Update a saved object Deprecated

PUT /api/saved_objects/{type}/{id}

Update the attributes for Kibana saved objects.


  • kbn-xsrf string Required

    Cross-site request forgery protection

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    An identifier for the saved object.

  • type string Required

    Valid options include visualization, dashboard, search, index-pattern, config.

application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31

Body Required

object object

Additional properties are allowed.


  • 200 application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31

    Indicates a successful call.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • 404 application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31

    Indicates the object was not found.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • 409 application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31

    Indicates a conflict error.

    Additional properties are allowed.

PUT /api/saved_objects/{type}/{id}
curl \
 --request PUT https://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/{type}/{id} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31" \
 --header "kbn-xsrf: string"
Request examples
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: string

# Payload
Response examples (200)
Response examples (404)
Response examples (409)