On-demand webinar
Elastic at Procter & Gamble: A Network Story
Hosted by:
Andrea Fuggetta
Senior Software Engineer
Procter & Gamble
Participez à un événement Elastic officiel : vous y découvrirez d'autres témoignages semblables à celui-ci, des présentations techniques détaillées et des sessions autour de la roadmap produit de la Suite ELK. Afficher les dates »
The network team at Procter & Gamble inherited infrastructure from years of outsourcing different solutions for small problems. A central repository for data analysis was needed to churn through the high amount of data (nearly 6TB a day) coming from disparate software sources. Procter & Gamble chose Elastic, and Elastic Cloud Enterprise specifically, to unify their data. Learn how the Elastic Stack has offered speed, resiliency, and high availability to help Procter & Gamble achieve a greater understanding of their data, as well as introducing observability to their toolkit to help them be more proactive and provide better services.

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