Preview a transform Added in 7.2.0
Generates a preview of the results that you will get when you create a transform with the same configuration.
It returns a maximum of 100 results. The calculations are based on all the current data in the source index. It also generates a list of mappings and settings for the destination index. These values are determined based on the field types of the source index and the transform aggregations.
Path parameters
Identifier for the transform to preview. If you specify this path parameter, you cannot provide transform configuration details in the request body.
Query parameters
timeout string
Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.
dest object
Additional properties are allowed.
description string
Free text description of the transform.
frequency string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. -
pivot object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide pivot attributes Show pivot attributes object
aggregations object
Defines how to aggregate the grouped data. The following aggregations are currently supported: average, bucket script, bucket selector, cardinality, filter, geo bounds, geo centroid, geo line, max, median absolute deviation, min, missing, percentiles, rare terms, scripted metric, stats, sum, terms, top metrics, value count, weighted average.
group_by object
Defines how to group the data. More than one grouping can be defined per pivot. The following groupings are currently supported: date histogram, geotile grid, histogram, terms.
Hide group_by attribute Show group_by attribute object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
date_histogram object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide date_histogram attributes Show date_histogram attributes object
calendar_interval string
Values are
, or1y
. -
extended_bounds object
Additional properties are allowed.
hard_bounds object
Additional properties are allowed.
field string
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
fixed_interval string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. -
format string
The date format used to format
in the response. If noformat
is specified, the first date format specified in the field mapping is used. -
interval string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. -
min_doc_count number
Only returns buckets that have
number of documents. By default, all buckets between the first bucket that matches documents and the last one are returned. -
missing string
offset string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. order object | array[object]
params object
Hide params attribute Show params attribute object
Additional properties are allowed.
script object
Additional properties are allowed.
time_zone string
keyed boolean
Set to
to associate a unique string key with each bucket and return the ranges as a hash rather than an array.
geotile_grid object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide geotile_grid attributes Show geotile_grid attributes object
field string
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
precision number
shard_size number
Allows for more accurate counting of the top cells returned in the final result the aggregation. Defaults to returning
max(10,(size x number-of-shards))
buckets from each shard. -
size number
The maximum number of buckets to return.
bounds object
A geo bounding box. It can be represented in various ways:
- as 4 top/bottom/left/right coordinates
- as 2 top_left / bottom_right points
- as 2 top_right / bottom_left points
- as a WKT bounding box
One of: Additional properties are allowed.
Additional properties are allowed.
Additional properties are allowed.
Additional properties are allowed.
histogram object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide histogram attributes Show histogram attributes object
extended_bounds object
Additional properties are allowed.
hard_bounds object
Additional properties are allowed.
field string
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
interval number
The interval for the buckets. Must be a positive decimal.
min_doc_count number
Only returns buckets that have
number of documents. By default, the response will fill gaps in the histogram with empty buckets. -
missing number
The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. By default, documents without a value are ignored.
offset number
By default, the bucket keys start with 0 and then continue in even spaced steps of
. The bucket boundaries can be shifted by using theoffset
option. order object | array[object]
script object
Additional properties are allowed.
format string
keyed boolean
, returns buckets as a hash instead of an array, keyed by the bucket keys.
source object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide source attributes Show source attributes object
runtime_mappings object
Hide runtime_mappings attribute Show runtime_mappings attribute object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
fields object
For type
fetch_fields array[object]
For type
format string
A custom format for
type runtime fields. -
input_field string
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
target_field string
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
target_index string
script object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide script attributes Show script attributes object
source string
The script source.
id string
params object
Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. Use parameters instead of hard-coded values to decrease compile time.
Hide params attribute Show params attribute object
Additional properties are allowed.
options object
Hide options attribute Show options attribute object
Values are
, orlookup
query object
A query clause that retrieves a subset of data from the source index.
Additional properties are allowed.
settings object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide settings attributes Show settings attributes object
align_checkpoints boolean
Specifies whether the transform checkpoint ranges should be optimized for performance. Such optimization can align checkpoint ranges with the date histogram interval when date histogram is specified as a group source in the transform config. As a result, less document updates in the destination index will be performed thus improving overall performance.
dates_as_epoch_millis boolean
Defines if dates in the ouput should be written as ISO formatted string or as millis since epoch. epoch_millis was the default for transforms created before version 7.11. For compatible output set this value to
. -
deduce_mappings boolean
Specifies whether the transform should deduce the destination index mappings from the transform configuration.
docs_per_second number
Specifies a limit on the number of input documents per second. This setting throttles the transform by adding a wait time between search requests. The default value is null, which disables throttling.
max_page_search_size number
Defines the initial page size to use for the composite aggregation for each checkpoint. If circuit breaker exceptions occur, the page size is dynamically adjusted to a lower value. The minimum value is
and the maximum is65,536
. -
unattended boolean
, the transform runs in unattended mode. In unattended mode, the transform retries indefinitely in case of an error which means the transform never fails. Setting the number of retries other than infinite fails in validation.
sync object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide sync attribute Show sync attribute object
time object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide time attributes Show time attributes object
delay string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. -
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
retention_policy object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide retention_policy attribute Show retention_policy attribute object
time object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide time attributes Show time attributes object
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.
latest object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide latest attributes Show latest attributes object
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
200 application/json
Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide generated_dest_index attributes Show generated_dest_index attributes object
aliases object
Hide aliases attribute Show aliases attribute object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
filter object
An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.
Additional properties are allowed.
index_routing string
is_hidden boolean
, the alias is hidden. All indices for the alias must have the sameis_hidden
value. -
is_write_index boolean
, the index is the write index for the alias. -
routing string
search_routing string
mappings object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide mappings attributes Show mappings attributes object
all_field object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide all_field attributes Show all_field attributes object
date_detection boolean
dynamic string
Values are
, orfalse
. -
dynamic_date_formats array[string]
dynamic_templates array[object]
_field_names object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide _field_names attribute Show _field_names attribute object
index_field object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide index_field attribute Show index_field attribute object
_meta object
Hide _meta attribute Show _meta attribute object
Additional properties are allowed.
numeric_detection boolean
properties object
_routing object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide _routing attribute Show _routing attribute object
_size object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide _size attribute Show _size attribute object
_source object
Additional properties are allowed.
runtime object
Hide runtime attribute Show runtime attribute object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
fields object
For type
Hide fields attribute Show fields attribute object
Additional properties are allowed.
fetch_fields array[object]
For type
Additional properties are allowed.
format string
A custom format for
type runtime fields. -
input_field string
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
target_field string
Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.
target_index string
script object
Additional properties are allowed.
Values are
, orlookup
enabled boolean
subobjects boolean
_data_stream_timestamp object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide _data_stream_timestamp attribute Show _data_stream_timestamp attribute object
settings object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide settings attributes Show settings attributes object
index object
Additional properties are allowed.
mode string
routing_path string | array[string]
soft_deletes object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide soft_deletes attributes Show soft_deletes attributes object
enabled boolean
Indicates whether soft deletes are enabled on the index.
retention_lease object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide retention_lease attribute Show retention_lease attribute object
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.
sort object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide sort attributes Show sort attributes object
field string | array[string]
number_of_shards number | string
number_of_replicas number | string
number_of_routing_shards number
check_on_startup string
Values are
, orchecksum
. -
codec string
routing_partition_size number | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
hidden boolean | string
auto_expand_replicas string
merge object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide merge attribute Show merge attribute object
scheduler object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide scheduler attributes Show scheduler attributes object
max_thread_count number | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
max_merge_count number | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
search object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide search attributes Show search attributes object
idle object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide idle attribute Show idle attribute object
after string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.
slowlog object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide slowlog attributes Show slowlog attributes object
refresh_interval string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. -
max_result_window number
max_inner_result_window number
max_rescore_window number
max_docvalue_fields_search number
max_script_fields number
max_ngram_diff number
max_shingle_diff number
blocks object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide blocks attributes Show blocks attributes object
read_only boolean | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
read_only_allow_delete boolean | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
read boolean | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
write boolean | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
metadata boolean | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
max_refresh_listeners number
analyze object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide analyze attribute Show analyze attribute object
max_token_count number | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
highlight object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide highlight attribute Show highlight attribute object
max_analyzed_offset number
max_terms_count number
max_regex_length number
routing object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide routing attributes Show routing attributes object
allocation object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide allocation attributes Show allocation attributes object
enable string
Values are
, ornone
. -
include object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide include attributes Show include attributes object
_tier_preference string
_id string
initial_recovery object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide initial_recovery attribute Show initial_recovery attribute object
_id string
disk object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide disk attribute Show disk attribute object
rebalance object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide rebalance attribute Show rebalance attribute object
Values are
, ornone
gc_deletes string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. -
default_pipeline string
final_pipeline string
lifecycle object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide lifecycle attributes Show lifecycle attributes object
name string
indexing_complete boolean | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
origination_date number
If specified, this is the timestamp used to calculate the index age for its phase transitions. Use this setting if you create a new index that contains old data and want to use the original creation date to calculate the index age. Specified as a Unix epoch value in milliseconds.
parse_origination_date boolean
Set to true to parse the origination date from the index name. This origination date is used to calculate the index age for its phase transitions. The index name must match the pattern .*-{date_format}-\d+, where the date_format is yyyy.MM.dd and the trailing digits are optional. An index that was rolled over would normally match the full format, for example logs-2016.10.31-000002). If the index name doesn’t match the pattern, index creation fails.
step object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide step attribute Show step attribute object
wait_time_threshold string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.
rollover_alias string
The index alias to update when the index rolls over. Specify when using a policy that contains a rollover action. When the index rolls over, the alias is updated to reflect that the index is no longer the write index. For more information about rolling indices, see Rollover.
prefer_ilm boolean | string
Preference for the system that manages a data stream backing index (preferring ILM when both ILM and DLM are applicable for an index).
provided_name string
creation_date number | string
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
One of: Time unit for milliseconds
creation_date_string string | number
A date and time, either as a string whose format can depend on the context (defaulting to ISO 8601), or a number of milliseconds since the Epoch. Elasticsearch accepts both as input, but will generally output a string representation.
One of: Time unit for milliseconds
uuid string
version object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide version attributes Show version attributes object
created string
created_string string
verified_before_close boolean | string
format string | number
max_slices_per_scroll number
translog object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide translog attributes Show translog attributes object
sync_interval string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. -
durability string
Values are
. flush_threshold_size number | string
retention object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide retention attributes Show retention attributes object
query_string object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide query_string attribute Show query_string attribute object
lenient boolean | string Required
Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.
Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.
priority number | string
top_metrics_max_size number
analysis object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide analysis attributes Show analysis attributes object
analyzer object
char_filter object
filter object
normalizer object
tokenizer object
settings object
Additional properties are allowed.
time_series object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide time_series attributes Show time_series attributes object
start_time string | number
A date and time, either as a string whose format can depend on the context (defaulting to ISO 8601), or a number of milliseconds since the Epoch. Elasticsearch accepts both as input, but will generally output a string representation.
One of: Time unit for milliseconds
queries object
Additional properties are allowed.
similarity object
Configure custom similarity settings to customize how search results are scored.
mapping object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide mapping attributes Show mapping attributes object
coerce boolean
total_fields object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide total_fields attributes Show total_fields attributes object
limit number | string
The maximum number of fields in an index. Field and object mappings, as well as field aliases count towards this limit. The limit is in place to prevent mappings and searches from becoming too large. Higher values can lead to performance degradations and memory issues, especially in clusters with a high load or few resources.
ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit boolean | string
This setting determines what happens when a dynamically mapped field would exceed the total fields limit. When set to false (the default), the index request of the document that tries to add a dynamic field to the mapping will fail with the message Limit of total fields [X] has been exceeded. When set to true, the index request will not fail. Instead, fields that would exceed the limit are not added to the mapping, similar to dynamic: false. The fields that were not added to the mapping will be added to the _ignored field.
depth object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide depth attribute Show depth attribute object
limit number
The maximum depth for a field, which is measured as the number of inner objects. For instance, if all fields are defined at the root object level, then the depth is 1. If there is one object mapping, then the depth is 2, etc.
nested_fields object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide nested_fields attribute Show nested_fields attribute object
limit number
The maximum number of distinct nested mappings in an index. The nested type should only be used in special cases, when arrays of objects need to be queried independently of each other. To safeguard against poorly designed mappings, this setting limits the number of unique nested types per index.
nested_objects object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide nested_objects attribute Show nested_objects attribute object
limit number
The maximum number of nested JSON objects that a single document can contain across all nested types. This limit helps to prevent out of memory errors when a document contains too many nested objects.
field_name_length object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide field_name_length attribute Show field_name_length attribute object
limit number
Setting for the maximum length of a field name. This setting isn’t really something that addresses mappings explosion but might still be useful if you want to limit the field length. It usually shouldn’t be necessary to set this setting. The default is okay unless a user starts to add a huge number of fields with really long names. Default is
(no limit).
dimension_fields object
Additional properties are allowed.
Hide dimension_fields attribute Show dimension_fields attribute object
limit number
[preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.