialize($data, $headers)
        // code here

To then use your custom serializer, you can specify the namespace path in the setSerializer() method of the ClientBuilder object:

$client = ClientBuilder::create()

Alternatively, if your serializer has a constructor or further initialization that should occur before given to the client, you can instantiate an object and provide that instead:

$mySerializer = new MyCustomSerializer($a, $b, $c);

$client = ClientBuilder::create()