welcome leslie

It's my pleasure to welcome Leslie Hawthorn (@lhawthorn) to our team joining Elasticsearch as our new Community Manager.  Leslie  is well know across the open source world spending the last decade creating, cultivating and enabling open source communities. She created the world’s first initiative to involve pre-university students in open source software development, launched Google’s #2 Developer Blog, received an O’Reilly Open Source Award in 2010 and has given a few great talks on many things open source. She’s worked as Program Manager for Google Summer of Code, Community Manager for OSU’s Open Source Lab and Community Engineering Team Manager at Red Hat.

I can certainly state Leslie truly understands the spirit of open source. I'm in the lucky position to have worked with Leslie in the past and I am even more happy to work with here again!

Given the enormous responsibility that comes with an open source project like Elasticsearch I can't really think of better fit for the role of ensuring community happiness, helping on project culture, and  organising events for devs and geeks.

"Elasticsearchers, feel the love!" 

Welcome Leslie!


ps: ...wanna join this team too? We are hiring!