




This Week in Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene - 2019-06-28

Elasticsearch and Kibana 7.2.0 on the Azure Marketplace

Supporting nanosecond timestamps in Elasticsearch

Find out how our engineers refactored the Elasticsearch code base to support nanosecond timestamps for logging events at a higher resolution than milliseconds.

Tips for interviewing at Elastic

Catching Petya: How Endgame Protects Against Another Global Attack

Monitoring Linux software RAID metrics with Metricbeat and Elasticsearch

Quickstart your Elastic Cloud deployment with our new consulting package

Our new Cloud Launch consulting package helps get your cloud clusters up and running faster and more efficiently.

Introducing Kibana feature controls: Curating and securing feature access

Control which Kibana features are available using spaces and role-based access control.

Beats 7.2.0 released: scripted processing and various new integrations across the security analytics, cloud native, and Windows ecosystems.

Beats 7.2.0 is here! Learn about scripted processing and various new integrations across the security analytics, cloud native, and Windows ecosystems.