Vector Database

Introducing the sparse vector query: Searching sparse vectors with inference or precomputed query vectors
Vector Database

Introducing the sparse vector query: Searching sparse vectors with inference or precomputed query vectors

Introducing the sparse vector query, powering sparse vector search in the future

Kathleen DeRusso

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Bit vectors in Elasticsearch
Vector Database

Bit vectors in Elasticsearch

What are bit vectors and how to use them in Elasticsearch

Benjamin Trent

semantic_text with Amazon Bedrock
IntegrationsHow ToGenerative AIVector Database

semantic_text with Amazon Bedrock

Using semantic_text new feature, and AWS Bedrock as inference endpoint service

Gustavo Llermaly

Elasticsearch open inference API adds Amazon Bedrock support
IntegrationsHow ToGenerative AIVector Database

Elasticsearch open inference API adds Amazon Bedrock support

Elasticsearch open inference API adds support for embeddings generated from models hosted on Amazon Bedrock."

Mark Hoy

Hemant Malik

Playground: Experiment with RAG using Bedrock Anthropic Models and Elasticsearch in minutes
Vector DatabaseHow ToGenerative AI

Playground: Experiment with RAG using Bedrock Anthropic Models and Elasticsearch in minutes

Playground is a low code interface for developers to explore grounding LLMs of their choice with their own private data, in minutes.

Joe McElroy

Aditya Tripathi

Playground: Experiment with RAG applications with Elasticsearch in minutes
Vector DatabaseHow ToGenerative AI

Playground: Experiment with RAG applications with Elasticsearch in minutes

Playground is a low code interface for developers to explore grounding LLMs of their choice with their own private data, in minutes.

Joe McElroy

Serena Chou

Elasticsearch vs. OpenSearch: Vector Search Performance Comparison
Vector DatabaseGenerative AILucene

Elasticsearch vs. OpenSearch: Vector Search Performance Comparison

Elasticsearch is out-of-the-box 2x–12x faster than OpenSearch for vector search

Ugo Sangiorgi

Elasticsearch new semantic_text mapping: Simplifying semantic search
Vector Database

Elasticsearch new semantic_text mapping: Simplifying semantic search

Using the new semantic_text field type and semantic query for simplifying semantic search in Elasticsearch

Carlos Delgado

Mike Pellegrini

Enhancing recommendations with geo-semantic search in Elasticsearch
How ToVector Database

Enhancing recommendations with geo-semantic search in Elasticsearch

Explore Elasticsearch's hybrid geo-semantic search capabilities and learn how to integrate geographical & semantic search to enhance recommendations.

Lily Adler

Designing for large scale vector search with Elasticsearch
Vector Database

Designing for large scale vector search with Elasticsearch

Part 1: High-fidelity dense vector search in Elasticsearch. Learn how we achieve a 75% memory reduction without impacting search quality.

Jim Ferenczi