Product release

Logstash 2.2.1 Released


[This post has been updated to include 2.1.3 release]

We are happy to announce that Logstash version 2.2.1 and 2.1.3 has been released today! Jump to the downloads page for the binaries, where you can also find the full list of changes for 2.2.1 and 2.1.3 here.

Bug Fixes

These are bug fix releases, some of which we highlight below:

Reinstating --filterworkers CLI option

In 2.2.0, we re-architected the pipeline to have both filters and outputs execute in the same thread/worker unit, and introduced an option (--pipeline-workers) to configure them. Inadvertently, we removed an existing CLI option --filterworkers which has been used to control the number of threads used for filter stage. In 2.2.1, we've reinstated this flag, and made it an alias to configure pipeline workers. This option (--filterworkers) has also been marked deprecated, and will be removed in the next major version. Please note that the short option -w will continue to work in both 2.2.0 and future versions. Our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.

Flushing issue in new pipeline

Fixed a bug where filters that periodically flush buffered events would not work in v2.2.0. This bug affects filters like multiline, metrics, aggregate filter (#4620)


  • Elasticsearch Output: Handle full URIs in hosts parameter and improve validation for this config (#362)
  • Multiline Codec: Fixed memory leak when auto_flush config was used (#28)
  • JSON Lines codec: Improved performance by using buffered tokenizer to split on lines instead of using line codec (#17)
  • TCP Input: Improved stability by fixing a couple of defects which were previously crashing this plugin.
  • Fixed a bug where previous connection would accidentally be closed when accepting new socket connection (#34)
  • Fixed an issue with log message which used a closed socket's peer address (#35)
  • HTTP Output, HTTP Poller Input: Better keep-alive handling

Please download Logstash 2.2.1 and let us know what you think on Twitter (@elastic) or on our forum. You can report any problems on the GitHub issues page.