Keep a pulse of all log files flowing in from your servers, virtual machines, and containers in a purpose-built and intuitive interface for viewing logs. Pin structured fields and explore related logs without leaving your current screen. Dive into your real-time streaming logs in Kibana for a console-like experience.
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From zero to start, explore this 15 minute lab to master the basics and get started quickly on Elasticsearch. Learn how to ingest and parse your data with precision, explore patterns, and create interactive visualizations.

Get value from logs
Observability 101: Lesson 1 of 4 — Learn the basics of logs and how to derive value by leveraging KQL and ES|QL, creating visualizations and anomaly detection jobs. By the end of this 15 minute Elastic Observability lab, you’ll be able to ask a question about your logs and return an answer.

Ingesting logs, metrics, and traces with OpenTelemetry
Observability 101: Lesson 2 of 4 — Get started with Elastic Observability by onboarding logs, metrics and traces using Elastic Distribution for OpenTelemetry (EDOT). In this 15 minute lab, use the opentelemetry (otel) collector to provide structure and definition to logs.