Release notesedit



Support for Elasticsearch v8.1edit

You can find all the API changes here.

Export SniffingTransport #1653edit

Now the client exports the SniffingTransport class.


Fix onFlushTimeout timer not being cleared when upstream errors #1616edit

Fixes a memory leak caused by an error in the upstream dataset of the bulk helper.

Cleanup abort listener transport/#42edit

The legacy http client was not cleaning up the abort listener, which could cause a memory leak.

Improve undici performances transport/#41edit

Improve the stream body collection and keep alive timeout.



Support for Elasticsearch v8.0edit

You can find all the API changes here.

Drop old typescript definitionsedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Medium

The current TypeScript definitions will be removed from the client, and the new definitions, which contain request and response definitions as well will be shipped by default.

Drop callback-style APIedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Large

Maintaining both API styles is not a problem per se, but it makes error handling more convoluted due to async stack traces. Moving to a full-promise API will solve this issue.

// callback-style api{ params }, { options }, (err, result) => {
 console.log(err || result)

// promise-style api{ params }, { options })

// async-style (sugar syntax on top of promises)
const response = await{ params }, { options })

If you are already using the promise-style API, this won’t be a breaking change for you.

Remove the current abort API and use the new AbortController standardedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small

The old abort API makes sense for callbacks but it’s annoying to use with promises

// callback-style api
const request ={ params }, { options }, (err, result) => {
 console.log(err) // RequestAbortedError


// promise-style api
const promise ={ params }, { options })

  .catch(console.log) // RequestAbortedError


Node v12 has added the standard AbortController API which is designed to work well with both callbacks and promises.

const ac = new AbortController(){ params }, { signal: ac.signal })
  .catch(console.log) // RequestAbortedError

Remove the body key from the requestedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small

Thanks to the new types we are developing now we know exactly where a parameter should go. The client API leaks HTTP-related notions in many places, and removing them would definitely improve the DX.

This could be a rather big breaking change, so a double solution could be used during the 8.x lifecycle. (accepting body keys without them being wrapped in the body as well as the current solution).

// from
const response = await{
  index: 'test',
  body: {
    query: {
      match_all: {}

// to
const response = await{
  index: 'test',
  query: {
    match_all: {}
Migrate to new separate transportedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small to none

The separated transport has been rewritten in TypeScript and has already dropped the callback style API. Given that now is separated, most of the Elasticsearch specific concepts have been removed, and the client will likely need to extend parts of it for reintroducing them. If you weren’t extending the internals of the client, this won’t be a breaking change for you.

The returned value of API calls is the body and not the HTTP related keysedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small

The client API leaks HTTP-related notions in many places, and removing them would definitely improve the DX. The client will expose a new request-specific option to still get the full response details.

// from
const response = await{
  index: 'test',
  body: {
    query: {
      match_all: {}
console.log(response) // { body: SearchResponse, statusCode: number, headers: object, warnings: array }

// to
const response = await{
  index: 'test',
  query: {
    match_all: {}
console.log(response) // SearchResponse

// with a bit of TypeScript and JavaScript magic...
const response = await{
  index: 'test',
  query: {
    match_all: {}
}, {
  meta: true
console.log(response) // { body: SearchResponse, statusCode: number, headers: object, warnings: array }
Use a weighted connection pooledit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small to none

Move from the current cluster connection pool to a weight-based implementation. This new implementation offers better performances and runs less code in the background, the old connection pool can still be used. If you weren’t extending the internals of the client, this won’t be a breaking change for you.

Migrate to the "undici" http clientedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small to none

By default, the HTTP client will no longer be the default Node.js HTTP client, but undici instead. Undici is a brand new HTTP client written from scratch, it offers vastly improved performances and has better support for promises. Furthermore, it offers comprehensive and predictable error handling. The old HTTP client can still be used. If you weren’t extending the internals of the client, this won’t be a breaking change for you.

Drop support for old camelCased keysedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Medium

Currently, every path or query parameter could be expressed in both snake_case and camelCase. Internally the client will convert everything to snake_case. This was done in an effort to reduce the friction of migrating from the legacy to the new client, but now it no longer makes sense. If you are already using snake_case keys, this won’t be a breaking change for you.

Rename ssl option to tlsedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small

People usually refers to this as tls, furthermore, internally we use the tls API and Node.js refers to it as tls everywhere.

// before
const client = new Client({
  node: 'https://localhost:9200',
  ssl: {
    rejectUnauthorized: false

// after
const client = new Client({
  node: 'https://localhost:9200',
  tls: {
    rejectUnauthorized: false
Remove prototype poisoning protectionedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small

Prototype poisoning protection is very useful, but it can cause performances issues with big payloads. In v8 it will be removed, and the documentation will show how to add it back with a custom serializer.

Remove client extensions APIedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Large

Nowadays the client support the entire Elasticsearch API, and the transport.request method can be used if necessary. The client extensions API have no reason to exist.

client.extend('utility.index', ({ makeRequest }) => {
  return function _index (params, options) {
    // your code


If you weren’t using client extensions, this won’t be a breaking change for you.

Move to TypeScriptedit

Breaking: No | Migration effort: None

The new separated transport is already written in TypeScript, and it makes sense that the client v8 will be fully written in TypeScript as well.

Move from emitter-like interface to a diagnostic methodedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small

Currently, the client offers a subset of methods of the EventEmitter class, v8 will ship with a diagnostic property which will be a proper event emitter.

// from
client.on('request', console.log)

// to
client.diagnostic.on('request', console.log)
Remove username & password properties from Cloud configurationedit

Breaking: Yes | Migration effort: Small

The Cloud configuration does not support ApiKey and Bearer auth, while the auth options does. There is no need to keep the legacy basic auth support in the cloud configuration.

// before
const client = new Client({
  cloud: {
    id: '<cloud-id>',
    username: 'elastic',
    password: 'changeme'

// after
const client = new Client({
  cloud: {
    id: '<cloud-id>'
  auth: {
    username: 'elastic',
    password: 'changeme'

If you are already passing the basic auth options in the auth configuration, this won’t be a breaking change for you.

Calling client.close will reject new requestsedit

Once you call client.close every new request after that will be rejected with a NoLivingConnectionsError. In-flight requests will be executed normally unless an in-flight request requires a retry, in which case it will be rejected.

Parameters renameedit
  • ilm.delete_lifecycle: policy parameter has been renamed to name
  • ilm.get_lifecycle: policy parameter has been renamed to name
  • ilm.put_lifecycle: policy parameter has been renamed to name
  • snapshot.cleanup_repository: repository parameter has been renamed to name
  • snapshot.create_repository: repository parameter has been renamed to name
  • snapshot.delete_repository: repository parameter has been renamed to name
  • snapshot.get_repository: repository parameter has been renamed to name
  • snapshot.verify_repository: repository parameter has been renamed to name
Removal of snake_cased methodsedit

The v7 client provided snake_cased methods, such as client.delete_by_query. This is no longer supported, now only camelCased method are present. So client.delete_by_query can be accessed with client.deleteByQuery