On-demand webinar

Workplace Search Fundamentals: Ingestion, tuning & user interface

Hosted by:

Tamara Rosini

Tamara Rosini

Senior Customer Success Engineer



Join Elastic experts and learn how to deliver great content search experiences. During this workshop, you’ll learn about Elastic Workplace Search — a single search experience for your teams to search across all your content platforms, such as Google Drive, Salesforce, Confluence, and more. See how quickly you can get set up based on these three main concepts: ingestion, tuning and user interface.

After this session, you will have access to hands-on lab instructions so you can practice these skills using an Elastic Cloud account.


  • Ingestion: Synchronize data to Workplace Search
  • Tuning: Optimize the search experience for different members of your organization
  • User interface: Explore the prebuilt search experience
  • Hands-on lab instructions to get started quickly provided during live session

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