Keeping up with Kibana: This week in Kibana for May 14, 2018

Welcome to Keeping up with Kibana! This is a series of posts on new developments in the Kibana project and any related learning resources and events.

We had a Kibana all-hands meeting this week. Each team gave a presentation on the main projects they are working on. The all-hands meeting provides the team a good opportunity to understand what we’re doing across the team and to get aligned on the priorities, plans, and timelines. Going forward, we will have an all-hands every 5 weeks.

TypeScript support

The Platform team has begun to work on first-class TypeScript support in Kibana. Supporting TypeScript is necessary for rolling out the new Kibana Platform roadmap and for supporting greenfield plugin development, such as the Infra app. There won’t  be an immediate impact on the team because ECMAScript will continue to compile as it always has. Once support of TypeScript is complete, the Platform team will communicate about the roll out and usage.  

Laying the foundation for a new platform

The Platform team has completed a new platform rollout roadmap and is working on the foundation for rolling out the new platform.

Kibana localization

Our localization project is making progress. We’re finishing up the technical guide and starting to build the Angular wrapper.

Making progress in security

The Security team is moving fast with RBAC. We’re finalizing the internal design, writing tests, and beginning to document the changes. The team continues to make progress on the Spaces implementation and began Reactifying the Role management page.

Focusing on accessibility

The Design team is making big progress on the Accessibility project.


We’re almost ready for our 6.3 release! QA continues to test 6.3.


  • Make schema async, and plugin discovery expose raw package jsons #18926
  • Functional test runner changes through kbn-test package #18568
  • Fix timing issue with esArchiver that causes it to fail when a snapshot is in progress #18624


  • Clean up time range handling in embeddables 17718
  • Change KuiContextMenu to EuiContextMenu 17621
  • Display disabled control when index pattern no longer exists 18931
  • Fix arrows used to modify control order 18929


  • Allow splitting series on multiple fields (#17855)
  • Add EditorOptionsGroup component (for Reactifying the existing editors) (#18812, #18917)
  • Don't deep clone vis in courier request handler (#19069)
  • Fix missing value display for number fields (#16644)
  • Replace _term order in terms agg by _key (due to deprecation in ES) (#19032)


  • Do not error on optional properties in watcher slack action 19034