Get EQL search results Added in 7.9.0

POST /{index}/_eql/search

Returns search results for an Event Query Language (EQL) query. EQL assumes each document in a data stream or index corresponds to an event.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    The name of the index to scope the operation

Query parameters


Body Required

  • query string Required

    EQL query you wish to run.

  • Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

  • Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

  • Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

  • filter object | array[object]

    Query, written in Query DSL, used to filter the events on which the EQL query runs.

    One of:

    An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.

    Additional properties are allowed.

    An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

  • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

  • Allow query execution also in case of shard failures. If true, the query will keep running and will return results based on the available shards. For sequences, the behavior can be further refined using allow_partial_sequence_results

  • This flag applies only to sequences and has effect only if allow_partial_search_results=true. If true, the sequence query will return results based on the available shards, ignoring the others. If false, the sequence query will return successfully, but will always have empty results.

  • size number
  • fields object | array[object]

    Array of wildcard (*) patterns. The response returns values for field names matching these patterns in the fields property of each hit.

    One of:
    Hide attributes Show attributes object
    • field string Required

      Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

    • format string

      The format in which the values are returned.

  • Values are tail or head.

  • Hide runtime_mappings attribute Show runtime_mappings attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
      • fields object

        For type composite

        Hide fields attribute Show fields attribute object
        • * object Additional properties

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide * attribute Show * attribute object
          • type string Required

            Values are boolean, composite, date, double, geo_point, ip, keyword, long, or lookup.

      • fetch_fields array[object]

        For type lookup

        Hide fetch_fields attributes Show fetch_fields attributes object
        • field string Required

          Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

        • format string
      • format string

        A custom format for date type runtime fields.

      • Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

      • Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

      • script object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide script attributes Show script attributes object
        • source string

          The script source.

        • id string
        • params object

          Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. Use parameters instead of hard-coded values to decrease compile time.

          Hide params attribute Show params attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • lang string

          Any of:

          Values are painless, expression, mustache, or java.

        • options object
          Hide options attribute Show options attribute object
          • * string Additional properties
      • type string Required

        Values are boolean, composite, date, double, geo_point, ip, keyword, long, or lookup.

  • By default, the response of a sample query contains up to 10 samples, with one sample per unique set of join keys. Use the size parameter to get a smaller or larger set of samples. To retrieve more than one sample per set of join keys, use the max_samples_per_key parameter. Pipes are not supported for sample queries.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id string
    • is_partial boolean

      If true, the response does not contain complete search results.

    • is_running boolean

      If true, the search request is still executing.

    • took number

      Time unit for milliseconds

    • timed_out boolean

      If true, the request timed out before completion.

    • hits object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide hits attributes Show hits attributes object
      • total object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide total attributes Show total attributes object
      • events array[object]

        Contains events matching the query. Each object represents a matching event.

        Hide events attributes Show events attributes object
        • _index string Required
        • _id string Required
        • _source object Required

          Original JSON body passed for the event at index time.

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • missing boolean

          Set to true for events in a timespan-constrained sequence that do not meet a given condition.

        • fields object
          Hide fields attribute Show fields attribute object
          • * array[object] Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

      • sequences array[object]

        Contains event sequences matching the query. Each object represents a matching sequence. This parameter is only returned for EQL queries containing a sequence.

        Hide sequences attributes Show sequences attributes object
        • events array[object] Required

          Contains events matching the query. Each object represents a matching event.

          Hide events attributes Show events attributes object
          • _index string Required
          • _id string Required
          • _source object Required

            Original JSON body passed for the event at index time.

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • missing boolean

            Set to true for events in a timespan-constrained sequence that do not meet a given condition.

          • fields object
        • join_keys array[object]

          Shared field values used to constrain matches in the sequence. These are defined using the by keyword in the EQL query syntax.

          Additional properties are allowed.

    • shard_failures array[object]

      Contains information about shard failures (if any), in case allow_partial_search_results=true

      Hide shard_failures attributes Show shard_failures attributes object
      • index string
      • node string
      • reason object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
        • type string Required

          The type of error

        • reason string

          A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

        • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

        • root_cause array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • suppressed array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

      • shard number Required
      • status string
POST /{index}/_eql/search
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_eql/search \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"query\": \"\"\"\n    process where ( == \"cmd.exe\" and != 2013)\n  \"\"\"\n}"'
Request examples
Run `GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search` to search for events that have a `` of `cmd.exe` and a `` other than `2013`.
  "query": """
    process where ( == "cmd.exe" and != 2013)
Run `GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search` to search for a sequence of events. The sequence starts with an event with an `event.category` of `file`, a `` of `cmd.exe`, and a `` other than `2013`. It is followed by an event with an `event.category` of `process` and a `process.executable` that contains the substring `regsvr32`. These events must also share the same `` value.
  "query": """
    sequence by
      [ file where == "cmd.exe" and != 2013 ]
      [ process where stringContains(process.executable, "regsvr32") ]