On-demand webinar

Introduction to Elastic Enterprise Search: unlock the power of your data

Hosted by:

Renee Jacobs

Renee Jacobs

Senior Solutions Architect Lead



Chances are, your organization isn’t making the most of its data. Learn how search is uniquely equipped to help you centralize and analyze data to make significant improvements in customer experience and self-service.

This short, high-level intro illustrates how Elastic Enterprise Search can help you address common issues across organizations: information and data sprawl, dependencies on technical teams, and machine learning to scale insights.

Discover why thousands of the world’s leading enterprises use Elastic and the reasons developers consider Elastic the gold standard for building search applications.


  • Enterprise search market trends
  • Impact of faster, relevant search: Double conversion rates and drive customer satisfaction and sales
  • Introduction to Elastic's platform for Enterprise Search
  • Business outcomes driven by Elastic
  • Customer use cases, such as custom search apps, ecommerce, customer success, and more

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