
文章作者 Anurag Gupta

Cloud Product Manager, Elastic

Cloud Product Manager

Anurag is a product manager on the Elastic Cloud Team, working on Elasticsearch Service, Elastic Cloud Enterprise (ECE), and Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes. He has worked on a range of products that empower IT and developers to solve issues faster and transition to cloud native environments.


Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) 1.0 现已正式发布

我们非常自豪地宣布,Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) 公测版的测试工作已经结束,现在正式发布。


在 Kubernetes 上运行 Elasticsearch:开启新篇章


宣布整个 Elastic Cloud 通过 SOC 2 类型 2 认证和 CSA STAR 认证

Elastic 宣布整个 Elastic Cloud 及其系列 SaaS 产品/服务通过 SOC 2 类型 2 认证和 CSA STAR 认证。


如何在 Elasticsearch 服务上部署热温日志集群