On-demand webinar

Geospatial Advancements in Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene

Hosted by

Nick Knize

Geospatial Software Engineer


Participez à un événement Elastic officiel : vous y découvrirez d'autres témoignages semblables à celui-ci, des présentations techniques détaillées et des sessions autour de la roadmap produit de la Suite ELK. Afficher les dates »


Geospatial data structures in Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene have been evolving and improving at a rapid pace. Learn how Elastic has simplified the geospatial indexing, search, and analytics use case by advancing the state of geo in Apache Lucene and Elasticsearch. From new spatial indexing strategies and performance improvements in Lucene to changes in geospatial field mappings in Elasticsearch, take a journey through the world of spatial and multi-dimensional indexing and search in the Elastic Stack.

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