
文章作者 Nick Chow

Prinicipal Product Manager, Elastic

Senior Product Manager

Nick Chow is a product person at Elastic. Before Elastic, he worked with various products that solved problems using data science. Although originally from Toronto, Nick is now based out of Vancouver, BC, where he freedives, backcountry skis, play beach volleyball, and D&D.


使用 Elastic App Search 和 Google Cloud Firestore 加速搜索体验

现在,开发人员可以借助适用于 Google Cloud Firestore 的 Elastic App Search 扩展程序,轻松地在应用程序中构建出色的搜索体验。


使用 Elastic App Search API 为您的用户构建基于搜索历史记录的功能,例如“这些文档您可能也感兴趣”功能。