Elasticsearch’s SQL jdbc driver is a rich, fully featured JDBC driver for Elasticsearch. It is Type 4 driver, meaning it is a platform independent, stand-alone, Direct to Database, pure Java driver that converts JDBC calls to Elasticsearch SQL.


The JDBC driver can be obtained from:

Dedicated page
elastic.co provides links, typically for manual downloads.
Maven dependency
Maven-compatible tools can retrieve it automatically as a dependency:

from Maven Central Repository, or from artifacts.elastic.co/maven by adding it to the repositories list:


Version compatibilityedit

Your driver must be compatible with your Elasticsearch server version.

The driver version cannot be newer than the Elasticsearch server version. For example, A 7.10.0 server is not compatible with 7.17.22 drivers.

Elasticsearch server version Compatible driver versions Example


  • The same version
  • An earlier 7.x version, back to 7.7.0.

A 7.10.0 server is compatible with 7.7.0-7.10.0 drivers.

7.7.0 and earlier versions

  • The same version.

A 7.6.1 server is only compatible with 7.6.1 drivers.


The driver main class is org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.jdbc.EsDriver. Note the driver implements the JDBC 4.0 Service Provider mechanism meaning it is registered automatically as long as it is available in the classpath.

Once registered, the driver understands the following syntax as an URL:

Prefix. Mandatory.
Type of HTTP connection to make. Possible values are http (default) or https. Optional.
Host (localhost by default) and port (9200 by default). Optional.
Prefix (empty by default). Typically used when hosting Elasticsearch under a certain path. Optional.
Properties for the JDBC driver. Empty by default. Optional.

The driver recognized the following properties:

timezone (default JVM timezone)
Timezone used by the driver per connection indicated by its ID. Highly recommended to set it (to, say, UTC) as the JVM timezone can vary, is global for the entire JVM and can’t be changed easily when running under a security manager.
connect.timeout (default 30000)
Connection timeout (in milliseconds). That is the maximum amount of time waiting to make a connection to the server.
network.timeout (default 60000)
Network timeout (in milliseconds). That is the maximum amount of time waiting for the network.
page.size (default 1000)
Page size (in entries). The number of results returned per page by the server.
page.timeout (default 45000)
Page timeout (in milliseconds). Minimum retention period for the scroll cursor on the server. Queries that require a stateful scroll cursor on the server side might fail after this timeout. Hence, when scrolling through large result sets, processing page.size records should not take longer than page.timeout milliseconds.
query.timeout (default 90000)
Query timeout (in milliseconds). That is the maximum amount of time waiting for a query to return.

Basic Authenticationedit

Basic Authentication user name
Basic Authentication password


ssl (default false)
Enable SSL
key store (if used) location
key store password
ssl.keystore.type (default JKS)
key store type. PKCS12 is a common, alternative format
trust store location
trust store password
ssl.truststore.type (default JKS)
trust store type. PKCS12 is a common, alternative format
ssl.protocol(default TLS)
SSL protocol to be used


Http proxy host name
SOCKS proxy host name


field.multi.value.leniency (default true)
Whether to be lenient and return the first value (without any guarantees of what that will be - typically the first in natural ascending order) for fields with multiple values (true) or throw an exception.


index.include.frozen (default false)
Whether to include frozen-indices in the query execution or not (default).



Default catalog (cluster) for queries. If unspecified, the queries execute on the data in the local cluster only.

[preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. See cross-cluster search.


validate.properties (default true)
If disabled, it will ignore any misspellings or unrecognizable properties. When enabled, an exception will be thrown if the provided property cannot be recognized.

To put all of it together, the following URL:


opens up a Elasticsearch SQL connection to server on port 3456, setting the JDBC connection timezone to UTC and its pagesize to 250 entries.