On-demand webinar

Data lake or data swamp? How to make intelligent decisions from your data

Hosted by:

Joe Little

Joe Little

Former Group CTO/Technology Principle

BP Group

Alex Close

Alex Close

Solutions Architect



Extracting value from data is deeply connected not only with being able to search through the data, but also making connections between different types of data, such as logs, metrics, APM data, and security event data. This is a challenge seen in any industry grappling with vast amounts of data, including energy, manufacturing, automotive, and aviation. 

Join Joe Little, an industry innovation expert who recently retired from a 30-year career as the Group Chief Technology Office Technology Principle at BP, to learn how energy companies think about data and how this approach is applicable across different business verticals. Joe will highlight key problems found in oil and gas and talk through some of the challenges of dealing with large amounts of data — including unstructured data — and how to find the insights that you seek.

With its growing family of easy-to-use hosted products for use cases such as enterprise search, observability, and security analytics, Elastic offers a number of solutions to this challenge. This dynamic session will be a combination of executive insights, advice, and real-life Elastic use cases highlighting solutions to critical business issues.


  • Data insight strategies to drive effective decision making
  • Transformational changes to business operations with Elasticsearch
  • Elastic use cases

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