

An account is the entity that owns deployments, and it is accessed by users. Accounts are isolated from each other.


id (string, required)
The account's identifier
trust (AccountTrustSettings)
Settings related to the level of trust of the clusters in this account


   "id" : "string",
   "trust" : {
      "trust_all" : true


The trust relationship with the clusters of one account.


account_id (string, required)
the ID of the Account
name (string)
A human readable name of the trust relationship
trust_all (boolean, required)
If true, all clusters in this account will by default be trusted and the trust_allowlist is ignored.
trust_allowlist (array[string])
The list of clusters to trust. Only used when trust_all is false.


   "account_id" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "trust_all" : true,
   "trust_allowlist" : [


Settings related to the level of trust of the clusters in this account


trust_all (boolean, required)
If true, all clusters in this account will by default trust all other clusters in the same account


   "trust_all" : true


A request to update an account


trust (AccountTrustSettings)
Settings related to the level of trust of the clusters in this account


   "trust" : {
      "trust_all" : true


As part of the upgrade plan, identifies the move requests for the Kibana instances or APM Servers on the allocators.


allocator_down (boolean)
Tells the infrastructure that all instances on the allocator should be considered as permanently down when deciding how to migrate data to new nodes. If left blank then the system will auto-decide (currently: will treat the allocator as up)
from (string, required)
The allocator id off which all instances in the cluster should be moved
to (array[string])
An optional list of allocator ids to which the instance(s) should be moved. If not specified then any available allocator can be used (including the current one if it is healthy)


   "allocator_down" : true,
   "from" : "string",
   "to" : [


The response model for an API key.


creation_date (string as date-time, required)
The date/time for when the API key is created.
description (string, required)
The API key description. TIP: Useful when you have multiple API keys.
expiration_date (string as date-time)
The date/time when the API key expires.
id (string, required)
The API key ID.
key (string)
The API key. TIP: Since the API key is returned only once, save it in a safe place.
organization_id (string)
The organization ID linked to the API key
user_id (string)
The user ID.


   "creation_date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "description" : "string",
   "expiration_date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "id" : "string",
   "key" : "string",
   "organization_id" : "string",
   "user_id" : "string"


The response model for the API keys.


keys (array[ApiKeyResponse], required)
The list of API keys.


   "keys" : [
         "creation_date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "description" : "string",
         "expiration_date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "id" : "string",
         "key" : "string",
         "organization_id" : "string",
         "user_id" : "string"


Holds diagnostics for an APM resource


backend_plan (object, required)
The backend plan as JSON
display_name (string, required)
The human readable name (defaults to the generated cluster id if not specified)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The user-specified id of the Elasticsearch Cluster that this will link to
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id


   "backend_plan" : {},
   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "ref_id" : "string"


The configuration options for the APM Server.


docker_image (string)
A docker URI that allows overriding of the default docker image specified for this version
system_settings (ApmSystemSettings)
A structure that defines a curated subset of the APM Server settings. TIP: To define the complete set of APM Server setting, use ApmSystemSettings with user_settings_override_ and user_settings_.
user_settings_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_yaml' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (This field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Apm settings)
user_settings_override_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_yaml' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Apm settings)
user_settings_override_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_json' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Apm settings)
user_settings_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_json' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (These field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Apm settings)
version (string)
The version of the Apm cluster (must be one of the ECE supported versions, and won't work unless it matches the APM version. Leave blank to auto-detect version.)


   "docker_image" : "string",
   "system_settings" : {
      "debug_enabled" : true,
      "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
      "kibana_url" : "string",
      "secret_token" : "string"
   "user_settings_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
   "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


The response to an APM CRUD (create/update-plan) request.


apm_id (string)
For an operation creating or updating an APM server, the Id of that server
diagnostics (object)
If the endpoint is called with URL param 'validate_only=true', then this contains advanced debug info (the internal plan representation)
secret_token (string, required)
The secret token for accessing the server


   "apm_id" : "string",
   "diagnostics" : {},
   "secret_token" : "string"


The overview information for the APM Server.


apm_server_mode (string; allowed values: [standalone, managed])
The mode APM is operating in.
deployment_id (string)
The id of the deployment that this APM Server belongs to.
elasticsearch_cluster (TargetElasticsearchCluster, required)
Information about the specified Elasticsearch cluster.
external_links (array[ExternalHyperlink], required)
External resources related to the APM
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the APM is healthy or not (one or more of the info subsections will have healthy: false)
id (string, required)
The id of the APM
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation
metadata (ClusterMetadataInfo)
Information about the public and internal state, and the configuration settings of an Elasticsearch cluster.
name (string, required)
The name of the APM
plan_info (ApmPlansInfo, required)
Information about current, pending, and past APM Server plans.
region (string)
The region that this APM belongs to. Only populated in SaaS or federated ECE.
settings (ApmSettings)
The cluster metadata settings for the APM
status (string; allowed values: [initializing, stopping, stopped, rebooting, restarting, reconfiguring, started], required)
APM status
topology (ClusterTopologyInfo, required)
The topology for Elasticsearch clusters, multiple Kibana instances, or multiple APM Servers. The ClusterTopologyInfo also includes the instances and containers, and where they are located.


   "apm_server_mode" : "string",
   "deployment_id" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
      "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "external_links" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "label" : "string",
         "uri" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "id" : "string",
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "metadata" : {
      "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
      "aliased_url" : "string",
      "cloud_id" : "string",
      "endpoint" : "string",
      "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "ports" : {
         "http" : 0,
         "https" : 0,
         "transport_passthrough" : 0
      "raw" : {},
      "service_url" : "string",
      "services_urls" : [
            "service" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "version" : 0
   "name" : "string",
   "plan_info" : {
      "current" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "apm" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "apm" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "history" : [
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "apm" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "apm" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "pending" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "apm" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "apm" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"
   "status" : "string",
   "topology" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "instances" : [
            "allocator_id" : "string",
            "container_started" : true,
            "disk" : {
               "disk_space_available" : 0,
               "disk_space_used" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "healthy" : true,
            "instance_configuration" : {
               "config_version" : 0,
               "id" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "resource" : "string"
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "instance_overrides" : {
               "capacity" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "maintenance_mode" : true,
            "memory" : {
               "instance_capacity" : 0,
               "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
               "memory_pressure" : 0,
               "native_memory_pressure" : 0
            "node_roles" : [
            "service_roles" : [
            "service_running" : true,
            "service_version" : "string",
            "zone" : "string"


An APM creation request paired with the alias of the Elasticsearch cluster it should be paired with


display_name (string)
The human readable name for the APM cluster (default: takes the name of its Elasticsearch cluster)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
Alias to the Elasticsearch Cluster to attach APM to
plan (ApmPlan, required)
The plan for the APM Server.
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id for APM
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists
settings (ApmSettings)
The settings for building this APM cluster


   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "plan" : {
      "apm" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "debug_enabled" : true,
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
            "kibana_url" : "string",
            "secret_token" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "apm" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"


The plan for the APM Server.


apm (ApmConfiguration, required)
The configuration options for the APM Server.
cluster_topology (array[ApmTopologyElement])
transient (TransientApmPlanConfiguration)
Defines the configuration parameters that control how the plan is applied. For example, the Elasticsearch cluster topology and APM Server settings.


   "apm" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "debug_enabled" : true,
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
         "kibana_url" : "string",
         "secret_token" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "cluster_topology" : [
         "apm" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "debug_enabled" : true,
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "kibana_url" : "string",
               "secret_token" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
         "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
         "size" : {
            "resource" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "zone_count" : 0
   "transient" : {
      "plan_configuration" : {
         "calm_wait_time" : 0,
         "cluster_reboot" : "string",
         "extended_maintenance" : true,
         "timeout" : 0
      "strategy" : {
         "autodetect" : {},
         "grow_and_shrink" : {},
         "rolling" : {
            "allow_inline_resize" : true,
            "group_by" : "string",
            "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
            "skip_synced_flush" : true
         "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


The plan control configuration options for the APM Server.


calm_wait_time (integer as int64)
This timeout determines how long to give a cluster after it responds to API calls before performing actual operations on it. It defaults to 5s
cluster_reboot (string; allowed values: [forced])
Set to 'forced' to force a reboot as part of the upgrade plan
extended_maintenance (boolean)
If true (default false), does not clear the maintenance flag (which prevents its API from being accessed except by the constructor) on new instances added until after a snapshot has been restored, otherwise, the maintenance flag is cleared once the new instances successfully join the new cluster
timeout (integer as int64)
The total timeout in seconds after which the plan is cancelled even if it is not complete. Defaults to 4x the max memory capacity per node (in MB)


   "calm_wait_time" : 0,
   "cluster_reboot" : "string",
   "extended_maintenance" : true,
   "timeout" : 0


Information about the APM Server plan.


attempt_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan completed or failed (ie is not pending), when the attempt ended (ISO format in UTC)
attempt_start_time (string as date-time)
When this plan attempt (ie to apply the plan to the APM) started (ISO format in UTC)
error (ClusterPlanAttemptError)
Information about an error during a plan attempt.
healthy (boolean, required)
Either the plan ended successfully, or is not yet completed (and no errors have occurred)
plan (ApmPlan)
The plan for the APM Server.
plan_attempt_id (string)
A UUID for each plan attempt
plan_attempt_log (array[ClusterPlanStepInfo], required)
plan_attempt_name (string)
A human readable name for each plan attempt, only populated when retrieving plan histories
plan_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan is not current or pending, when the plan was no longer active (ISO format in UTC)
source (ChangeSourceInfo)
Information describing the source that facilitated the plans current state
warnings (array[ClusterPlanWarning], required)


   "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "error" : {
      "details" : {
         "some_property" : "string"
      "failure_type" : "string",
      "message" : "string",
      "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "healthy" : true,
   "plan" : {
      "apm" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "debug_enabled" : true,
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
            "kibana_url" : "string",
            "secret_token" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "apm" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
   "plan_attempt_log" : [
         "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "duration_in_millis" : 0,
         "info_log" : [
               "delta_in_millis" : 0,
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "stage" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "stage" : "string",
         "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "status" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"
   "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
   "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "source" : {
      "action" : "string",
      "admin_id" : "string",
      "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "facilitator" : "string",
      "remote_addresses" : [
      "user_id" : "string"
   "warnings" : [
         "code" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"


Information about current, pending, and past APM Server plans.


current (ApmPlanInfo)
Information about the APM Server plan.
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the plan situation is healthy (if unhealthy, means the last plan attempt failed)
history (array[ApmPlanInfo], required)
pending (ApmPlanInfo)
Information about the APM Server plan.


   "current" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "apm" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "debug_enabled" : true,
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "kibana_url" : "string",
               "secret_token" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "apm" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "history" : [
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "apm" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "apm" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "pending" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "apm" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "debug_enabled" : true,
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "kibana_url" : "string",
               "secret_token" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "apm" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"


Describes an APM resource belonging to a Deployment


elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The Elasticsearch cluster that this resource depends on.
id (string, required)
The randomly-generated id of a Resource
info (ApmInfo, required)
Info for the resource.
ref_id (string, required)
The locally-unique user-specified id of a Resource
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists


   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "id" : "string",
   "info" : {
      "apm_server_mode" : "string",
      "deployment_id" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
         "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
         "links" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "external_links" : [
            "id" : "string",
            "label" : "string",
            "uri" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "id" : "string",
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "metadata" : {
         "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
         "aliased_url" : "string",
         "cloud_id" : "string",
         "endpoint" : "string",
         "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "ports" : {
            "http" : 0,
            "https" : 0,
            "transport_passthrough" : 0
         "raw" : {},
         "service_url" : "string",
         "services_urls" : [
               "service" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "version" : 0
      "name" : "string",
      "plan_info" : {
         "current" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "apm" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "apm" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
         "healthy" : true,
         "history" : [
               "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "error" : {
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "healthy" : true,
               "plan" : {
                  "apm" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "apm" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "debug_enabled" : true,
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
               "plan_attempt_log" : [
                     "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                     "info_log" : [
                           "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                           "details" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "failure_type" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "status" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
               "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
               "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "source" : {
                  "action" : "string",
                  "admin_id" : "string",
                  "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "facilitator" : "string",
                  "remote_addresses" : [
                  "user_id" : "string"
               "warnings" : [
                     "code" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
         "pending" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "apm" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "apm" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "region" : "string",
      "settings" : {
         "metadata" : {
            "name" : "string"
      "status" : "string",
      "topology" : {
         "healthy" : true,
         "instances" : [
               "allocator_id" : "string",
               "container_started" : true,
               "disk" : {
                  "disk_space_available" : 0,
                  "disk_space_used" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "healthy" : true,
               "instance_configuration" : {
                  "config_version" : 0,
                  "id" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "resource" : "string"
               "instance_name" : "string",
               "instance_overrides" : {
                  "capacity" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "maintenance_mode" : true,
               "memory" : {
                  "instance_capacity" : 0,
                  "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                  "memory_pressure" : 0,
                  "native_memory_pressure" : 0
               "node_roles" : [
               "service_roles" : [
               "service_running" : true,
               "service_version" : "string",
               "zone" : "string"
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string"


The settings for the APM Server.


metadata (ClusterMetadataSettings)
The top-level configuration settings for the Elasticsearch cluster.


   "metadata" : {
      "name" : "string"


Information about the APM Servers associated with the Elasticsearch cluster.


apm_id (string, required)
The APM cluster Id
enabled (boolean, required)
Whether the associated APM cluster is currently available
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation


   "apm_id" : "string",
   "enabled" : true,
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true


A structure that defines a curated subset of the APM Server settings. TIP: To define the complete set of APM Server setting, use ApmSystemSettings with user_settings_override_ and user_settings_.


debug_enabled (boolean)
Optionally enable debug mode for APM servers - defaults false
elasticsearch_password (string)
Optionally override the account within APM - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the username must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
elasticsearch_url (string)
DEPRECATED: Scheduled for removal in a future version of the API. Optionally override the URL to which to send data (for advanced users only, if unspecified the system selects an internal URL)
elasticsearch_username (string)
Optionally override the account within APM - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the password must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
kibana_url (string)
DEPRECATED: Scheduled for removal in a future version of the API. Optionally override the URL to which to send data (for advanced users only, if unspecified the system selects an internal URL)
secret_token (string)
Optionally override the secret token within APM - defaults to the previously existing secretToken


   "debug_enabled" : true,
   "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
   "kibana_url" : "string",
   "secret_token" : "string"


Defines the topology of the APM Server nodes. For example, the number or capacity of the nodes, and where you can allocate the nodes.


apm (ApmConfiguration)
The configuration options for the APM Server.
instance_configuration_id (string)
Controls the allocation of this topology element as well as allowed sizes and node_types. It needs to match the id of an existing instance configuration.
instance_configuration_version (integer as int32)
The version of the Instance Configuration Id. If it is unset, the meaning depends on read vs writes. For deployment reads, it is equivalent to version 0 (or the IC is unversioned); for deployment creates and deployment template use, it is equivalent to 'the latest version&#39
and for deployment updates, it is equivalent to 'retain the current version'.
size (TopologySize)
Measured by the amount of a resource. The final cluster size is calculated using multipliers from the topology instance configuration.
zone_count (integer as int32)
number of zones in which nodes will be placed


   "apm" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "debug_enabled" : true,
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
         "kibana_url" : "string",
         "secret_token" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
   "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
   "size" : {
      "resource" : "string",
      "value" : 0
   "zone_count" : 0


Holds diagnostics for an AppSearch resource


backend_plan (object, required)
The backend plan as JSON
display_name (string, required)
The human readable name (defaults to the generated cluster id if not specified)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The user-specified id of the Elasticsearch Cluster that this will link to
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id


   "backend_plan" : {},
   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "ref_id" : "string"


Intentionally left blank


docker_image (string)
A docker URI that allows overriding of the default docker image specified for this version
system_settings (AppSearchSystemSettings)
This structure defines a curated subset of the AppSearch settings. (This field together with 'user_settings_override_' and 'user_settings_' defines the total set of AppSearch settings)
user_settings_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_yaml' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (This field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of AppSearch settings)
user_settings_override_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_yaml' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of AppSearch settings)
user_settings_override_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_json' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of AppSearch settings)
user_settings_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_json' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (These field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of AppSearch settings)
version (string)
The version of the AppSearch cluster (must be one of the ECE supported versions, and won't work unless it matches the Elasticsearch version. Leave blank to auto-detect version.)


   "docker_image" : "string",
   "system_settings" : {
      "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
      "secret_session_key" : "string"
   "user_settings_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
   "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


The overview information for the App Search Server.


deployment_id (string)
The id of the deployment that this App Search belongs to.
elasticsearch_cluster (TargetElasticsearchCluster, required)
Information about the specified Elasticsearch cluster.
external_links (array[ExternalHyperlink], required)
External resources related to the App Search
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the App Search is healthy or not (one or more of the info subsections will have healthy: false)
id (string, required)
The id of the App Search
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation
metadata (ClusterMetadataInfo)
Information about the public and internal state, and the configuration settings of an Elasticsearch cluster.
name (string, required)
The name of the App Search
plan_info (AppSearchPlansInfo, required)
Information about current, pending, and past App Search Server plans.
region (string)
The region that this App Search belongs to. Only populated in SaaS or federated ECE.
settings (AppSearchSettings)
The cluster metadata settings for the App Search
status (string; allowed values: [initializing, stopping, stopped, rebooting, restarting, reconfiguring, started], required)
App Search status
topology (ClusterTopologyInfo, required)
The topology for Elasticsearch clusters, multiple Kibana instances, or multiple APM Servers. The ClusterTopologyInfo also includes the instances and containers, and where they are located.


   "deployment_id" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
      "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "external_links" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "label" : "string",
         "uri" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "id" : "string",
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "metadata" : {
      "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
      "aliased_url" : "string",
      "cloud_id" : "string",
      "endpoint" : "string",
      "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "ports" : {
         "http" : 0,
         "https" : 0,
         "transport_passthrough" : 0
      "raw" : {},
      "service_url" : "string",
      "services_urls" : [
            "service" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "version" : 0
   "name" : "string",
   "plan_info" : {
      "current" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "appsearch" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "appsearch" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "node_type" : {
                     "appserver" : true,
                     "worker" : true
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "move_allocators" : [
                        "allocator_down" : true,
                        "from" : "string",
                        "to" : [
                  "move_instances" : [
                        "from" : "string",
                        "instance_down" : true,
                        "to" : [
                  "preferred_allocators" : [
                  "reallocate_instances" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "history" : [
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "appsearch" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "appsearch" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "pending" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "appsearch" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "appsearch" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "node_type" : {
                     "appserver" : true,
                     "worker" : true
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "move_allocators" : [
                        "allocator_down" : true,
                        "from" : "string",
                        "to" : [
                  "move_instances" : [
                        "from" : "string",
                        "instance_down" : true,
                        "to" : [
                  "preferred_allocators" : [
                  "reallocate_instances" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"
   "status" : "string",
   "topology" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "instances" : [
            "allocator_id" : "string",
            "container_started" : true,
            "disk" : {
               "disk_space_available" : 0,
               "disk_space_used" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "healthy" : true,
            "instance_configuration" : {
               "config_version" : 0,
               "id" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "resource" : "string"
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "instance_overrides" : {
               "capacity" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "maintenance_mode" : true,
            "memory" : {
               "instance_capacity" : 0,
               "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
               "memory_pressure" : 0,
               "native_memory_pressure" : 0
            "node_roles" : [
            "service_roles" : [
            "service_running" : true,
            "service_version" : "string",
            "zone" : "string"


Node types to enable for an AppSearch instance


appserver (boolean, required)
Defines whether this instance should run as Application/API server
worker (boolean, required)
Defines whether this instance should run as background worker


   "appserver" : true,
   "worker" : true


An AppSearch creation request paired with the alias of the Elasticsearch cluster it should be paired with


display_name (string)
The human readable name for the AppSearch cluster (default: takes the name of its Elasticsearch cluster)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
Alias to the Elasticsearch Cluster to attach AppSearch to
plan (AppSearchPlan, required)
The plan for the App Search cluster.
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id for AppSearch
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists
settings (AppSearchSettings)
The settings for building this AppSearch cluster


   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "plan" : {
      "appsearch" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
            "secret_session_key" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "appsearch" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "node_type" : {
               "appserver" : true,
               "worker" : true
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "move_allocators" : [
                  "allocator_down" : true,
                  "from" : "string",
                  "to" : [
            "move_instances" : [
                  "from" : "string",
                  "instance_down" : true,
                  "to" : [
            "preferred_allocators" : [
            "reallocate_instances" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"


The plan for the App Search cluster.


appsearch (AppSearchConfiguration, required)
cluster_topology (array[AppSearchTopologyElement])
transient (TransientAppSearchPlanConfiguration)
Defines configuration parameters that control how the plan (ie consisting of the cluster topology and AppSearch settings) is applied


   "appsearch" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
         "secret_session_key" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "cluster_topology" : [
         "appsearch" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "secret_session_key" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
         "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
         "node_type" : {
            "appserver" : true,
            "worker" : true
         "size" : {
            "resource" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "zone_count" : 0
   "transient" : {
      "plan_configuration" : {
         "calm_wait_time" : 0,
         "cluster_reboot" : "string",
         "extended_maintenance" : true,
         "move_allocators" : [
               "allocator_down" : true,
               "from" : "string",
               "to" : [
         "move_instances" : [
               "from" : "string",
               "instance_down" : true,
               "to" : [
         "preferred_allocators" : [
         "reallocate_instances" : true,
         "timeout" : 0
      "strategy" : {
         "autodetect" : {},
         "grow_and_shrink" : {},
         "rolling" : {
            "allow_inline_resize" : true,
            "group_by" : "string",
            "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
            "skip_synced_flush" : true
         "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


Intentionally left blank


calm_wait_time (integer as int64)
This timeout determines how long to give a cluster after it responds to API calls before performing actual operations on it. It defaults to 5s
cluster_reboot (string; allowed values: [forced])
Set to 'forced' to force a reboot as part of the upgrade plan
extended_maintenance (boolean)
If true (default false), does not clear the maintenance flag (which prevents its API from being accessed except by the constructor) on new instances added until after a snapshot has been restored, otherwise, the maintenance flag is cleared once the new instances successfully join the new cluster
move_allocators (array[AllocatorMoveRequest])
move_instances (array[InstanceMoveRequest])
preferred_allocators (array[string])
List of allocators on which instances are placed if possible (if not possible/not specified then any available allocator with space is used)
reallocate_instances (boolean)
If true (default: false) does not allow re-using any existing instances currently in the cluster, ie even unchanged instances will be re-created
timeout (integer as int64)
The total timeout in seconds after which the plan is cancelled even if it is not complete. Defaults to 4x the max memory capacity per node (in MB)


   "calm_wait_time" : 0,
   "cluster_reboot" : "string",
   "extended_maintenance" : true,
   "move_allocators" : [
         "allocator_down" : true,
         "from" : "string",
         "to" : [
   "move_instances" : [
         "from" : "string",
         "instance_down" : true,
         "to" : [
   "preferred_allocators" : [
   "reallocate_instances" : true,
   "timeout" : 0


Information about the App Search Server plan.


attempt_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan completed or failed (ie is not pending), when the attempt ended (ISO format in UTC)
attempt_start_time (string as date-time)
When this plan attempt (ie to apply the plan to the App Search) started (ISO format in UTC)
error (ClusterPlanAttemptError)
Information about an error during a plan attempt.
healthy (boolean, required)
Either the plan ended successfully, or is not yet completed (and no errors have occurred)
plan (AppSearchPlan)
The plan for the App Search cluster.
plan_attempt_id (string)
A UUID for each plan attempt
plan_attempt_log (array[ClusterPlanStepInfo], required)
plan_attempt_name (string)
A human readable name for each plan attempt, only populated when retrieving plan histories
plan_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan is not current or pending, when the plan was no longer active (ISO format in UTC)
source (ChangeSourceInfo)
Information describing the source that facilitated the plans current state
warnings (array[ClusterPlanWarning], required)


   "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "error" : {
      "details" : {
         "some_property" : "string"
      "failure_type" : "string",
      "message" : "string",
      "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "healthy" : true,
   "plan" : {
      "appsearch" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
            "secret_session_key" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "appsearch" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "node_type" : {
               "appserver" : true,
               "worker" : true
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "move_allocators" : [
                  "allocator_down" : true,
                  "from" : "string",
                  "to" : [
            "move_instances" : [
                  "from" : "string",
                  "instance_down" : true,
                  "to" : [
            "preferred_allocators" : [
            "reallocate_instances" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
   "plan_attempt_log" : [
         "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "duration_in_millis" : 0,
         "info_log" : [
               "delta_in_millis" : 0,
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "stage" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "stage" : "string",
         "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "status" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"
   "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
   "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "source" : {
      "action" : "string",
      "admin_id" : "string",
      "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "facilitator" : "string",
      "remote_addresses" : [
      "user_id" : "string"
   "warnings" : [
         "code" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"


Information about current, pending, and past App Search Server plans.


current (AppSearchPlanInfo)
Information about the App Search Server plan.
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the plan situation is healthy (if unhealthy, means the last plan attempt failed)
history (array[AppSearchPlanInfo], required)
pending (AppSearchPlanInfo)
Information about the App Search Server plan.


   "current" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "appsearch" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "secret_session_key" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "appsearch" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "node_type" : {
                  "appserver" : true,
                  "worker" : true
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "move_allocators" : [
                     "allocator_down" : true,
                     "from" : "string",
                     "to" : [
               "move_instances" : [
                     "from" : "string",
                     "instance_down" : true,
                     "to" : [
               "preferred_allocators" : [
               "reallocate_instances" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "history" : [
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "appsearch" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "appsearch" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "node_type" : {
                     "appserver" : true,
                     "worker" : true
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "move_allocators" : [
                        "allocator_down" : true,
                        "from" : "string",
                        "to" : [
                  "move_instances" : [
                        "from" : "string",
                        "instance_down" : true,
                        "to" : [
                  "preferred_allocators" : [
                  "reallocate_instances" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "pending" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "appsearch" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "secret_session_key" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "appsearch" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "node_type" : {
                  "appserver" : true,
                  "worker" : true
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "move_allocators" : [
                     "allocator_down" : true,
                     "from" : "string",
                     "to" : [
               "move_instances" : [
                     "from" : "string",
                     "instance_down" : true,
                     "to" : [
               "preferred_allocators" : [
               "reallocate_instances" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"


Describes an App Search resource belonging to a Deployment


elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The Elasticsearch cluster that this resource depends on.
id (string, required)
The randomly-generated id of a Resource
info (AppSearchInfo, required)
Info for the resource.
ref_id (string, required)
The locally-unique user-specified id of a Resource
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists


   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "id" : "string",
   "info" : {
      "deployment_id" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
         "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
         "links" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "external_links" : [
            "id" : "string",
            "label" : "string",
            "uri" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "id" : "string",
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "metadata" : {
         "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
         "aliased_url" : "string",
         "cloud_id" : "string",
         "endpoint" : "string",
         "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "ports" : {
            "http" : 0,
            "https" : 0,
            "transport_passthrough" : 0
         "raw" : {},
         "service_url" : "string",
         "services_urls" : [
               "service" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "version" : 0
      "name" : "string",
      "plan_info" : {
         "current" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "appsearch" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "appsearch" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
         "healthy" : true,
         "history" : [
               "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "error" : {
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "healthy" : true,
               "plan" : {
                  "appsearch" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "appsearch" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "secret_session_key" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "node_type" : {
                           "appserver" : true,
                           "worker" : true
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "move_allocators" : [
                              "allocator_down" : true,
                              "from" : "string",
                              "to" : [
                        "move_instances" : [
                              "from" : "string",
                              "instance_down" : true,
                              "to" : [
                        "preferred_allocators" : [
                        "reallocate_instances" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
               "plan_attempt_log" : [
                     "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                     "info_log" : [
                           "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                           "details" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "failure_type" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "status" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
               "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
               "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "source" : {
                  "action" : "string",
                  "admin_id" : "string",
                  "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "facilitator" : "string",
                  "remote_addresses" : [
                  "user_id" : "string"
               "warnings" : [
                     "code" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
         "pending" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "appsearch" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "appsearch" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "region" : "string",
      "settings" : {
         "metadata" : {
            "name" : "string"
      "status" : "string",
      "topology" : {
         "healthy" : true,
         "instances" : [
               "allocator_id" : "string",
               "container_started" : true,
               "disk" : {
                  "disk_space_available" : 0,
                  "disk_space_used" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "healthy" : true,
               "instance_configuration" : {
                  "config_version" : 0,
                  "id" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "resource" : "string"
               "instance_name" : "string",
               "instance_overrides" : {
                  "capacity" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "maintenance_mode" : true,
               "memory" : {
                  "instance_capacity" : 0,
                  "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                  "memory_pressure" : 0,
                  "native_memory_pressure" : 0
               "node_roles" : [
               "service_roles" : [
               "service_running" : true,
               "service_version" : "string",
               "zone" : "string"
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string"


The settings for the App Search.


metadata (ClusterMetadataSettings)
The top-level configuration settings for the Elasticsearch cluster.


   "metadata" : {
      "name" : "string"


Information about the APM Servers associated with the Elasticsearch cluster.


app_search_id (string, required)
The App Search Id
enabled (boolean, required)
Whether the associated App Search is currently available
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation


   "app_search_id" : "string",
   "enabled" : true,
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true


This structure defines a curated subset of the AppSearch settings. (This field together with 'user_settings_override_' and 'user_settings_' defines the total set of AppSearch settings)


elasticsearch_password (string)
Optionally override the account within App Search - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the username must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
elasticsearch_url (string)
Optionally override the URL to which to send data (for advanced users only, if unspecified the system selects an internal URL)
elasticsearch_username (string)
Optionally override the account within App Search - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the password must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
secret_session_key (string)
Optionally override the secret session key within App Search - defaults to the previously existing secretSession. Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.


   "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
   "secret_session_key" : "string"


Defines the topology of the AppSearch nodes (eg number/capacity of nodes, and where they can be allocated)


appsearch (AppSearchConfiguration)
instance_configuration_id (string)
Controls the allocation of this topology element as well as allowed sizes and node_types. It needs to match the id of an existing instance configuration.
instance_configuration_version (integer as int32)
The version of the Instance Configuration Id. If it is unset, the meaning depends on read vs writes. For deployment reads, it is equivalent to version 0 (or the IC is unversioned); for deployment creates and deployment template use, it is equivalent to 'the latest version&#39
and for deployment updates, it is equivalent to 'retain the current version'.
node_type (AppSearchNodeTypes)
Defines the AppSearch node type
size (TopologySize)
Measured by the amount of a resource. The final cluster size is calculated using multipliers from the topology instance configuration.
zone_count (integer as int32)
number of zones in which nodes will be placed


   "appsearch" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
         "secret_session_key" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
   "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
   "node_type" : {
      "appserver" : true,
      "worker" : true
   "size" : {
      "resource" : "string",
      "value" : 0
   "zone_count" : 0


AutoOps settings for this deployment.


status (string; allowed values: [connected, not_connected, excluded], required)
See AutoOps integration status for this deployment.


   "status" : "string"


A strategy that lets constructor choose the most optimal way to execute the plan.




The available balance for an organization


available (number as double, required)
Available balance
line_items (array[SimplifiedLineItem], required)
A collection of order line items for for an organization
remaining (number as double, required)
Remaining balance


   "available" : 0.1,
   "line_items" : [
         "ecu_balance" : 0.1,
         "ecu_quantity" : 0.1,
         "end" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "id" : "string",
         "start" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "remaining" : 0.1


Intentionally left blank


errors (array[BasicFailedReplyElement], required)
A list of errors that occurred in the failing request


   "errors" : [
         "code" : "string",
         "fields" : [
         "message" : "string"


Intentionally left blank


code (string, required)
A structured code representing the error type that occurred
fields (array[string])
If the error can be tied to a specific field or fields in the user request, this lists those fields
message (string, required)
A human readable message describing the error that occurred


   "code" : "string",
   "fields" : [
   "message" : "string"


A query for documents that match boolean combinations of other queries.


filter (array[QueryContainer])
minimum_should_match (integer as int32)
The minimum number of optional should clauses to match.
must (array[QueryContainer])
must_not (array[QueryContainer])
should (array[QueryContainer])


   "filter" : [
         "bool" : null,
         "exists" : {
            "field" : "string"
         "match" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "analyzer" : "string",
               "minimum_should_match" : 0,
               "operator" : "string",
               "query" : "string"
         "match_all" : {},
         "match_none" : {},
         "nested" : {
            "path" : "string",
            "query" : null,
            "score_mode" : "string"
         "prefix" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "boost" : 0.1,
               "value" : "string"
         "query_string" : {
            "allow_leading_wildcard" : true,
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "default_field" : "string",
            "default_operator" : "string",
            "query" : "string"
         "range" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "boost" : 0.1,
               "format" : "string",
               "gt" : {},
               "gte" : {},
               "lt" : {},
               "lte" : {},
               "time_zone" : "string"
         "simple_query_string" : {
            "analyze_wildcard" : true,
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query" : true,
            "default_operator" : "string",
            "fields" : [
            "flags" : "string",
            "fuzzy_max_expansions" : 0,
            "fuzzy_prefix_length" : 0,
            "fuzzy_transpositions" : true,
            "lenient" : true,
            "minimum_should_match" : "string",
            "query" : "string",
            "quote_field_suffix" : "string"
         "term" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "value" : "string"
   "minimum_should_match" : 0,
   "must" : [
         "bool" : null,
         "exists" : {
            "field" : "string"
         "match" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "analyzer" : "string",
               "minimum_should_match" : 0,
               "operator" : "string",
               "query" : "string"
         "match_all" : {},
         "match_none" : {},
         "nested" : {
            "path" : "string",
            "query" : null,
            "score_mode" : "string"
         "prefix" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "boost" : 0.1,
               "value" : "string"
         "query_string" : {
            "allow_leading_wildcard" : true,
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "default_field" : "string",
            "default_operator" : "string",
            "query" : "string"
         "range" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "boost" : 0.1,
               "format" : "string",
               "gt" : {},
               "gte" : {},
               "lt" : {},
               "lte" : {},
               "time_zone" : "string"
         "simple_query_string" : {
            "analyze_wildcard" : true,
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query" : true,
            "default_operator" : "string",
            "fields" : [
            "flags" : "string",
            "fuzzy_max_expansions" : 0,
            "fuzzy_prefix_length" : 0,
            "fuzzy_transpositions" : true,
            "lenient" : true,
            "minimum_should_match" : "string",
            "query" : "string",
            "quote_field_suffix" : "string"
         "term" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "value" : "string"
   "must_not" : [
         "bool" : null,
         "exists" : {
            "field" : "string"
         "match" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "analyzer" : "string",
               "minimum_should_match" : 0,
               "operator" : "string",
               "query" : "string"
         "match_all" : {},
         "match_none" : {},
         "nested" : {
            "path" : "string",
            "query" : null,
            "score_mode" : "string"
         "prefix" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "boost" : 0.1,
               "value" : "string"
         "query_string" : {
            "allow_leading_wildcard" : true,
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "default_field" : "string",
            "default_operator" : "string",
            "query" : "string"
         "range" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "boost" : 0.1,
               "format" : "string",
               "gt" : {},
               "gte" : {},
               "lt" : {},
               "lte" : {},
               "time_zone" : "string"
         "simple_query_string" : {
            "analyze_wildcard" : true,
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query" : true,
            "default_operator" : "string",
            "fields" : [
            "flags" : "string",
            "fuzzy_max_expansions" : 0,
            "fuzzy_prefix_length" : 0,
            "fuzzy_transpositions" : true,
            "lenient" : true,
            "minimum_should_match" : "string",
            "query" : "string",
            "quote_field_suffix" : "string"
         "term" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "value" : "string"
   "should" : [
         "bool" : null,
         "exists" : {
            "field" : "string"
         "match" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "analyzer" : "string",
               "minimum_should_match" : 0,
               "operator" : "string",
               "query" : "string"
         "match_all" : {},
         "match_none" : {},
         "nested" : {
            "path" : "string",
            "query" : null,
            "score_mode" : "string"
         "prefix" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "boost" : 0.1,
               "value" : "string"
         "query_string" : {
            "allow_leading_wildcard" : true,
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "default_field" : "string",
            "default_operator" : "string",
            "query" : "string"
         "range" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "boost" : 0.1,
               "format" : "string",
               "gt" : {},
               "gte" : {},
               "lt" : {},
               "lte" : {},
               "time_zone" : "string"
         "simple_query_string" : {
            "analyze_wildcard" : true,
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query" : true,
            "default_operator" : "string",
            "fields" : [
            "flags" : "string",
            "fuzzy_max_expansions" : 0,
            "fuzzy_prefix_length" : 0,
            "fuzzy_transpositions" : true,
            "lenient" : true,
            "minimum_should_match" : "string",
            "query" : "string",
            "quote_field_suffix" : "string"
         "term" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "value" : "string"


The certificate authority used to sign the certificates of this deployment


public_certificates (array[PublicCertificate], required)
The certificates used by this certificate authority. The active certificate is the one that has been used to sign the current certificates of the Elasticsearch instances. All others are either certificates used in the past or certificates that will be used in the future when the currently active certificate expires.
recommended_trust_restriction (string, required)
The trust restriction expression to use that would provide trust with the Elasticsearch nodes of this deployment


   "public_certificates" : [
         "active" : true,
         "metadata" : {
            "also_trusted_by" : [
            "fingerprint" : "string",
            "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "pem" : "string"
   "recommended_trust_restriction" : "string"


The certificate MetaData


also_trusted_by (array[string])
Other deployments also trusting this certificate
fingerprint (string, required)
The fingerprint of the certificate
valid_from (string as date-time, required)
The valid from date of the certificate in UTC
valid_to (string as date-time, required)
The expiry date of the certificate in UTC


   "also_trusted_by" : [
   "fingerprint" : "string",
   "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"


A container for information about the source of a change.


action (string, required)
The type of plan change that was initiated
admin_id (string)
The admin user that requested the change
date (string as date-time, required)
The time the change was initiated
facilitator (string, required)
The service where the change originated from
remote_addresses (array[string])
The host addresses of the user that originated the change
user_id (string)
The user that requested the change


   "action" : "string",
   "admin_id" : "string",
   "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "facilitator" : "string",
   "remote_addresses" : [
   "user_id" : "string"


Chart Item


timestamp (integer as int64, required)
Axis X position
values (array[ChartItemValue], required)
the collection of values to plot the chart item


   "timestamp" : 0,
   "values" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "name" : "string",
         "value" : 0.1


A ChartItem value


id (string, required)
The id of chart item value
name (string, required)
The name of the chart item value
value (number as double, required)
The actual value of the chart item value


   "id" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "value" : 0.1


A collection of ChartItems


data (array[ChartItem], required)
The list of chart item


   "data" : [
         "timestamp" : 0,
         "values" : [
               "id" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "value" : 0.1


The username and password for the new Elasticsearch cluster, which is returned from the Elasticsearch cluster create command.


password (string, required)
The password of the newly created cluster
username (string, required)
The username of the newly created cluster


   "password" : "string",
   "username" : "string"


The index curation settings for an Elasticsearch cluster.


specs (array[ClusterCurationSpec], required)
Specifications for curation


   "specs" : [
         "index_pattern" : "string",
         "trigger_interval_seconds" : 0


Specifies the conditions to trigger an Elasticsearch cluster curation.


index_pattern (string, required)
Index matching pattern
trigger_interval_seconds (integer as int32, required)
Number of seconds after index creation to trigger this spec


   "index_pattern" : "string",
   "trigger_interval_seconds" : 0


Information about a configuration that creates a Kibana instance or APM Server.


config_version (integer as int32)
If the IC is configuration controlled, this field is the version either being read back (reads return the latest IC unless specified by the 'config_version' URL param), or the version to update. Cannot be used in creates. For unversioned IC reads it is left empty.
id (string, required)
The id of the configuration used to create the instance
name (string, required)
The name of the configuration used to create the instance
resource (string; allowed values: [memory, storage], required)
The resource type of the instance configuration


   "config_version" : 0,
   "id" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "resource" : "string"


Information about the use and storage capacity of a Kibana instance or APM Server.


disk_space_available (integer as int64)
If known, the amount of total disk space available to the container in MB
disk_space_used (integer as int64, required)
The amount of disk space being used by the service in MB
storage_multiplier (number as double, required)
The storage multiplier originally defined to calculate disk space.


   "disk_space_available" : 0,
   "disk_space_used" : 0,
   "storage_multiplier" : 0.1


Information about each Kibana instance and APM Server in the Elasticsearch cluster.


allocator_id (string)
The id of the allocator on which this instance is running (if the container is started or starting)
container_started (boolean, required)
Whether the container has started (does not tell you anything about the service -ie Elasticsearch- running inside the container)
disk (ClusterInstanceDiskInfo)
Information about the use and storage capacity of a Kibana instance or APM Server.
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the instance is healthy (ie started and running)
instance_configuration (ClusterInstanceConfigurationInfo)
Information about a configuration that creates a Kibana instance or APM Server.
instance_name (string, required)
The name of the instance in Elastic Cloud
instance_overrides (InstanceOverrides)
Instance overrides
maintenance_mode (boolean, required)
Whether the service is is maintenance mode (meaning that the proxy is not routing external traffic to it)
memory (ClusterInstanceMemoryInfo)
Information about the specific instances memory capacity and its usage
node_roles (array[string])
A list of the node roles assigned to the service running in the instance. Currently populated only for Elasticsearch.
service_roles (array[string])
List of roles assigned to the service running in the instance. Currently only populated for Elasticsearch, with possible values: master,data,ingest,ml
service_running (boolean, required)
Whether the service launched inside the container -ie Elasticsearch- is actually running
service_version (string)
The version of the service that the instance is running (eg Elasticsearch or Kibana), if available
zone (string)
The zone in which this instance is being allocated


   "allocator_id" : "string",
   "container_started" : true,
   "disk" : {
      "disk_space_available" : 0,
      "disk_space_used" : 0,
      "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
   "healthy" : true,
   "instance_configuration" : {
      "config_version" : 0,
      "id" : "string",
      "name" : "string",
      "resource" : "string"
   "instance_name" : "string",
   "instance_overrides" : {
      "capacity" : 0,
      "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
   "maintenance_mode" : true,
   "memory" : {
      "instance_capacity" : 0,
      "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
      "memory_pressure" : 0,
      "native_memory_pressure" : 0
   "node_roles" : [
   "service_roles" : [
   "service_running" : true,
   "service_version" : "string",
   "zone" : "string"


Information about the specific instances memory capacity and its usage


instance_capacity (integer as int32, required)
The memory capacity in MB of the instance
instance_capacity_planned (integer as int32)
The planned memory capacity in MB of the instance (only shown when an override is present)
memory_pressure (integer as int32)
The % memory pressure of Elasticsearch JVM heap space if available (60-75% consider increasing capacity, >75% can incur significant performance and stability issues)
native_memory_pressure (integer as int32)
The % memory pressure of the instance Docker container (if available)


   "instance_capacity" : 0,
   "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
   "memory_pressure" : 0,
   "native_memory_pressure" : 0


Information about the public and internal state, and the configuration settings of an Elasticsearch cluster.


aliased_endpoint (string)
The DNS name of the cluster endpoint derived from the deployment alias, if available
aliased_url (string)
The full aliased URL to access this deployment resource
cloud_id (string)
The cloud ID, an encoded string that provides other Elastic services with the necessary information to connect to this Elasticsearch and Kibana (only present if both exist)
endpoint (string)
The DNS name of the cluster endpoint, if available
last_modified (string as date-time, required)
The most recent time the cluster metadata was changed (ISO format in UTC)
ports (ClusterMetadataPortInfo)
The ports that allow communication with the cluster using various protocols.
raw (object)
An unstructured JSON representation of the public and internal state (can be filtered out via URL parameter). The contents and structure of the raw field can change at any time.
service_url (string)
The full URL to access this deployment resource
services_urls (array[ServiceUrl])
A list of the URLs to access services that the resource provides at this time. Note that if the service is not running or has not started yet, the URL to access it won't be available
version (integer as int32, required)
The resource version number of the cluster metadata


   "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
   "aliased_url" : "string",
   "cloud_id" : "string",
   "endpoint" : "string",
   "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "ports" : {
      "http" : 0,
      "https" : 0,
      "transport_passthrough" : 0
   "raw" : {},
   "service_url" : "string",
   "services_urls" : [
         "service" : "string",
         "url" : "string"
   "version" : 0


Information about the ports that allow communication between the Elasticsearch cluster and various protocols.


http (integer as int32, required)
Port where the cluster listens for HTTP traffic
https (integer as int32, required)
Port where the cluster listens for HTTPS traffic
transport_passthrough (integer as int32, required)
Port where the cluster listens for transport traffic using TLS


   "http" : 0,
   "https" : 0,
   "transport_passthrough" : 0


The top-level configuration settings for the Elasticsearch cluster.


name (string)
The display name of the cluster


   "name" : "string"


Information about an error during a plan attempt.


details (map[string,string], required)
A map with details regarding the error. Both the keys and values are always strings, representing the name of the detail and its value, respectively.
failure_type (string)
The failure type
message (string, required)
Human readable error message
timestamp (string as date-time, required)
Timestamp marking on info log of step


   "details" : {
      "some_property" : "string"
   "failure_type" : "string",
   "message" : "string",
   "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"


Information about a step in a plan.


completed (string as date-time)
When the step completed (ISO format in UTC)
duration_in_millis (integer as int64)
The duration of the step in MS
info_log (array[ClusterPlanStepLogMessageInfo], required)
Human readable summaries of the step, including messages for each stage of the step
stage (string; allowed values: [starting, completed, in_progress], required)
Current stage that the step is in
started (string as date-time, required)
When the step started (ISO format in UTC)
status (string; allowed values: [success, warning, error, pending], required)
The status of the step (success, warning, error - warning means something didn't go as expected but it was not serious enough to abort the plan)
step_id (string, required)
ID of current step


   "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "duration_in_millis" : 0,
   "info_log" : [
         "delta_in_millis" : 0,
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "stage" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "stage" : "string",
   "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "status" : "string",
   "step_id" : "string"


The log message from a specified stage of an executed step in a plan.


delta_in_millis (integer as int64)
Time in milliseconds since previous log message
details (map[string,string], required)
A map with details for the log about what happened during the step execution. Keys and values for are always both strings, representing the name of the detail and its value, respectively.
failure_type (string)
The failure type, in case the step failed
message (string, required)
Human readable log message
stage (string; allowed values: [starting, completed, in_progress], required)
Stage that info log message takes place in
timestamp (string as date-time, required)
Timestamp marking on info log of step


   "delta_in_millis" : 0,
   "details" : {
      "some_property" : "string"
   "failure_type" : "string",
   "message" : "string",
   "stage" : "string",
   "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"


Information about a warning from a plan.


code (string, required)
A unique warning code
message (string, required)
A description of the warning
step_id (string)
The ID of the step which produced a warning, if any


   "code" : "string",
   "message" : "string",
   "step_id" : "string"


Information about the Elasticsearch cluster snapshot retention.


max_age (string)
Total retention period for all snapshots, with the format 'length unit' (space is optional), where unit can be one of: d (day), h (hour), min (minute)
snapshots (integer as int32)
Number of snapshots to retain


   "max_age" : "string",
   "snapshots" : 0


The snapshot configuration settings for an Elasticsearch cluster.


cron_expression (string)
Cron expression indicating when should snapshots be taken. This can be enabled only if SLM is enabled for the deployment and 'interval' is not present
interval (string)
Interval between snapshots, with the format 'length unit' (space is optional), where unit can be one of: d (day), h (hour), min (minute). Default is 30 minutes
retention (ClusterSnapshotRetention)
Cluster snapshot retention information
slm (boolean)
When set to true, the deployment will have SLM enabled. Default value is true.


   "cron_expression" : "string",
   "interval" : "string",
   "retention" : {
      "max_age" : "string",
      "snapshots" : 0
   "slm" : true


Information about a system alert on an Elasticsearch cluster.


alert_type (string; allowed values: [automatic_restart, heap_dump, unknown_event], required)
Type of system alert
exit_code (integer as int32)
The exit_code related to the event. Only applicable for alert_type: slain
instance_name (string, required)
Instance that caused the system alert
timestamp (string as date-time, required)
Timestamp marking the system alert
url (string)
The URL related to the event. Only applicable for alert_type: heap_dump


   "alert_type" : "string",
   "exit_code" : 0,
   "instance_name" : "string",
   "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "url" : "string"


The topology for Elasticsearch clusters, multiple Kibana instances, or multiple APM Servers. The ClusterTopologyInfo also includes the instances and containers, and where they are located.


healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the cluster topology is healthy (ie all instances are started and the services they run - ie elasticsearch - are available
instances (array[ClusterInstanceInfo], required)


   "healthy" : true,
   "instances" : [
         "allocator_id" : "string",
         "container_started" : true,
         "disk" : {
            "disk_space_available" : 0,
            "disk_space_used" : 0,
            "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
         "healthy" : true,
         "instance_configuration" : {
            "config_version" : 0,
            "id" : "string",
            "name" : "string",
            "resource" : "string"
         "instance_name" : "string",
         "instance_overrides" : {
            "capacity" : 0,
            "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
         "maintenance_mode" : true,
         "memory" : {
            "instance_capacity" : 0,
            "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
            "memory_pressure" : 0,
            "native_memory_pressure" : 0
         "node_roles" : [
         "service_roles" : [
         "service_running" : true,
         "service_version" : "string",
         "zone" : "string"


Costs overview for an organization. All of the costs, credits, trials are expressed in Elastic Consumption Unit (ECU).


dimensions (array[Dimension], required)
A collection of billing details by dimension.
total (number as double, required)
Total costs


   "dimensions" : [
         "cost" : 0.1,
         "type" : "string"
   "total" : 0.1


The top level costs overview for an organization. All of the costs, credits, trials are expressed in Elastic Consumption Unit (ECU).


balance (Balance)
Balance for the organization
costs (Costs, required)
Costs for the organization
hourly_rate (number as double, required)
Hourly rate applied.
trials (number as double, required)
Trial costs for the organization


   "balance" : {
      "available" : 0.1,
      "line_items" : [
            "ecu_balance" : 0.1,
            "ecu_quantity" : 0.1,
            "end" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "id" : "string",
            "start" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "remaining" : 0.1
   "costs" : {
      "dimensions" : [
            "cost" : 0.1,
            "type" : "string"
      "total" : 0.1
   "hourly_rate" : 0.1,
   "trials" : 0.1


The request payload that creates the API keys.


description (string, required)
API key description. Useful if there are multiple keys
expiration (string)
The optional expiration for the API key, provided as a duration (ex: '1d', '3h')


   "description" : "string",
   "expiration" : "string"


The body of a request to create a new extension


description (string)
The extension description.
download_url (string)
The URL to download the extension archive.
extension_type (string; allowed values: [plugin, bundle], required)
The extension type.
name (string, required)
The extension name. Only ASCII alphanumeric and [_.-] characters allowed
version (string, required)
The Elasticsearch version.


   "description" : "string",
   "download_url" : "string",
   "extension_type" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


Holds diagnostics for resources that will be created


apm (array[Apm])
Diagnostics for APMs
appsearch (array[AppSearch])
Diagnostics for AppSearches
elasticsearch (array[Elasticsearch])
Diagnostics for Elasticsearch clusters
enterprise_search (array[EnterpriseSearch])
Diagnostics for Enterprise Search resources
integrations_server (array[IntegrationsServer])
Diagnostics for Integrations Server
kibana (array[Kibana])
Diagnostics for Kibanas


   "apm" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "appsearch" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "elasticsearch" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "enterprise_search" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "integrations_server" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "kibana" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"


The request payload that deletes the API keys.


keys (array[string], required)
The list of API key IDs.


   "keys" : [


Detailed costs for a deployment for an organization. All of the costs are expressed in Elastic Consumption Unit (ECU).


costs (Costs, required)
Costs associated to the deployment
deployment_id (string, required)
Elasticsearch deployment id
deployment_name (string, required)
Elasticsearch deployment name
hourly_rate (number as double, required)
Price per hour
period (Period)


   "costs" : {
      "dimensions" : [
            "cost" : 0.1,
            "type" : "string"
      "total" : 0.1
   "deployment_id" : "string",
   "deployment_name" : "string",
   "hourly_rate" : 0.1,
   "period" : {
      "end" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "start" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"


Additional information about the new deployment object.


tags (array[MetadataItem])
Arbitrary user-defined metadata associated with this deployment


   "tags" : [
         "key" : "string",
         "value" : "string"


A request for creating a new Deployment consisting of multiple clusters


alias (string)
A user-defined alias to use in place of Cluster IDs for user-friendly URLs
metadata (DeploymentCreateMetadata)
Additional information about this deployment
name (string)
A name for the deployment; otherwise this will be the generated deployment id
region (string)
Identifier of the region to be used as the default for all the resources of the deployment
resources (DeploymentCreateResources)
The Resources that will belong to this Deployment
settings (DeploymentCreateSettings)
Additional configuration for this Deployment
version (string)
The version for all the resources of the deployment (must be one of the supported versions). Defaults to the latest version if not specified.


   "alias" : "string",
   "metadata" : {
      "tags" : [
            "key" : "string",
            "value" : "string"
   "name" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "resources" : {
      "apm" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "apm" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "apm" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
      "appsearch" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "appsearch" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "appsearch" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
      "elasticsearch" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "autoscaling_max" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "autoscaling_min" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
                     "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
                     "elasticsearch" : {
                        "curation" : {
                           "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                           "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                        "node_attributes" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "auto_create_index" : true,
                           "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                           "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                           "enable_close_index" : true,
                           "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                           "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                           "reindex_whitelist" : [
                           "scripting" : {
                              "expressions_enabled" : true,
                              "file" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "inline" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "mustache_enabled" : true,
                              "painless_enabled" : true,
                              "stored" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                           "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                        "user_bundles" : [
                              "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                              "name" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "user_plugins" : [
                              "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                              "name" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "node_roles" : [
                     "node_type" : {
                        "data" : true,
                        "ingest" : true,
                        "master" : true,
                        "ml" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "topology_element_control" : {
                        "min" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "deployment_template" : {
                  "id" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "elasticsearch" : {
                  "curation" : {
                     "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                  "node_attributes" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "auto_create_index" : true,
                     "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                     "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                     "enable_close_index" : true,
                     "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                     "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                     "reindex_whitelist" : [
                     "scripting" : {
                        "expressions_enabled" : true,
                        "file" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "inline" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "mustache_enabled" : true,
                        "painless_enabled" : true,
                        "stored" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                  "user_bundles" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_plugins" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "cluster_settings_json" : {},
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
                     "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
                     "skip_snapshot" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "remote_clusters" : {
                     "resources" : [
                           "alias" : "string",
                           "deployment_id" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                           "info" : {
                              "compatible" : true,
                              "connected" : true,
                              "healthy" : true,
                              "trusted" : true,
                              "trusted_back" : true
                           "skip_unavailable" : true
                  "restore_snapshot" : {
                     "repository_config" : {
                        "raw_settings" : {}
                     "repository_name" : "string",
                     "restore_payload" : {
                        "indices" : [
                        "raw_settings" : {}
                     "snapshot_name" : "string",
                     "source_cluster_id" : "string",
                     "strategy" : "string"
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "curation" : {
                  "specs" : [
                        "index_pattern" : "string",
                        "trigger_interval_seconds" : 0
               "dedicated_masters_threshold" : 0,
               "keystore_contents" : {
                  "secrets" : {
                     "some_property" : {
                        "as_file" : true,
                        "value" : {}
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
               "monitoring" : {
                  "target_cluster_id" : "string"
               "snapshot" : {
                  "cron_expression" : "string",
                  "interval" : "string",
                  "retention" : {
                     "max_age" : "string",
                     "snapshots" : 0
                  "slm" : true
               "traffic_filter" : {
                  "rulesets" : [
               "trust" : {
                  "accounts" : [
                        "account_id" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "trust_all" : true,
                        "trust_allowlist" : [
                  "direct" : [
                        "additional_node_names" : [
                        "certificates" : [
                              "metadata" : {
                                 "also_trusted_by" : [
                                 "fingerprint" : "string",
                                 "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                              "pem" : "string"
                        "name" : "string",
                        "scope_id" : "string",
                        "trust_all" : true,
                        "trust_allowlist" : [
                        "type" : "string",
                        "uid" : "string"
                  "external" : [
                        "name" : "string",
                        "trust_all" : true,
                        "trust_allowlist" : [
                        "trust_relationship_id" : "string"
      "enterprise_search" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "allocator_filter" : {},
                     "enterprise_search" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "memory_per_node" : {},
                     "node_configuration" : "string",
                     "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "connector" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "enterprise_search" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
      "integrations_server" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "integrations_server" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "mode" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "integrations_server" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "mode" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
      "kibana" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "kibana" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "kibana" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
   "settings" : {
      "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
      "observability" : {
         "logging" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "metrics" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
      "traffic_filter_settings" : {
         "rulesets" : [
   "version" : "string"


Describes the resources that will belong to a Deployment


apm (array[ApmPayload])
A list of payloads for APM creation. WARNING: For stack versions 8.0.0 and higher the integrations_server payload should be used instead, as this field becomes deprecated.
appsearch (array[AppSearchPayload])
A list of payloads for AppSearch updates. AppSearch has been replaced by Enterprise Search in the Elastic Stack 7.7 and higher.
elasticsearch (array[ElasticsearchPayload])
A list of payloads for Elasticsearch cluster creation.
enterprise_search (array[EnterpriseSearchPayload])
A list of payloads for Enterprise Search creation.
integrations_server (array[IntegrationsServerPayload])
A list of payloads for Integrations Server creation.
kibana (array[KibanaPayload])
A list of payloads for Kibana creation.


   "apm" : [
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "plan" : {
            "apm" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "apm" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "settings" : {
            "metadata" : {
               "name" : "string"
   "appsearch" : [
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "plan" : {
            "appsearch" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "cluster_topology" : [
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                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
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                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "node_type" : {
                     "appserver" : true,
                     "worker" : true
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "move_allocators" : [
                        "allocator_down" : true,
                        "from" : "string",
                        "to" : [
                  "move_instances" : [
                        "from" : "string",
                        "instance_down" : true,
                        "to" : [
                  "preferred_allocators" : [
                  "reallocate_instances" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
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         "settings" : {
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               "name" : "string"
   "elasticsearch" : [
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         "plan" : {
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            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "autoscaling_max" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "autoscaling_min" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
                  "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
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                        "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
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                        "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                        "reindex_whitelist" : [
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                           "file" : {
                              "enabled" : true,
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                              "enabled" : true,
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                           "url" : "string"
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                           "name" : "string",
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                        "value" : 0
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               "version" : "string"
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                  "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
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                     "name" : "string",
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               "retention" : {
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                              "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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   "enterprise_search" : [
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               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
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            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "move_allocators" : [
                        "allocator_down" : true,
                        "from" : "string",
                        "to" : [
                  "move_instances" : [
                        "from" : "string",
                        "instance_down" : true,
                        "to" : [
                  "preferred_allocators" : [
                  "reallocate_instances" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "settings" : {
            "metadata" : {
               "name" : "string"
   "integrations_server" : [
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "integrations_server" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "mode" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "integrations_server" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "mode" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "settings" : {
            "metadata" : {
               "name" : "string"
   "kibana" : [
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "kibana" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "kibana" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "settings" : {
            "metadata" : {
               "name" : "string"


A response returned from the Deployment create endpoint


alias (string)
A user-defined deployment alias for user-friendly resource URLs
created (boolean, required)
Whether or not the deployment was freshly created
diagnostics (DeploymentDiagnostics)
Backend diagnostics. Sent if validation is requested.
id (string, required)
The id of the deployment
name (string, required)
The name of the deployment
resources (array[DeploymentResource], required)
List of created resources.


   "alias" : "string",
   "created" : true,
   "diagnostics" : {
      "creates" : {
         "apm" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "appsearch" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "elasticsearch" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "enterprise_search" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "integrations_server" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "kibana" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
      "updates" : {
         "apm" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "appsearch" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "elasticsearch" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "enterprise_search" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "integrations_server" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "kibana" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
   "id" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "resources" : [
         "cloud_id" : "string",
         "credentials" : {
            "password" : "string",
            "username" : "string"
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "id" : "string",
         "kind" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "secret_token" : "string",
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string"


Additional configuration for the new deployment object.


autoscaling_enabled (boolean)
Enable autoscaling for this deployment.
observability (DeploymentObservabilitySettings)
Observability settings for this deployment
traffic_filter_settings (TrafficFilterSettings)
The traffic filter rulesets to apply to this deployment.


   "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
   "observability" : {
      "logging" : {
         "destination" : {
            "deployment_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "metrics" : {
         "destination" : {
            "deployment_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
   "traffic_filter_settings" : {
      "rulesets" : [


Describes the diagnostics for a given Deployment-modifying payload


creates (Creates)
Diagnostics for resources to be created
updates (Updates)
Diagnostics for existing resources that may be updated


   "creates" : {
      "apm" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "appsearch" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "elasticsearch" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "enterprise_search" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "integrations_server" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "kibana" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
   "updates" : {
      "apm" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "appsearch" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "elasticsearch" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "enterprise_search" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "integrations_server" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "kibana" : [
            "backend_plan" : {},
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"


Describes a given Deployment


alias (string)
A user-defined deployment alias for user-friendly resource URLs
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the deployment is overall healthy or not (one or more of the resource info subsections will have healthy: false)
id (string, required)
A randomly-generated id of this Deployment
instance_configurations (array[InstanceConfigurationInfo])
List of instance configurations used in the deployment.
metadata (DeploymentMetadata)
Additional information about this deployment
name (string, required)
The name of this deployment
observability (DeploymentObservability)
The observability information for this deployment
resources (DeploymentResources, required)
The Resources that belong to this Deployment
settings (DeploymentSettings)
Additional configuration for this Deployment


   "alias" : "string",
   "healthy" : true,
   "id" : "string",
   "instance_configurations" : [
         "config_version" : 0,
         "cpu_multiplier" : 0.1,
         "description" : "string",
         "discrete_sizes" : {
            "default_size" : 0,
            "resource" : "string",
            "sizes" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "instance_type" : "string",
         "max_zones" : 0,
         "metadata" : {},
         "name" : "string",
         "node_types" : [
         "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
   "metadata" : {
      "byok_enabled" : true,
      "tags" : [
            "key" : "string",
            "value" : "string"
   "name" : "string",
   "observability" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "issues" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "severity" : "string"
      "logging" : {
         "healthy" : true,
         "issues" : [
               "description" : "string",
               "severity" : "string"
         "urls" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
      "metrics" : {
         "healthy" : true,
         "issues" : [
               "description" : "string",
               "severity" : "string"
         "urls" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
   "resources" : {
      "apm" : [
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "id" : "string",
            "info" : {
               "apm_server_mode" : "string",
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
                  "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
                  "links" : {
                     "some_property" : {
                        "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "external_links" : [
                     "id" : "string",
                     "label" : "string",
                     "uri" : "string"
               "healthy" : true,
               "id" : "string",
               "links" : {
                  "some_property" : {
                     "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "metadata" : {
                  "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
                  "aliased_url" : "string",
                  "cloud_id" : "string",
                  "endpoint" : "string",
                  "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "ports" : {
                     "http" : 0,
                     "https" : 0,
                     "transport_passthrough" : 0
                  "raw" : {},
                  "service_url" : "string",
                  "services_urls" : [
                        "service" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "version" : 0
               "name" : "string",
               "plan_info" : {
                  "current" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "error" : {
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "apm" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "debug_enabled" : true,
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "apm" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "debug_enabled" : true,
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                    "kibana_url" : "string",
                                    "secret_token" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
                              "zone_count" : 0
                        "transient" : {
                           "plan_configuration" : {
                              "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
                                 "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
                                 "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "status" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                     "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                     "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "source" : {
                        "action" : "string",
                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
                     "warnings" : [
                           "code" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "history" : [
                        "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "error" : {
                           "details" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "failure_type" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "plan" : {
                           "apm" : {
                              "docker_image" : "string",
                              "system_settings" : {
                                 "debug_enabled" : true,
                                 "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                 "kibana_url" : "string",
                                 "secret_token" : "string"
                              "user_settings_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                              "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                              "version" : "string"
                           "cluster_topology" : [
                                 "apm" : {
                                    "docker_image" : "string",
                                    "system_settings" : {
                                       "debug_enabled" : true,
                                       "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                       "kibana_url" : "string",
                                       "secret_token" : "string"
                                    "user_settings_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                    "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                    "version" : "string"
                                 "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                 "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                                 "size" : {
                                    "resource" : "string",
                                    "value" : 0
                                 "zone_count" : 0
                           "transient" : {
                              "plan_configuration" : {
                                 "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                 "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                 "timeout" : 0
                              "strategy" : {
                                 "autodetect" : {},
                                 "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                 "rolling" : {
                                    "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                    "group_by" : "string",
                                    "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                    "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                 "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                        "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                        "plan_attempt_log" : [
                              "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                              "info_log" : [
                                    "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                    "details" : {
                                       "some_property" : "string"
                                    "failure_type" : "string",
                                    "message" : "string",
                                    "stage" : "string",
                                    "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                              "stage" : "string",
                              "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "status" : "string",
                              "step_id" : "string"
                        "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                        "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "source" : {
                           "action" : "string",
                           "admin_id" : "string",
                           "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "facilitator" : "string",
                           "remote_addresses" : [
                           "user_id" : "string"
                        "warnings" : [
                              "code" : "string",
                              "message" : "string",
                              "step_id" : "string"
                  "pending" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "error" : {
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "apm" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "debug_enabled" : true,
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "apm" : {
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                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "debug_enabled" : true,
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
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                                    "secret_token" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
                              "zone_count" : 0
                        "transient" : {
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                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
                                 "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
                                 "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "status" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                     "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                     "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "source" : {
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                        "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "external_links" : [
                     "id" : "string",
                     "label" : "string",
                     "uri" : "string"
               "healthy" : true,
               "links" : {
                  "some_property" : {
                     "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "metadata" : {
                  "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
                  "aliased_url" : "string",
                  "cloud_id" : "string",
                  "endpoint" : "string",
                  "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "ports" : {
                     "http" : 0,
                     "https" : 0,
                     "transport_passthrough" : 0
                  "raw" : {},
                  "service_url" : "string",
                  "services_urls" : [
                        "service" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "version" : 0
               "plan_info" : {
                  "current" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "error" : {
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                              "kibana" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
                              "zone_count" : 0
                        "kibana" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "transient" : {
                           "plan_configuration" : {
                              "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
                                 "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
                                 "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "status" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                     "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                     "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "source" : {
                        "action" : "string",
                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
                     "warnings" : [
                           "code" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "history" : [
                        "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "error" : {
                           "details" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "failure_type" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "plan" : {
                           "cluster_topology" : [
                                 "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                 "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                                 "kibana" : {
                                    "docker_image" : "string",
                                    "system_settings" : {
                                       "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                    "user_settings_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                    "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                    "version" : "string"
                                 "size" : {
                                    "resource" : "string",
                                    "value" : 0
                                 "zone_count" : 0
                           "kibana" : {
                              "docker_image" : "string",
                              "system_settings" : {
                                 "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                              "user_settings_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                              "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                              "version" : "string"
                           "transient" : {
                              "plan_configuration" : {
                                 "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                 "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                 "timeout" : 0
                              "strategy" : {
                                 "autodetect" : {},
                                 "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                 "rolling" : {
                                    "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                    "group_by" : "string",
                                    "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                    "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                 "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                        "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                        "plan_attempt_log" : [
                              "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                              "info_log" : [
                                    "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                    "details" : {
                                       "some_property" : "string"
                                    "failure_type" : "string",
                                    "message" : "string",
                                    "stage" : "string",
                                    "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                              "stage" : "string",
                              "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "status" : "string",
                              "step_id" : "string"
                        "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                        "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "source" : {
                           "action" : "string",
                           "admin_id" : "string",
                           "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "facilitator" : "string",
                           "remote_addresses" : [
                           "user_id" : "string"
                        "warnings" : [
                              "code" : "string",
                              "message" : "string",
                              "step_id" : "string"
                  "pending" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "error" : {
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                              "kibana" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
                              "zone_count" : 0
                        "kibana" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "transient" : {
                           "plan_configuration" : {
                              "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
                                 "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
                                 "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "status" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                     "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                     "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "source" : {
                        "action" : "string",
                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
                     "warnings" : [
                           "code" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
               "region" : "string",
               "settings" : {
                  "metadata" : {
                     "name" : "string"
               "status" : "string",
               "topology" : {
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "instances" : [
                        "allocator_id" : "string",
                        "container_started" : true,
                        "disk" : {
                           "disk_space_available" : 0,
                           "disk_space_used" : 0,
                           "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "instance_configuration" : {
                           "config_version" : 0,
                           "id" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
                           "resource" : "string"
                        "instance_name" : "string",
                        "instance_overrides" : {
                           "capacity" : 0,
                           "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                        "maintenance_mode" : true,
                        "memory" : {
                           "instance_capacity" : 0,
                           "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                           "memory_pressure" : 0,
                           "native_memory_pressure" : 0
                        "node_roles" : [
                        "service_roles" : [
                        "service_running" : true,
                        "service_version" : "string",
                        "zone" : "string"
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string"
   "settings" : {
      "auto_ops" : {
         "status" : "string"
      "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
      "observability" : {
         "logging" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "metrics" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
      "traffic_filter_settings" : {
         "rulesets" : [


Logging information for a deployment


healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the deployment logging is healthy or not
issues (array[ObservabilityIssue])
Logging health issues for the deployment
urls (map[string,string])
The URLs to view this deployment's logs in Kibana


   "healthy" : true,
   "issues" : [
         "description" : "string",
         "severity" : "string"
   "urls" : {
      "some_property" : "string"


The logging settings for a deployment


destination (ObservabilityAbsoluteDeployment, required)
The destination deployment that this deployment's logs will be sent to


   "destination" : {
      "deployment_id" : "string",
      "ref_id" : "string"


Additional information about the current deployment object.


byok_enabled (boolean)
Indicates if the Deployment is BYOK enabled or not
tags (array[MetadataItem])
Arbitrary user-defined metadata associated with this deployment


   "byok_enabled" : true,
   "tags" : [
         "key" : "string",
         "value" : "string"


Metrics information for a deployment


healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the deployment metrics are healthy or not
issues (array[ObservabilityIssue])
Metrics health issues for the deployment
urls (map[string,string])
The URLs to view this deployment's metrics in Kibana


   "healthy" : true,
   "issues" : [
         "description" : "string",
         "severity" : "string"
   "urls" : {
      "some_property" : "string"


The metrics settings for a deployment


destination (ObservabilityAbsoluteDeployment, required)
The destination deployment that this deployment's metrics will be sent to


   "destination" : {
      "deployment_id" : "string",
      "ref_id" : "string"


Observability information for a deployment


healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the deployment observability is healthy or not (one or more of the subsections will have healthy: false)
issues (array[ObservabilityIssue])
General observability health issues for the deployment
logging (DeploymentLogging)
The logging information for the deployment
metrics (DeploymentMetrics)
The metrics information for the deployment


   "healthy" : true,
   "issues" : [
         "description" : "string",
         "severity" : "string"
   "logging" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "issues" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "severity" : "string"
      "urls" : {
         "some_property" : "string"
   "metrics" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "issues" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "severity" : "string"
      "urls" : {
         "some_property" : "string"


The observability settings for a deployment


logging (DeploymentLoggingSettings)
The logging settings for the deployment
metrics (DeploymentMetricsSettings)
The metrics settings for the deployment


   "logging" : {
      "destination" : {
         "deployment_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "metrics" : {
      "destination" : {
         "deployment_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"


Data for a deployment resource


cloud_id (string)
An encoded string that provides other Elastic services with the necessary information to connect to this Elasticsearch and Kibana
credentials (ClusterCredentials)
Credentials for logging into a created resource. Only provided on initial create and absent otherwise.
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string)
The Elasticsearch cluster that this resource depends on.
id (string, required)
A system-unique id for the created resource
kind (string, required)
The kind of resource
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique friendly alias for this Elasticsearch cluster
region (string, required)
Identifier of the region in which this resource runs.
secret_token (string)
Secret token for using a created resource. Only provided on initial create and absent otherwise.
warnings (array[ReplyWarning])
List of warnings generated from validating resource updates


   "cloud_id" : "string",
   "credentials" : {
      "password" : "string",
      "username" : "string"
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "id" : "string",
   "kind" : "string",
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "secret_token" : "string",
   "warnings" : [
         "code" : "string",
         "message" : "string"


Response returned when a command is successfully issued against a given Deployment resource


warnings (array[ReplyWarning])
List of warnings generated from validating command


   "warnings" : [
         "code" : "string",
         "message" : "string"


A response returned from the Deployment Resource endpoints


id (string, required)
The id of the deployment
kind (string, required)
The kind of the stateless resource
ref_id (string, required)
The reference id of the resource


   "id" : "string",
   "kind" : "string",
   "ref_id" : "string"


Intentionally left blank


resource_id (string, required)
stack_version (string, required)


   "resource_id" : "string",
   "stack_version" : "string"


Describes a resource belonging to a Deployment


apm (array[ApmResourceInfo], required)
List of Apm resources in your Deployment
appsearch (array[AppSearchResourceInfo], required)
List of App Search resources in your Deployment
elasticsearch (array[ElasticsearchResourceInfo], required)
List of Elasticsearch resources in your Deployment
enterprise_search (array[EnterpriseSearchResourceInfo], required)
List of Enterprise Search resources in your Deployment
integrations_server (array[IntegrationsServerResourceInfo], required)
List of Integrations Server resources in your Deployment
kibana (array[KibanaResourceInfo], required)
List of Kibana resources in your Deployment


   "apm" : [
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "id" : "string",
         "info" : {
            "apm_server_mode" : "string",
            "deployment_id" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
               "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
               "links" : {
                  "some_property" : {
                     "need_elevated_permissions" : true
            "external_links" : [
                  "id" : "string",
                  "label" : "string",
                  "uri" : "string"
            "healthy" : true,
            "id" : "string",
            "links" : {
               "some_property" : {
                  "need_elevated_permissions" : true
            "metadata" : {
               "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
               "aliased_url" : "string",
               "cloud_id" : "string",
               "endpoint" : "string",
               "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "ports" : {
                  "http" : 0,
                  "https" : 0,
                  "transport_passthrough" : 0
               "raw" : {},
               "service_url" : "string",
               "services_urls" : [
                     "service" : "string",
                     "url" : "string"
               "version" : 0
            "name" : "string",
            "plan_info" : {
               "current" : {
                  "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "error" : {
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "plan" : {
                     "apm" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "cluster_topology" : [
                           "apm" : {
                              "docker_image" : "string",
                              "system_settings" : {
                                 "debug_enabled" : true,
                                 "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                 "kibana_url" : "string",
                                 "secret_token" : "string"
                              "user_settings_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                              "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                              "version" : "string"
                           "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                           "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                           "size" : {
                              "resource" : "string",
                              "value" : 0
                           "zone_count" : 0
                     "transient" : {
                        "plan_configuration" : {
                           "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                           "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                           "extended_maintenance" : true,
                           "timeout" : 0
                        "strategy" : {
                           "autodetect" : {},
                           "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                           "rolling" : {
                              "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                              "group_by" : "string",
                              "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                              "skip_synced_flush" : true
                           "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                  "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                  "plan_attempt_log" : [
                        "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                        "info_log" : [
                              "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                              "details" : {
                                 "some_property" : "string"
                              "failure_type" : "string",
                              "message" : "string",
                              "stage" : "string",
                              "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "status" : "string",
                        "step_id" : "string"
                  "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                  "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "source" : {
                     "action" : "string",
                     "admin_id" : "string",
                     "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "facilitator" : "string",
                     "remote_addresses" : [
                     "user_id" : "string"
                  "warnings" : [
                        "code" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "step_id" : "string"
               "healthy" : true,
               "history" : [
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "error" : {
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "apm" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "debug_enabled" : true,
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "apm" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "debug_enabled" : true,
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                    "kibana_url" : "string",
                                    "secret_token" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
                              "zone_count" : 0
                        "transient" : {
                           "plan_configuration" : {
                              "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
                                 "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                 "group_by" : "string",
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               "services_urls" : [
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                     "url" : "string"
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            "plan_info" : {
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                  "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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                     "message" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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                           "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
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                              "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
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                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
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                           "timeout" : 0
                        "strategy" : {
                           "autodetect" : {},
                           "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                           "rolling" : {
                              "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                              "group_by" : "string",
                              "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                              "skip_synced_flush" : true
                           "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
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                  "plan_attempt_log" : [
                        "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                        "info_log" : [
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                        "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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                  "source" : {
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                     "admin_id" : "string",
                     "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "facilitator" : "string",
                     "remote_addresses" : [
                     "user_id" : "string"
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                        "message" : "string",
                        "step_id" : "string"
               "healthy" : true,
               "history" : [
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                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "error" : {
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                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
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                              "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                              "kibana" : {
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                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
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                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
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                                 "value" : 0
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                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "transient" : {
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                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
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                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
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                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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                           "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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                           "step_id" : "string"
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                     "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "source" : {
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                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
                     "warnings" : [
                           "code" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
               "pending" : {
                  "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "error" : {
                     "details" : {
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                     "message" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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                  "plan" : {
                     "cluster_topology" : [
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                           "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                           "kibana" : {
                              "docker_image" : "string",
                              "system_settings" : {
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                                 "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                              "user_settings_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                              "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                              "version" : "string"
                           "size" : {
                              "resource" : "string",
                              "value" : 0
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                        "system_settings" : {
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                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "transient" : {
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                           "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                           "extended_maintenance" : true,
                           "timeout" : 0
                        "strategy" : {
                           "autodetect" : {},
                           "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                           "rolling" : {
                              "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                              "group_by" : "string",
                              "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                              "skip_synced_flush" : true
                           "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                  "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                  "plan_attempt_log" : [
                        "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                        "info_log" : [
                              "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                              "details" : {
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                              "message" : "string",
                              "stage" : "string",
                              "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "status" : "string",
                        "step_id" : "string"
                  "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                  "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "source" : {
                     "action" : "string",
                     "admin_id" : "string",
                     "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "facilitator" : "string",
                     "remote_addresses" : [
                     "user_id" : "string"
                  "warnings" : [
                        "code" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "step_id" : "string"
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
            "status" : "string",
            "topology" : {
               "healthy" : true,
               "instances" : [
                     "allocator_id" : "string",
                     "container_started" : true,
                     "disk" : {
                        "disk_space_available" : 0,
                        "disk_space_used" : 0,
                        "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "instance_configuration" : {
                        "config_version" : 0,
                        "id" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "resource" : "string"
                     "instance_name" : "string",
                     "instance_overrides" : {
                        "capacity" : 0,
                        "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                     "maintenance_mode" : true,
                     "memory" : {
                        "instance_capacity" : 0,
                        "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                        "memory_pressure" : 0,
                        "native_memory_pressure" : 0
                     "node_roles" : [
                     "service_roles" : [
                     "service_running" : true,
                     "service_version" : "string",
                     "zone" : "string"
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string"


A response returned from the Deployment restore endpoint


id (string, required)
The id of the deployment


   "id" : "string"


Describes a searched Deployment


alias (string)
A user-defined deployment alias for user-friendly resource URLs
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the deployment is overall healthy or not (one or more of the resource info subsections will have healthy: false)
id (string, required)
A randomly-generated id of this Deployment
metadata (DeploymentMetadata)
Additional information about this deployment
name (string, required)
The name of this deployment
resources (DeploymentResources, required)
The Resources that belong to this Deployment
settings (DeploymentSettings)
Additional configuration for this Deployment


   "alias" : "string",
   "healthy" : true,
   "id" : "string",
   "metadata" : {
      "byok_enabled" : true,
      "tags" : [
            "key" : "string",
            "value" : "string"
   "name" : "string",
   "resources" : {
      "apm" : [
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "id" : "string",
            "info" : {
               "apm_server_mode" : "string",
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
                  "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
                  "links" : {
                     "some_property" : {
                        "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "external_links" : [
                     "id" : "string",
                     "label" : "string",
                     "uri" : "string"
               "healthy" : true,
               "id" : "string",
               "links" : {
                  "some_property" : {
                     "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "metadata" : {
                  "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
                  "aliased_url" : "string",
                  "cloud_id" : "string",
                  "endpoint" : "string",
                  "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "ports" : {
                     "http" : 0,
                     "https" : 0,
                     "transport_passthrough" : 0
                  "raw" : {},
                  "service_url" : "string",
                  "services_urls" : [
                        "service" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "version" : 0
               "name" : "string",
               "plan_info" : {
                  "current" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "error" : {
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                           "some_property" : "string"
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                        "message" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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                     "plan" : {
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                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
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                                    "secret_token" : "string"
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                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
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                                 "value" : 0
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                           "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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                           "remote_addresses" : [
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                        "transient" : {
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                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
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                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
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                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
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                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
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                           "step_id" : "string"
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               "settings" : {
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                           "disk_space_used" : 0,
                           "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                        "healthy" : true,
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                           "id" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
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                        "instance_overrides" : {
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                           "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                        "maintenance_mode" : true,
                        "memory" : {
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                           "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                           "memory_pressure" : 0,
                           "native_memory_pressure" : 0
                        "node_roles" : [
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      "kibana" : [
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            "id" : "string",
            "info" : {
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               "cluster_name" : "string",
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
                  "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
                  "links" : {
                     "some_property" : {
                        "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "external_links" : [
                     "id" : "string",
                     "label" : "string",
                     "uri" : "string"
               "healthy" : true,
               "links" : {
                  "some_property" : {
                     "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "metadata" : {
                  "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
                  "aliased_url" : "string",
                  "cloud_id" : "string",
                  "endpoint" : "string",
                  "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "ports" : {
                     "http" : 0,
                     "https" : 0,
                     "transport_passthrough" : 0
                  "raw" : {},
                  "service_url" : "string",
                  "services_urls" : [
                        "service" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "version" : 0
               "plan_info" : {
                  "current" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "error" : {
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                              "kibana" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
                              "zone_count" : 0
                        "kibana" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "transient" : {
                           "plan_configuration" : {
                              "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
                                 "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
                                 "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "status" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                     "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                     "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "source" : {
                        "action" : "string",
                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
                     "warnings" : [
                           "code" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "history" : [
                        "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "error" : {
                           "details" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "failure_type" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "plan" : {
                           "cluster_topology" : [
                                 "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                 "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                                 "kibana" : {
                                    "docker_image" : "string",
                                    "system_settings" : {
                                       "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                    "user_settings_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                    "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                    "version" : "string"
                                 "size" : {
                                    "resource" : "string",
                                    "value" : 0
                                 "zone_count" : 0
                           "kibana" : {
                              "docker_image" : "string",
                              "system_settings" : {
                                 "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                              "user_settings_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                              "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                              "version" : "string"
                           "transient" : {
                              "plan_configuration" : {
                                 "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                 "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                 "timeout" : 0
                              "strategy" : {
                                 "autodetect" : {},
                                 "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                 "rolling" : {
                                    "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                    "group_by" : "string",
                                    "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                    "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                 "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                        "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                        "plan_attempt_log" : [
                              "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                              "info_log" : [
                                    "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                    "details" : {
                                       "some_property" : "string"
                                    "failure_type" : "string",
                                    "message" : "string",
                                    "stage" : "string",
                                    "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                              "stage" : "string",
                              "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "status" : "string",
                              "step_id" : "string"
                        "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                        "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "source" : {
                           "action" : "string",
                           "admin_id" : "string",
                           "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "facilitator" : "string",
                           "remote_addresses" : [
                           "user_id" : "string"
                        "warnings" : [
                              "code" : "string",
                              "message" : "string",
                              "step_id" : "string"
                  "pending" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "error" : {
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                              "kibana" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
                              "zone_count" : 0
                        "kibana" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "transient" : {
                           "plan_configuration" : {
                              "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
                                 "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
                                 "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "status" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                     "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                     "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "source" : {
                        "action" : "string",
                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
                     "warnings" : [
                           "code" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
               "region" : "string",
               "settings" : {
                  "metadata" : {
                     "name" : "string"
               "status" : "string",
               "topology" : {
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "instances" : [
                        "allocator_id" : "string",
                        "container_started" : true,
                        "disk" : {
                           "disk_space_available" : 0,
                           "disk_space_used" : 0,
                           "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "instance_configuration" : {
                           "config_version" : 0,
                           "id" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
                           "resource" : "string"
                        "instance_name" : "string",
                        "instance_overrides" : {
                           "capacity" : 0,
                           "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                        "maintenance_mode" : true,
                        "memory" : {
                           "instance_capacity" : 0,
                           "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                           "memory_pressure" : 0,
                           "native_memory_pressure" : 0
                        "node_roles" : [
                        "service_roles" : [
                        "service_running" : true,
                        "service_version" : "string",
                        "zone" : "string"
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string"
   "settings" : {
      "auto_ops" : {
         "status" : "string"
      "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
      "observability" : {
         "logging" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "metrics" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
      "traffic_filter_settings" : {
         "rulesets" : [


Additional configuration about the current deployment object.


auto_ops (AutoOpsSettings, required)
See AutoOps integration status for this deployment.
autoscaling_enabled (boolean)
If autoscaling is enabled for this deployment.
observability (DeploymentObservabilitySettings)
Logging and monitoring settings for this deployment.
traffic_filter_settings (TrafficFilterSettings)
The traffic filter rulesets for this deployment.


   "auto_ops" : {
      "status" : "string"
   "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
   "observability" : {
      "logging" : {
         "destination" : {
            "deployment_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "metrics" : {
         "destination" : {
            "deployment_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
   "traffic_filter_settings" : {
      "rulesets" : [


A response returned from the Deployment shutdown endpoint


id (string, required)
The id of the deployment
name (string, required)
The name of the deployment
orphaned (Orphaned)
Details about orphaned resources


   "id" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "orphaned" : {
      "apm" : [
      "appsearch" : [
      "elasticsearch" : [
            "dependents" : [
                  "id" : "string",
                  "kind" : "string"
            "id" : "string"
      "enterprise_search" : [
      "integrations_server" : [
      "kibana" : [


Deployment template detailed information


deployment_template (DeploymentCreateRequest, required)
The body of the deployment template to use for creating a deployment.
description (string)
An optional description for the template.
id (string, required)
The unique identifier for the template.
instance_configurations (array[InstanceConfigurationInfo], required)
List of instance configurations used in the cluster template.
kibana_deeplink (array[KibanaDeeplink])
The Kibana Deeplink for this type of deployment.
metadata (array[MetadataItem])
Optional arbitrary metadata to associate with this template.
min_version (string)
Minimum stack version required by this template, if any.
name (string, required)
A human readable name for the template.
order (integer as int32)
Determines the order in which this template should be returned when listed. Templates are returned in ascending order. If not specified, then the template willbe appended to the end of the list.
source (ChangeSourceInfo)
Information describing the source that created or modified the template.
system_owned (boolean)
Whether or not if this is system owned template.
template_category_id (string)
Provider and version agnostic template identifier used for grouping related template types.


   "deployment_template" : {
      "alias" : "string",
      "metadata" : {
         "tags" : [
               "key" : "string",
               "value" : "string"
      "name" : "string",
      "region" : "string",
      "resources" : {
         "apm" : [
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "plan" : {
                  "apm" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "apm" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "debug_enabled" : true,
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "ref_id" : "string",
               "region" : "string",
               "settings" : {
                  "metadata" : {
                     "name" : "string"
         "appsearch" : [
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "plan" : {
                  "appsearch" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "appsearch" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "secret_session_key" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "node_type" : {
                           "appserver" : true,
                           "worker" : true
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "move_allocators" : [
                              "allocator_down" : true,
                              "from" : "string",
                              "to" : [
                        "move_instances" : [
                              "from" : "string",
                              "instance_down" : true,
                              "to" : [
                        "preferred_allocators" : [
                        "reallocate_instances" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "ref_id" : "string",
               "region" : "string",
               "settings" : {
                  "metadata" : {
                     "name" : "string"
         "elasticsearch" : [
               "display_name" : "string",
               "plan" : {
                  "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "autoscaling_max" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "autoscaling_min" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
                        "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
                        "elasticsearch" : {
                           "curation" : {
                              "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                           "node_attributes" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "auto_create_index" : true,
                              "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                              "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                              "enable_close_index" : true,
                              "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                              "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                              "reindex_whitelist" : [
                              "scripting" : {
                                 "expressions_enabled" : true,
                                 "file" : {
                                    "enabled" : true,
                                    "sandbox_mode" : true
                                 "inline" : {
                                    "enabled" : true,
                                    "sandbox_mode" : true
                                 "mustache_enabled" : true,
                                 "painless_enabled" : true,
                                 "stored" : {
                                    "enabled" : true,
                                    "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
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                                 "name" : "string",
                                 "url" : "string"
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                                 "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                                 "name" : "string",
                                 "url" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
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                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "node_roles" : [
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                           "ingest" : true,
                           "master" : true,
                           "ml" : true
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "topology_element_control" : {
                           "min" : {
                              "resource" : "string",
                              "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "deployment_template" : {
                     "id" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "elasticsearch" : {
                     "curation" : {
                        "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                     "node_attributes" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "auto_create_index" : true,
                        "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                        "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                        "enable_close_index" : true,
                        "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                        "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                        "reindex_whitelist" : [
                        "scripting" : {
                           "expressions_enabled" : true,
                           "file" : {
                              "enabled" : true,
                              "sandbox_mode" : true
                           "inline" : {
                              "enabled" : true,
                              "sandbox_mode" : true
                           "mustache_enabled" : true,
                           "painless_enabled" : true,
                           "stored" : {
                              "enabled" : true,
                              "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                     "user_bundles" : [
                           "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
                           "url" : "string"
                     "user_plugins" : [
                           "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
                           "url" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "transient" : {
                     "cluster_settings_json" : {},
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
                        "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
                        "skip_snapshot" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "remote_clusters" : {
                        "resources" : [
                              "alias" : "string",
                              "deployment_id" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                              "info" : {
                                 "compatible" : true,
                                 "connected" : true,
                                 "healthy" : true,
                                 "trusted" : true,
                                 "trusted_back" : true
                              "skip_unavailable" : true
                     "restore_snapshot" : {
                        "repository_config" : {
                           "raw_settings" : {}
                        "repository_name" : "string",
                        "restore_payload" : {
                           "indices" : [
                           "raw_settings" : {}
                        "snapshot_name" : "string",
                        "source_cluster_id" : "string",
                        "strategy" : "string"
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "ref_id" : "string",
               "region" : "string",
               "settings" : {
                  "curation" : {
                     "specs" : [
                           "index_pattern" : "string",
                           "trigger_interval_seconds" : 0
                  "dedicated_masters_threshold" : 0,
                  "keystore_contents" : {
                     "secrets" : {
                        "some_property" : {
                           "as_file" : true,
                           "value" : {}
                  "metadata" : {
                     "name" : "string"
                  "monitoring" : {
                     "target_cluster_id" : "string"
                  "snapshot" : {
                     "cron_expression" : "string",
                     "interval" : "string",
                     "retention" : {
                        "max_age" : "string",
                        "snapshots" : 0
                     "slm" : true
                  "traffic_filter" : {
                     "rulesets" : [
                  "trust" : {
                     "accounts" : [
                           "account_id" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
                           "trust_all" : true,
                           "trust_allowlist" : [
                     "direct" : [
                           "additional_node_names" : [
                           "certificates" : [
                                 "metadata" : {
                                    "also_trusted_by" : [
                                    "fingerprint" : "string",
                                    "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                    "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                                 "pem" : "string"
                           "name" : "string",
                           "scope_id" : "string",
                           "trust_all" : true,
                           "trust_allowlist" : [
                           "type" : "string",
                           "uid" : "string"
                     "external" : [
                           "name" : "string",
                           "trust_all" : true,
                           "trust_allowlist" : [
                           "trust_relationship_id" : "string"
         "enterprise_search" : [
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "plan" : {
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "allocator_filter" : {},
                        "enterprise_search" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "secret_session_key" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "memory_per_node" : {},
                        "node_configuration" : "string",
                        "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                        "node_type" : {
                           "appserver" : true,
                           "connector" : true,
                           "worker" : true
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "enterprise_search" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "move_allocators" : [
                              "allocator_down" : true,
                              "from" : "string",
                              "to" : [
                        "move_instances" : [
                              "from" : "string",
                              "instance_down" : true,
                              "to" : [
                        "preferred_allocators" : [
                        "reallocate_instances" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "ref_id" : "string",
               "region" : "string",
               "settings" : {
                  "metadata" : {
                     "name" : "string"
         "integrations_server" : [
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "plan" : {
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "integrations_server" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "mode" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "debug_enabled" : true,
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "integrations_server" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "mode" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "ref_id" : "string",
               "region" : "string",
               "settings" : {
                  "metadata" : {
                     "name" : "string"
         "kibana" : [
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "plan" : {
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "kibana" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "kibana" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "ref_id" : "string",
               "region" : "string",
               "settings" : {
                  "metadata" : {
                     "name" : "string"
      "settings" : {
         "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
         "observability" : {
            "logging" : {
               "destination" : {
                  "deployment_id" : "string",
                  "ref_id" : "string"
            "metrics" : {
               "destination" : {
                  "deployment_id" : "string",
                  "ref_id" : "string"
         "traffic_filter_settings" : {
            "rulesets" : [
      "version" : "string"
   "description" : "string",
   "id" : "string",
   "instance_configurations" : [
         "config_version" : 0,
         "cpu_multiplier" : 0.1,
         "description" : "string",
         "discrete_sizes" : {
            "default_size" : 0,
            "resource" : "string",
            "sizes" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "instance_type" : "string",
         "max_zones" : 0,
         "metadata" : {},
         "name" : "string",
         "node_types" : [
         "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
   "kibana_deeplink" : [
         "semver" : "string",
         "uri" : "string"
   "metadata" : [
         "key" : "string",
         "value" : "string"
   "min_version" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "order" : 0,
   "source" : {
      "action" : "string",
      "admin_id" : "string",
      "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "facilitator" : "string",
      "remote_addresses" : [
      "user_id" : "string"
   "system_owned" : true,
   "template_category_id" : "string"


Specifies the deployment template used to create the plan.


id (string, required)
The unique identifier of the deployment template
version (string)
A version identifier to disambiguate multiple revisions of the same template


   "id" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


Additional information about the current deployment object.


tags (array[MetadataItem])
Arbitrary user-defined metadata associated with this deployment


   "tags" : [
         "key" : "string",
         "value" : "string"


A request for updating a Deployment consisting of multiple resources


alias (string)
A user-defined alias to use in place of Cluster IDs for user-friendly URLs
metadata (DeploymentUpdateMetadata)
Any new information about the current deployment object. If there is no new information the value is unchanged.
name (string)
A new name for the deployment, otherwise stays the same.
prune_orphans (boolean, required)
Whether or not to prune orphan resources that are no longer mentioned in this request. Note that resourcesare tracked by ref_id, and if a resource's ref_id is changed, any previous running resources created with that previousref_id are considered to be orphaned as well.
resources (DeploymentUpdateResources)
New information about the Resources that will have this Deployment, otherwise they stay the same
settings (DeploymentUpdateSettings)
Any new configuration for the current deployment object. If there is no new configuration the value is unchanged.


   "alias" : "string",
   "metadata" : {
      "tags" : [
            "key" : "string",
            "value" : "string"
   "name" : "string",
   "prune_orphans" : true,
   "resources" : {
      "apm" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "apm" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "apm" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
      "appsearch" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "appsearch" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "appsearch" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
      "elasticsearch" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "autoscaling_max" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "autoscaling_min" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
                     "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
                     "elasticsearch" : {
                        "curation" : {
                           "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                           "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                        "node_attributes" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "auto_create_index" : true,
                           "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                           "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                           "enable_close_index" : true,
                           "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                           "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                           "reindex_whitelist" : [
                           "scripting" : {
                              "expressions_enabled" : true,
                              "file" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "inline" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "mustache_enabled" : true,
                              "painless_enabled" : true,
                              "stored" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
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                        "user_bundles" : [
                              "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                              "name" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "user_plugins" : [
                              "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                              "name" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "node_roles" : [
                     "node_type" : {
                        "data" : true,
                        "ingest" : true,
                        "master" : true,
                        "ml" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "topology_element_control" : {
                        "min" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "deployment_template" : {
                  "id" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "elasticsearch" : {
                  "curation" : {
                     "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                  "node_attributes" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "auto_create_index" : true,
                     "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                     "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                     "enable_close_index" : true,
                     "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                     "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                     "reindex_whitelist" : [
                     "scripting" : {
                        "expressions_enabled" : true,
                        "file" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "inline" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
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                        "painless_enabled" : true,
                        "stored" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                  "user_bundles" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_plugins" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "cluster_settings_json" : {},
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
                     "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
                     "skip_snapshot" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "remote_clusters" : {
                     "resources" : [
                           "alias" : "string",
                           "deployment_id" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                           "info" : {
                              "compatible" : true,
                              "connected" : true,
                              "healthy" : true,
                              "trusted" : true,
                              "trusted_back" : true
                           "skip_unavailable" : true
                  "restore_snapshot" : {
                     "repository_config" : {
                        "raw_settings" : {}
                     "repository_name" : "string",
                     "restore_payload" : {
                        "indices" : [
                        "raw_settings" : {}
                     "snapshot_name" : "string",
                     "source_cluster_id" : "string",
                     "strategy" : "string"
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "curation" : {
                  "specs" : [
                        "index_pattern" : "string",
                        "trigger_interval_seconds" : 0
               "dedicated_masters_threshold" : 0,
               "keystore_contents" : {
                  "secrets" : {
                     "some_property" : {
                        "as_file" : true,
                        "value" : {}
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
               "monitoring" : {
                  "target_cluster_id" : "string"
               "snapshot" : {
                  "cron_expression" : "string",
                  "interval" : "string",
                  "retention" : {
                     "max_age" : "string",
                     "snapshots" : 0
                  "slm" : true
               "traffic_filter" : {
                  "rulesets" : [
               "trust" : {
                  "accounts" : [
                        "account_id" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "trust_all" : true,
                        "trust_allowlist" : [
                  "direct" : [
                        "additional_node_names" : [
                        "certificates" : [
                              "metadata" : {
                                 "also_trusted_by" : [
                                 "fingerprint" : "string",
                                 "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                              "pem" : "string"
                        "name" : "string",
                        "scope_id" : "string",
                        "trust_all" : true,
                        "trust_allowlist" : [
                        "type" : "string",
                        "uid" : "string"
                  "external" : [
                        "name" : "string",
                        "trust_all" : true,
                        "trust_allowlist" : [
                        "trust_relationship_id" : "string"
      "enterprise_search" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "allocator_filter" : {},
                     "enterprise_search" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "memory_per_node" : {},
                     "node_configuration" : "string",
                     "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "connector" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "enterprise_search" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
      "integrations_server" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "integrations_server" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "mode" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "integrations_server" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "mode" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
      "kibana" : [
            "display_name" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "kibana" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "kibana" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string",
            "settings" : {
               "metadata" : {
                  "name" : "string"
   "settings" : {
      "auto_ops" : {
         "status" : "string"
      "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
      "observability" : {
         "logging" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "metrics" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"


Describes the Deployment resource updates


apm (array[ApmPayload])
A list of payloads for APM updates
appsearch (array[AppSearchPayload])
A list of payloads for AppSearch updates. AppSearch has been replaced by Enterprise Search in the Elastic Stack 7.7 and higher
elasticsearch (array[ElasticsearchPayload])
A list of payloads for Elasticsearch cluster updates
enterprise_search (array[EnterpriseSearchPayload])
A list of payloads for Enterprise Search updates
integrations_server (array[IntegrationsServerPayload])
A list of payloads for Integrations Server updates
kibana (array[KibanaPayload])
A list of payloads for Kibana updates


   "apm" : [
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "plan" : {
            "apm" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "apm" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
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         "settings" : {
            "metadata" : {
               "name" : "string"
   "appsearch" : [
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               "system_settings" : {
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                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
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               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
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                     "system_settings" : {
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                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
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                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
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                     "worker" : true
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
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            "transient" : {
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                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
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                        "allocator_down" : true,
                        "from" : "string",
                        "to" : [
                  "move_instances" : [
                        "from" : "string",
                        "instance_down" : true,
                        "to" : [
                  "preferred_allocators" : [
                  "reallocate_instances" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
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                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
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         "settings" : {
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   "elasticsearch" : [
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            "cluster_topology" : [
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                     "value" : 0
                  "autoscaling_min" : {
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                     "value" : 0
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   "integrations_server" : [
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "integrations_server" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "mode" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "integrations_server" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "mode" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "settings" : {
            "metadata" : {
               "name" : "string"
   "kibana" : [
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "kibana" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "kibana" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "settings" : {
            "metadata" : {
               "name" : "string"


A response returned from the Deployment update endpoint


alias (string)
A user-defined alias to use in place of ResourceIds for user-friendly resource URLs
diagnostics (DeploymentDiagnostics)
Backend diagnostics. Sent if validation is requested.
id (string, required)
The id of the deployment
name (string, required)
The name of the deployment
resources (array[DeploymentResource], required)
List of resources that are part of the deployment after the update operation.
settings (DeploymentSettings)
Additional configuration for this Deployment
shutdown_resources (Orphaned)
List of resources that have been shut down


   "alias" : "string",
   "diagnostics" : {
      "creates" : {
         "apm" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "appsearch" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "elasticsearch" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "enterprise_search" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "integrations_server" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "kibana" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
      "updates" : {
         "apm" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "appsearch" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "elasticsearch" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "enterprise_search" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "integrations_server" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "kibana" : [
               "backend_plan" : {},
               "display_name" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
   "id" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "resources" : [
         "cloud_id" : "string",
         "credentials" : {
            "password" : "string",
            "username" : "string"
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "id" : "string",
         "kind" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "secret_token" : "string",
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string"
   "settings" : {
      "auto_ops" : {
         "status" : "string"
      "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
      "observability" : {
         "logging" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
         "metrics" : {
            "destination" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string"
      "traffic_filter_settings" : {
         "rulesets" : [
   "shutdown_resources" : {
      "apm" : [
      "appsearch" : [
      "elasticsearch" : [
            "dependents" : [
                  "id" : "string",
                  "kind" : "string"
            "id" : "string"
      "enterprise_search" : [
      "integrations_server" : [
      "kibana" : [


Additional configuration for the new deployment object.


auto_ops (AutoOpsSettings)
See AutoOps integration status for this deployment.
autoscaling_enabled (boolean)
Enable autoscaling for this deployment.
observability (DeploymentObservabilitySettings)
Logging and monitoring settings for this deployment. If provided it will change observability settings, if null observability will be removed from the deployment, otherwise will stay the same


   "auto_ops" : {
      "status" : "string"
   "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
   "observability" : {
      "logging" : {
         "destination" : {
            "deployment_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"
      "metrics" : {
         "destination" : {
            "deployment_id" : "string",
            "ref_id" : "string"


The status of your cluster and its readiness to be upgraded


details (string, required)
Message with information about the number of Elasticsearch and Kibana deprecations
ready_for_upgrade (boolean, required)
A boolean indicating whether or not the cluster is ready to be upgraded


   "details" : "string",
   "ready_for_upgrade" : true


Costs associated to a set of deployments for an organization. All of the costs are expressed in Elastic Consumption Unit (ECU).


deployments (array[DeploymentCosts], required)
Costs of the list of deployments
total_cost (number as double, required)
Total cost for all deployments


   "deployments" : [
         "costs" : {
            "dimensions" : [
                  "cost" : 0.1,
                  "type" : "string"
            "total" : 0.1
         "deployment_id" : "string",
         "deployment_name" : "string",
         "hourly_rate" : 0.1,
         "period" : {
            "end" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "start" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "total_cost" : 0.1


Contains a list of deployments


deployments (array[DeploymentsListingData], required)
The deployments


   "deployments" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "name" : "string",
         "resources" : [
               "cloud_id" : "string",
               "credentials" : {
                  "password" : "string",
                  "username" : "string"
               "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
               "id" : "string",
               "kind" : "string",
               "ref_id" : "string",
               "region" : "string",
               "secret_token" : "string",
               "warnings" : [
                     "code" : "string",
                     "message" : "string"


Intentionally left blank


id (string, required)
The id of this deployment
name (string, required)
The name of this deployment
resources (array[DeploymentResource], required)
List of resources in this deployment


   "id" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "resources" : [
         "cloud_id" : "string",
         "credentials" : {
            "password" : "string",
            "username" : "string"
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "id" : "string",
         "kind" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "secret_token" : "string",
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string"


Contains a list of Deployments as result of a search request.


deployments (array[DeploymentSearchResponse], required)
match_count (integer as int32)
If a query is supplied, then the total number of deployments that matched
minimal_metadata (array[object])
return_count (integer as int32, required)
The number of deployments actually returned


   "deployments" : [
         "alias" : "string",
         "healthy" : true,
         "id" : "string",
         "metadata" : {
            "byok_enabled" : true,
            "tags" : [
                  "key" : "string",
                  "value" : "string"
         "name" : "string",
         "resources" : {
            "apm" : [
                  "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
                  "id" : "string",
                  "info" : {
                     "apm_server_mode" : "string",
                     "deployment_id" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
                        "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
                        "links" : {
                           "some_property" : {
                              "need_elevated_permissions" : true
                     "external_links" : [
                           "id" : "string",
                           "label" : "string",
                           "uri" : "string"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "id" : "string",
                     "links" : {
                        "some_property" : {
                           "need_elevated_permissions" : true
                     "metadata" : {
                        "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
                        "aliased_url" : "string",
                        "cloud_id" : "string",
                        "endpoint" : "string",
                        "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "ports" : {
                           "http" : 0,
                           "https" : 0,
                           "transport_passthrough" : 0
                        "raw" : {},
                        "service_url" : "string",
                        "services_urls" : [
                              "service" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "version" : 0
                     "name" : "string",
                     "plan_info" : {
                        "current" : {
                           "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "error" : {
                              "details" : {
                                 "some_property" : "string"
                              "failure_type" : "string",
                              "message" : "string",
                              "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "healthy" : true,
                           "plan" : {
                              "apm" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "debug_enabled" : true,
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                    "kibana_url" : "string",
                                    "secret_token" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "cluster_topology" : [
                                    "apm" : {
                                       "docker_image" : "string",
                                       "system_settings" : {
                                          "debug_enabled" : true,
                                          "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                          "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                          "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                          "kibana_url" : "string",
                                          "secret_token" : "string"
                                       "user_settings_json" : {},
                                       "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                       "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                       "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                       "version" : "string"
                                    "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                    "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                                    "size" : {
                                       "resource" : "string",
                                       "value" : 0
                                    "zone_count" : 0
                              "transient" : {
                                 "plan_configuration" : {
                                    "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                    "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                    "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                    "timeout" : 0
                                 "strategy" : {
                                    "autodetect" : {},
                                    "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                    "rolling" : {
                                       "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                       "group_by" : "string",
                                       "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                       "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                    "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                           "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                           "plan_attempt_log" : [
                                 "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "info_log" : [
                                       "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                       "details" : {
                                          "some_property" : "string"
                                       "failure_type" : "string",
                                       "message" : "string",
                                       "stage" : "string",
                                       "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "status" : "string",
                                 "step_id" : "string"
                           "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                           "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "source" : {
                              "action" : "string",
                              "admin_id" : "string",
                              "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "facilitator" : "string",
                              "remote_addresses" : [
                              "user_id" : "string"
                           "warnings" : [
                                 "code" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "step_id" : "string"
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "history" : [
                              "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "error" : {
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                              "healthy" : true,
                              "plan" : {
                                 "apm" : {
                                    "docker_image" : "string",
                                    "system_settings" : {
                                       "debug_enabled" : true,
                                       "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                       "kibana_url" : "string",
                                       "secret_token" : "string"
                                    "user_settings_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                    "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                    "version" : "string"
                                 "cluster_topology" : [
                                       "apm" : {
                                          "docker_image" : "string",
                                          "system_settings" : {
                                             "debug_enabled" : true,
                                             "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                             "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                             "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                             "kibana_url" : "string",
                                             "secret_token" : "string"
                                          "user_settings_json" : {},
                                          "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                          "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                          "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                          "version" : "string"
                                       "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                       "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                                       "size" : {
                                          "resource" : "string",
                                          "value" : 0
                                       "zone_count" : 0
                                 "transient" : {
                                    "plan_configuration" : {
                                       "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                       "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                       "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                       "timeout" : 0
                                    "strategy" : {
                                       "autodetect" : {},
                                       "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                       "rolling" : {
                                          "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                          "group_by" : "string",
                                          "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                          "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                       "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                              "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                              "plan_attempt_log" : [
                                    "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                    "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                                    "info_log" : [
                                          "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                          "details" : {
                                             "some_property" : "string"
                                          "failure_type" : "string",
                                          "message" : "string",
                                          "stage" : "string",
                                          "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                                    "stage" : "string",
                                    "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                    "status" : "string",
                                    "step_id" : "string"
                              "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                              "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "source" : {
                                 "action" : "string",
                                 "admin_id" : "string",
                                 "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "facilitator" : "string",
                                 "remote_addresses" : [
                                 "user_id" : "string"
                              "warnings" : [
                                    "code" : "string",
                                    "message" : "string",
                                    "step_id" : "string"
                        "pending" : {
                           "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "error" : {
                              "details" : {
                                 "some_property" : "string"
                              "failure_type" : "string",
                              "message" : "string",
                              "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "healthy" : true,
                           "plan" : {
                              "apm" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "debug_enabled" : true,
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                    "kibana_url" : "string",
                                    "secret_token" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "cluster_topology" : [
                                    "apm" : {
                                       "docker_image" : "string",
                                       "system_settings" : {
                                          "debug_enabled" : true,
                                          "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                          "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                          "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                          "kibana_url" : "string",
                                          "secret_token" : "string"
                                       "user_settings_json" : {},
                                       "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                       "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                       "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                       "version" : "string"
                                    "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                    "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                                    "size" : {
                                       "resource" : "string",
                                       "value" : 0
                                    "zone_count" : 0
                              "transient" : {
                                 "plan_configuration" : {
                                    "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                    "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                    "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                    "timeout" : 0
                                 "strategy" : {
                                    "autodetect" : {},
                                    "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                    "rolling" : {
                                       "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                       "group_by" : "string",
                                       "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                       "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                    "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                           "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                           "plan_attempt_log" : [
                                 "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "info_log" : [
                                       "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                       "details" : {
                                          "some_property" : "string"
                                       "failure_type" : "string",
                                       "message" : "string",
                                       "stage" : "string",
                                       "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "status" : "string",
                                 "step_id" : "string"
                           "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                           "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "source" : {
                              "action" : "string",
                              "admin_id" : "string",
                              "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "facilitator" : "string",
                              "remote_addresses" : [
                              "user_id" : "string"
                           "warnings" : [
                                 "code" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "step_id" : "string"
                     "region" : "string",
                     "settings" : {
                        "metadata" : {
                           "name" : "string"
                     "status" : "string",
                     "topology" : {
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "instances" : [
                              "allocator_id" : "string",
                              "container_started" : true,
                              "disk" : {
                                 "disk_space_available" : 0,
                                 "disk_space_used" : 0,
                                 "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                              "healthy" : true,
                              "instance_configuration" : {
                                 "config_version" : 0,
                                 "id" : "string",
                                 "name" : "string",
                                 "resource" : "string"
                              "instance_name" : "string",
                              "instance_overrides" : {
                                 "capacity" : 0,
                                 "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                              "maintenance_mode" : true,
                              "memory" : {
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                     "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
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                        "links" : {
                           "some_property" : {
                              "need_elevated_permissions" : true
                     "external_links" : [
                           "id" : "string",
                           "label" : "string",
                           "uri" : "string"
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "links" : {
                        "some_property" : {
                           "need_elevated_permissions" : true
                     "metadata" : {
                        "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
                        "aliased_url" : "string",
                        "cloud_id" : "string",
                        "endpoint" : "string",
                        "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "ports" : {
                           "http" : 0,
                           "https" : 0,
                           "transport_passthrough" : 0
                        "raw" : {},
                        "service_url" : "string",
                        "services_urls" : [
                              "service" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "version" : 0
                     "plan_info" : {
                        "current" : {
                           "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "error" : {
                              "details" : {
                                 "some_property" : "string"
                              "failure_type" : "string",
                              "message" : "string",
                              "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "healthy" : true,
                           "plan" : {
                              "cluster_topology" : [
                                    "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                    "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                                    "kibana" : {
                                       "docker_image" : "string",
                                       "system_settings" : {
                                          "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                          "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                          "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                       "user_settings_json" : {},
                                       "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                       "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                       "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                       "version" : "string"
                                    "size" : {
                                       "resource" : "string",
                                       "value" : 0
                                    "zone_count" : 0
                              "kibana" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "transient" : {
                                 "plan_configuration" : {
                                    "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                    "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                    "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                    "timeout" : 0
                                 "strategy" : {
                                    "autodetect" : {},
                                    "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                    "rolling" : {
                                       "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                       "group_by" : "string",
                                       "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                       "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                    "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                           "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                           "plan_attempt_log" : [
                                 "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "info_log" : [
                                       "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                       "details" : {
                                          "some_property" : "string"
                                       "failure_type" : "string",
                                       "message" : "string",
                                       "stage" : "string",
                                       "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "status" : "string",
                                 "step_id" : "string"
                           "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                           "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "source" : {
                              "action" : "string",
                              "admin_id" : "string",
                              "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "facilitator" : "string",
                              "remote_addresses" : [
                              "user_id" : "string"
                           "warnings" : [
                                 "code" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "step_id" : "string"
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "history" : [
                              "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "error" : {
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                              "healthy" : true,
                              "plan" : {
                                 "cluster_topology" : [
                                       "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                       "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                                       "kibana" : {
                                          "docker_image" : "string",
                                          "system_settings" : {
                                             "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                             "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                             "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                          "user_settings_json" : {},
                                          "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                          "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                          "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                          "version" : "string"
                                       "size" : {
                                          "resource" : "string",
                                          "value" : 0
                                       "zone_count" : 0
                                 "kibana" : {
                                    "docker_image" : "string",
                                    "system_settings" : {
                                       "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                    "user_settings_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                    "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                    "version" : "string"
                                 "transient" : {
                                    "plan_configuration" : {
                                       "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                       "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                       "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                       "timeout" : 0
                                    "strategy" : {
                                       "autodetect" : {},
                                       "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                       "rolling" : {
                                          "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                          "group_by" : "string",
                                          "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                          "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                       "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                              "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                              "plan_attempt_log" : [
                                    "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                    "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                                    "info_log" : [
                                          "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                          "details" : {
                                             "some_property" : "string"
                                          "failure_type" : "string",
                                          "message" : "string",
                                          "stage" : "string",
                                          "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                                    "stage" : "string",
                                    "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                    "status" : "string",
                                    "step_id" : "string"
                              "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                              "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "source" : {
                                 "action" : "string",
                                 "admin_id" : "string",
                                 "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "facilitator" : "string",
                                 "remote_addresses" : [
                                 "user_id" : "string"
                              "warnings" : [
                                    "code" : "string",
                                    "message" : "string",
                                    "step_id" : "string"
                        "pending" : {
                           "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "error" : {
                              "details" : {
                                 "some_property" : "string"
                              "failure_type" : "string",
                              "message" : "string",
                              "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "healthy" : true,
                           "plan" : {
                              "cluster_topology" : [
                                    "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                    "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                                    "kibana" : {
                                       "docker_image" : "string",
                                       "system_settings" : {
                                          "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                          "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                          "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                       "user_settings_json" : {},
                                       "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                       "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                       "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                       "version" : "string"
                                    "size" : {
                                       "resource" : "string",
                                       "value" : 0
                                    "zone_count" : 0
                              "kibana" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "transient" : {
                                 "plan_configuration" : {
                                    "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                    "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                    "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                    "timeout" : 0
                                 "strategy" : {
                                    "autodetect" : {},
                                    "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                    "rolling" : {
                                       "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                       "group_by" : "string",
                                       "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                       "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                    "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                           "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                           "plan_attempt_log" : [
                                 "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "info_log" : [
                                       "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                       "details" : {
                                          "some_property" : "string"
                                       "failure_type" : "string",
                                       "message" : "string",
                                       "stage" : "string",
                                       "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                                 "status" : "string",
                                 "step_id" : "string"
                           "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                           "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "source" : {
                              "action" : "string",
                              "admin_id" : "string",
                              "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "facilitator" : "string",
                              "remote_addresses" : [
                              "user_id" : "string"
                           "warnings" : [
                                 "code" : "string",
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "step_id" : "string"
                     "region" : "string",
                     "settings" : {
                        "metadata" : {
                           "name" : "string"
                     "status" : "string",
                     "topology" : {
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "instances" : [
                              "allocator_id" : "string",
                              "container_started" : true,
                              "disk" : {
                                 "disk_space_available" : 0,
                                 "disk_space_used" : 0,
                                 "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                              "healthy" : true,
                              "instance_configuration" : {
                                 "config_version" : 0,
                                 "id" : "string",
                                 "name" : "string",
                                 "resource" : "string"
                              "instance_name" : "string",
                              "instance_overrides" : {
                                 "capacity" : 0,
                                 "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                              "maintenance_mode" : true,
                              "memory" : {
                                 "instance_capacity" : 0,
                                 "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                                 "memory_pressure" : 0,
                                 "native_memory_pressure" : 0
                              "node_roles" : [
                              "service_roles" : [
                              "service_running" : true,
                              "service_version" : "string",
                              "zone" : "string"
                  "ref_id" : "string",
                  "region" : "string"
         "settings" : {
            "auto_ops" : {
               "status" : "string"
            "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
            "observability" : {
               "logging" : {
                  "destination" : {
                     "deployment_id" : "string",
                     "ref_id" : "string"
               "metrics" : {
                  "destination" : {
                     "deployment_id" : "string",
                     "ref_id" : "string"
            "traffic_filter_settings" : {
               "rulesets" : [
   "match_count" : 0,
   "minimal_metadata" : [
   "return_count" : 0


Billing dimension


cost (number as double, required)
The cost of the billing dimension
type (string; allowed values: [capacity, data_in, data_internode, data_out, storage_api, storage_bytes], required)
The type of the billing dimension


   "cost" : 0.1,
   "type" : "string"


The trust relationship with entities trusted directly having their certificate bundled together with the trust settings.


additional_node_names (array[string])
A list of node names trusted in addition to those deducible from trust_allowlist and scope id. Allows trusting nodes that don't have a scoped name at the cost of maintaining the list. Mandatory if scope id is not defined. Wildcards are not allowed.
certificates (array[TrustedCertificate], required)
The public ca certificate(s) to trust. Only one is required, but it is possible to specify multiple certificates in order to facilitate key rotation.
name (string, required)
a human readable name of the trust relationship
scope_id (string)

A lowercase alphanumerical string of max 32 characters. Usually an organization id or an environment id, but could really be any suitable suffix for clusters using the CA certificate of this trust. Required unless trust_all is false and trust_allowlist is empty.

Example: "abc123"

trust_all (boolean, required)
If true, scope_id is required and the trust_allowlist is ignored and all clusters matching the scope id will be trusted.
trust_allowlist (array[string])
The list of clusters with matching scope to trust. Only used when trust_all is false. Providing one or more clusters makes scope_id mandatory.
type (string; allowed values: [ECE, ESS, generic, proxy])
The type can either be ESS, ECE, generic or proxy. If none is specified, then generic is assumed. If proxy is specified, trust_all should be false and trust_allowlist, scope_id and additional_node_names should be omitted.
uid (string)
Auto generated identifier for this trust, allows distinguishing between update vs remove and add.


   "additional_node_names" : [
   "certificates" : [
         "metadata" : {
            "also_trusted_by" : [
            "fingerprint" : "string",
            "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "pem" : "string"
   "name" : "string",
   "scope_id" : "string",
   "trust_all" : true,
   "trust_allowlist" : [
   "type" : "string",
   "uid" : "string"


Instance sizes that are supported by the Elasticsearch instance, Kibana instance, or APM Server configuration.


default_size (integer as int32)
The default size
resource (string; allowed values: [memory, storage])
The unit that each size represents. If not specified, it will default to 'memory'.
sizes (array[integer], required)
List of supported sizes


   "default_size" : 0,
   "resource" : "string",
   "sizes" : [


The costs associated to a Data Transfer and Storage (DTS) dimension for an organization. All of the costs, credits, and trials are expressed in Elastic Consumption Units (ECU).


cost (number as double, required)
Costs associated to the Data Transfer and Storage (DTS) dimensions for an organization
name (string, required)
DTS dimension name
quantity (DtsQuantity, required)
DTS usage
rate (DtsRate, required)
Cost per unit
sku (string, required)
DTS dimension Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
type (string, required)
Type of the DTS dimension usage


   "cost" : 0.1,
   "name" : "string",
   "quantity" : {
      "formatted_value" : "string",
      "value" : 0
   "rate" : {
      "formatted_value" : "string",
      "value" : 0.1
   "sku" : "string",
   "type" : "string"


DTS quantity


formatted_value (string, required)
Quantity in human readable format
value (integer as int64, required)
Raw quantity


   "formatted_value" : "string",
   "value" : 0


DTS Rate


formatted_value (string, required)
Rate in human readable format
value (number as double, required)
Raw rate


   "formatted_value" : "string",
   "value" : 0.1


Holds diagnostics for an Elasticsearch cluster


backend_plan (object, required)
The backend plan as JSON
display_name (string, required)
The human readable name for the cluster (defaults to the generated cluster id if not specified)
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id


   "backend_plan" : {},
   "display_name" : "string",
   "ref_id" : "string"


Information about index or cluster blocks


description (string, required)
Description of the block
level (string; allowed values: [index, global], required)
Applicable level for the block. Either global ie. cluster-wide or index level


   "description" : "string",
   "level" : "string"


Issues that prevent the Elasticsearch cluster or index from correctly operating.


blocks (array[ElasticsearchBlockingIssueElement], required)
A list of blocks that affect the availability of the cluster
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the cluster has issues (false) or not (true)


   "blocks" : [
         "description" : "string",
         "level" : "string"
   "healthy" : true


This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. Use blocks in cluster_blocking_issues instead

Information about an issue and the Elasticsearch instance it affects.


description (string, required)
Description of the issue
instances (array[string], required)
A list of instances that are affected by the issue


   "description" : "string",
   "instances" : [


This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. Use cluster_blocking_issues instead

Issues that prevent the Elasticsearch cluster or index from operating correctly.


cluster_level (array[ElasticsearchClusterBlockingIssueElement], required)
A list of issues that affect availability of entire cluster
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the cluster has issues (false) or not (true)
index_level (array[ElasticsearchClusterBlockingIssueElement], required)
A list of issues that affect availability of the cluster's indices


   "cluster_level" : [
         "description" : "string",
         "instances" : [
   "healthy" : true,
   "index_level" : [
         "description" : "string",
         "instances" : [


The information for an Elasticsearch cluster.


associated_apm_clusters (array[ApmSubInfo], required)
associated_appsearch_clusters (array[AppSearchSubInfo], required)
associated_enterprise_search_clusters (array[EnterpriseSearchSubInfo], required)
associated_kibana_clusters (array[KibanaSubClusterInfo], required)
cluster_id (string, required)
The id of the cluster
cluster_name (string, required)
The name of the cluster
deployment_id (string)
The id of the deployment that this Elasticsearch belongs to.
elasticsearch (ElasticsearchInfo, required)
Information about the Elasticsearch cluster.
elasticsearch_monitoring_info (ElasticsearchMonitoringInfo)
Information about the monitoring status for the Elasticsearch cluster.
external_links (array[ExternalHyperlink], required)
External resources related to the cluster
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the cluster is healthy or not (one or more of the info subsections will have healthy: false)
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation
metadata (ClusterMetadataInfo, required)
Information about the public and internal state, and the configuration settings of an Elasticsearch cluster.
plan_info (ElasticsearchClusterPlansInfo, required)
Information about the current, pending, and past Elasticsearch cluster plans.
region (string)
The region that this cluster belongs to. Only populated in SaaS or federated ECE.
security (ElasticsearchClusterSecurityInfo)
For 2.x Elasticsearch clusters, specifies the information about the users and roles. For 5.x Elasticsearch clusters, use the Kibana management UI.
settings (ElasticsearchClusterSettings)
The settings for an Elasticsearch cluster.
snapshots (SnapshotStatusInfo, required)
Information about the snapshot status for the Elasticsearch cluster. For example, the health status.
status (string; allowed values: [initializing, stopping, stopped, rebooting, restarting, reconfiguring, started], required)
Cluster status
system_alerts (array[ClusterSystemAlert])
List of cluster system alerts
topology (ClusterTopologyInfo, required)
The topology for Elasticsearch clusters, multiple Kibana instances, or multiple APM Servers. The ClusterTopologyInfo also includes the instances and containers, and where they are located.


   "associated_apm_clusters" : [
         "apm_id" : "string",
         "enabled" : true,
         "links" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "associated_appsearch_clusters" : [
         "app_search_id" : "string",
         "enabled" : true,
         "links" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "associated_enterprise_search_clusters" : [
         "enabled" : true,
         "enterprise_search_id" : "string",
         "links" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "associated_kibana_clusters" : [
         "enabled" : true,
         "kibana_id" : "string",
         "links" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "cluster_id" : "string",
   "cluster_name" : "string",
   "deployment_id" : "string",
   "elasticsearch" : {
      "blocking_issues" : {
         "cluster_level" : [
               "description" : "string",
               "instances" : [
         "healthy" : true,
         "index_level" : [
               "description" : "string",
               "instances" : [
      "cluster_blocking_issues" : {
         "blocks" : [
               "description" : "string",
               "level" : "string"
         "healthy" : true
      "healthy" : true,
      "master_info" : {
         "healthy" : true,
         "instances_with_no_master" : [
         "masters" : [
               "instances" : [
               "master_instance_name" : "string",
               "master_node_id" : "string"
      "shard_info" : {
         "available_shards" : [
               "instance_name" : "string",
               "shard_count" : 0
         "healthy" : true,
         "unavailable_replicas" : [
               "instance_name" : "string",
               "replica_count" : 0
         "unavailable_shards" : [
               "instance_name" : "string",
               "shard_count" : 0
      "shards_status" : {
         "status" : "string"
   "elasticsearch_monitoring_info" : {
      "destination_cluster_ids" : [
      "healthy" : true,
      "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "last_update_status" : "string",
      "source_cluster_ids" : [
   "external_links" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "label" : "string",
         "uri" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "metadata" : {
      "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
      "aliased_url" : "string",
      "cloud_id" : "string",
      "endpoint" : "string",
      "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "ports" : {
         "http" : 0,
         "https" : 0,
         "transport_passthrough" : 0
      "raw" : {},
      "service_url" : "string",
      "services_urls" : [
            "service" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "version" : 0
   "plan_info" : {
      "current" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "autoscaling_max" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "autoscaling_min" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
                  "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
                  "elasticsearch" : {
                     "curation" : {
                        "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                     "node_attributes" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "auto_create_index" : true,
                        "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                        "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                        "enable_close_index" : true,
                        "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                        "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
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               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "pending" : {
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         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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                        "destructive_requires_name" : true,
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                              "enabled" : true,
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                           "name" : "string",
                           "url" : "string"
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                           "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
                           "url" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
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                     "ml" : true
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                  "topology_element_control" : {
                     "min" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "deployment_template" : {
               "id" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "elasticsearch" : {
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                  "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
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               "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
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                  "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                  "enable_close_index" : true,
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                  "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                  "reindex_whitelist" : [
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                        "enabled" : true,
                        "sandbox_mode" : true
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                     "stored" : {
                        "enabled" : true,
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                     "name" : "string",
                     "url" : "string"
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                     "name" : "string",
                     "url" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "cluster_settings_json" : {},
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
                  "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
                  "skip_snapshot" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "remote_clusters" : {
                  "resources" : [
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                        "deployment_id" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                        "info" : {
                           "compatible" : true,
                           "connected" : true,
                           "healthy" : true,
                           "trusted" : true,
                           "trusted_back" : true
                        "skip_unavailable" : true
               "restore_snapshot" : {
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                     "raw_settings" : {}
                  "repository_name" : "string",
                  "restore_payload" : {
                     "indices" : [
                     "raw_settings" : {}
                  "snapshot_name" : "string",
                  "source_cluster_id" : "string",
                  "strategy" : "string"
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
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                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "region" : "string",
   "security" : {
      "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "roles" : {},
      "users" : [
            "password_hash" : "string",
            "username" : "string"
      "users_roles" : [
            "roles" : [
            "username" : "string"
      "version" : 0
   "settings" : {
      "curation" : {
         "specs" : [
               "index_pattern" : "string",
               "trigger_interval_seconds" : 0
      "dedicated_masters_threshold" : 0,
      "keystore_contents" : {
         "secrets" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "as_file" : true,
               "value" : {}
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"
      "monitoring" : {
         "target_cluster_id" : "string"
      "snapshot" : {
         "cron_expression" : "string",
         "interval" : "string",
         "retention" : {
            "max_age" : "string",
            "snapshots" : 0
         "slm" : true
      "traffic_filter" : {
         "rulesets" : [
      "trust" : {
         "accounts" : [
               "account_id" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "trust_all" : true,
               "trust_allowlist" : [
         "direct" : [
               "additional_node_names" : [
               "certificates" : [
                     "metadata" : {
                        "also_trusted_by" : [
                        "fingerprint" : "string",
                        "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "pem" : "string"
               "name" : "string",
               "scope_id" : "string",
               "trust_all" : true,
               "trust_allowlist" : [
               "type" : "string",
               "uid" : "string"
         "external" : [
               "name" : "string",
               "trust_all" : true,
               "trust_allowlist" : [
               "trust_relationship_id" : "string"
   "snapshots" : {
      "count" : 0,
      "healthy" : true,
      "latest_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "latest_status" : "string",
      "latest_successful" : true,
      "latest_successful_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "recent_success" : true,
      "scheduled_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "status" : "string",
   "system_alerts" : [
         "alert_type" : "string",
         "exit_code" : 0,
         "instance_name" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "url" : "string"
   "topology" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "instances" : [
            "allocator_id" : "string",
            "container_started" : true,
            "disk" : {
               "disk_space_available" : 0,
               "disk_space_used" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "healthy" : true,
            "instance_configuration" : {
               "config_version" : 0,
               "id" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "resource" : "string"
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "instance_overrides" : {
               "capacity" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "maintenance_mode" : true,
            "memory" : {
               "instance_capacity" : 0,
               "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
               "memory_pressure" : 0,
               "native_memory_pressure" : 0
            "node_roles" : [
            "service_roles" : [
            "service_running" : true,
            "service_version" : "string",
            "zone" : "string"


The plan for the Elasticsearch cluster.


autoscaling_enabled (boolean)
Enable autoscaling for this Elasticsearch cluster.
cluster_topology (array[ElasticsearchClusterTopologyElement], required)
deployment_template (DeploymentTemplateReference)
Documents which deployment template was used in the creation of this plan
elasticsearch (ElasticsearchConfiguration, required)
The Elasticsearch cluster settings. When specified at the top level, provides a field-by-field default. When specified at the topology level, provides the override settings.
transient (TransientElasticsearchPlanConfiguration)
Defines the configuration parameters that control how the plan is applied. For example, the Elasticsearch cluster topology and Elasticsearch settings.


   "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
   "cluster_topology" : [
         "autoscaling_max" : {
            "resource" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "autoscaling_min" : {
            "resource" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
         "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
         "elasticsearch" : {
            "curation" : {
               "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
            "node_attributes" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "system_settings" : {
               "auto_create_index" : true,
               "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
               "destructive_requires_name" : true,
               "enable_close_index" : true,
               "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
               "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
               "reindex_whitelist" : [
               "scripting" : {
                  "expressions_enabled" : true,
                  "file" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
                  "inline" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
                  "mustache_enabled" : true,
                  "painless_enabled" : true,
                  "stored" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
               "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
            "user_bundles" : [
                  "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "url" : "string"
            "user_plugins" : [
                  "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "url" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "id" : "string",
         "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
         "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
         "node_roles" : [
         "node_type" : {
            "data" : true,
            "ingest" : true,
            "master" : true,
            "ml" : true
         "size" : {
            "resource" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "topology_element_control" : {
            "min" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
         "zone_count" : 0
   "deployment_template" : {
      "id" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "elasticsearch" : {
      "curation" : {
         "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
         "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
      "node_attributes" : {
         "some_property" : "string"
      "system_settings" : {
         "auto_create_index" : true,
         "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
         "destructive_requires_name" : true,
         "enable_close_index" : true,
         "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
         "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
         "reindex_whitelist" : [
         "scripting" : {
            "expressions_enabled" : true,
            "file" : {
               "enabled" : true,
               "sandbox_mode" : true
            "inline" : {
               "enabled" : true,
               "sandbox_mode" : true
            "mustache_enabled" : true,
            "painless_enabled" : true,
            "stored" : {
               "enabled" : true,
               "sandbox_mode" : true
         "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
      "user_bundles" : [
            "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
            "name" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "user_plugins" : [
            "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
            "name" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "transient" : {
      "cluster_settings_json" : {},
      "plan_configuration" : {
         "calm_wait_time" : 0,
         "cluster_reboot" : "string",
         "extended_maintenance" : true,
         "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
         "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
         "skip_snapshot" : true,
         "timeout" : 0
      "remote_clusters" : {
         "resources" : [
               "alias" : "string",
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
               "info" : {
                  "compatible" : true,
                  "connected" : true,
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "trusted" : true,
                  "trusted_back" : true
               "skip_unavailable" : true
      "restore_snapshot" : {
         "repository_config" : {
            "raw_settings" : {}
         "repository_name" : "string",
         "restore_payload" : {
            "indices" : [
            "raw_settings" : {}
         "snapshot_name" : "string",
         "source_cluster_id" : "string",
         "strategy" : "string"
      "strategy" : {
         "autodetect" : {},
         "grow_and_shrink" : {},
         "rolling" : {
            "allow_inline_resize" : true,
            "group_by" : "string",
            "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
            "skip_synced_flush" : true
         "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


Information about the Elasticsearch cluster plan.


attempt_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan completed or failed (ie is not pending), when the attempt ended (ISO format in UTC)
attempt_start_time (string as date-time)
When this plan attempt (ie to apply the plan to the cluster) started (ISO format in UTC)
error (ClusterPlanAttemptError)
Information about an error during a plan attempt.
healthy (boolean, required)
Either the plan ended successfully, or is not yet completed (and no errors have occurred)
plan (ElasticsearchClusterPlan)
The plan for the Elasticsearch cluster.
plan_attempt_id (string)
A UUID for each plan attempt
plan_attempt_log (array[ClusterPlanStepInfo], required)
plan_attempt_name (string)
A human readable name for each plan attempt, only populated when retrieving plan histories
plan_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan is not current or pending, when the plan was no longer active (ISO format in UTC)
source (ChangeSourceInfo)
Information describing the source that facilitated the plans current state
warnings (array[ClusterPlanWarning], required)


   "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "error" : {
      "details" : {
         "some_property" : "string"
      "failure_type" : "string",
      "message" : "string",
      "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "healthy" : true,
   "plan" : {
      "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "autoscaling_max" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "autoscaling_min" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
            "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
            "elasticsearch" : {
               "curation" : {
                  "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
               "node_attributes" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "system_settings" : {
                  "auto_create_index" : true,
                  "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                  "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                  "enable_close_index" : true,
                  "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                  "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                  "reindex_whitelist" : [
                  "scripting" : {
                     "expressions_enabled" : true,
                     "file" : {
                        "enabled" : true,
                        "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "inline" : {
                        "enabled" : true,
                        "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "mustache_enabled" : true,
                     "painless_enabled" : true,
                     "stored" : {
                        "enabled" : true,
                        "sandbox_mode" : true
                  "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
               "user_bundles" : [
                     "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                     "name" : "string",
                     "url" : "string"
               "user_plugins" : [
                     "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                     "name" : "string",
                     "url" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "node_roles" : [
            "node_type" : {
               "data" : true,
               "ingest" : true,
               "master" : true,
               "ml" : true
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "topology_element_control" : {
               "min" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "deployment_template" : {
         "id" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "elasticsearch" : {
         "curation" : {
            "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
         "node_attributes" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "system_settings" : {
            "auto_create_index" : true,
            "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
            "destructive_requires_name" : true,
            "enable_close_index" : true,
            "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
            "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
            "reindex_whitelist" : [
            "scripting" : {
               "expressions_enabled" : true,
               "file" : {
                  "enabled" : true,
                  "sandbox_mode" : true
               "inline" : {
                  "enabled" : true,
                  "sandbox_mode" : true
               "mustache_enabled" : true,
               "painless_enabled" : true,
               "stored" : {
                  "enabled" : true,
                  "sandbox_mode" : true
            "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
         "user_bundles" : [
               "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "user_plugins" : [
               "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "transient" : {
         "cluster_settings_json" : {},
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
            "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
            "skip_snapshot" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "remote_clusters" : {
            "resources" : [
                  "alias" : "string",
                  "deployment_id" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                  "info" : {
                     "compatible" : true,
                     "connected" : true,
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "trusted" : true,
                     "trusted_back" : true
                  "skip_unavailable" : true
         "restore_snapshot" : {
            "repository_config" : {
               "raw_settings" : {}
            "repository_name" : "string",
            "restore_payload" : {
               "indices" : [
               "raw_settings" : {}
            "snapshot_name" : "string",
            "source_cluster_id" : "string",
            "strategy" : "string"
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
   "plan_attempt_log" : [
         "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "duration_in_millis" : 0,
         "info_log" : [
               "delta_in_millis" : 0,
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "stage" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "stage" : "string",
         "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "status" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"
   "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
   "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "source" : {
      "action" : "string",
      "admin_id" : "string",
      "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "facilitator" : "string",
      "remote_addresses" : [
      "user_id" : "string"
   "warnings" : [
         "code" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"


Information about the current, pending, and past Elasticsearch cluster plans.


current (ElasticsearchClusterPlanInfo)
Information about the Elasticsearch cluster plan.
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the plan situation is healthy (if unhealthy, means the last plan attempt failed)
history (array[ElasticsearchClusterPlanInfo], required)
pending (ElasticsearchClusterPlanInfo)
Information about the Elasticsearch cluster plan.


   "current" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "autoscaling_max" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "autoscaling_min" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
               "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
               "elasticsearch" : {
                  "curation" : {
                     "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                  "node_attributes" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "auto_create_index" : true,
                     "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                     "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                     "enable_close_index" : true,
                     "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                     "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                     "reindex_whitelist" : [
                     "scripting" : {
                        "expressions_enabled" : true,
                        "file" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "inline" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "mustache_enabled" : true,
                        "painless_enabled" : true,
                        "stored" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                  "user_bundles" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_plugins" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "node_roles" : [
               "node_type" : {
                  "data" : true,
                  "ingest" : true,
                  "master" : true,
                  "ml" : true
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "topology_element_control" : {
                  "min" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "deployment_template" : {
            "id" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "elasticsearch" : {
            "curation" : {
               "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
            "node_attributes" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "system_settings" : {
               "auto_create_index" : true,
               "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
               "destructive_requires_name" : true,
               "enable_close_index" : true,
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               "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
               "reindex_whitelist" : [
               "scripting" : {
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                  "file" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
                  "inline" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
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                  "painless_enabled" : true,
                  "stored" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
               "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
            "user_bundles" : [
                  "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "url" : "string"
            "user_plugins" : [
                  "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "url" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "transient" : {
            "cluster_settings_json" : {},
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
               "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
               "skip_snapshot" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "remote_clusters" : {
               "resources" : [
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                     "deployment_id" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                     "info" : {
                        "compatible" : true,
                        "connected" : true,
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "trusted" : true,
                        "trusted_back" : true
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                  "raw_settings" : {}
               "repository_name" : "string",
               "restore_payload" : {
                  "indices" : [
                  "raw_settings" : {}
               "snapshot_name" : "string",
               "source_cluster_id" : "string",
               "strategy" : "string"
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
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                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
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                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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      "source" : {
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         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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            "step_id" : "string"
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   "history" : [
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         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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                     "value" : 0
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                     "value" : 0
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                        "value" : 0
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               "version" : "string"
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                  "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
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               "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
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               "system_settings" : {
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                  "enable_close_index" : true,
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                  "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                  "reindex_whitelist" : [
                  "scripting" : {
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                        "enabled" : true,
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                     "painless_enabled" : true,
                     "stored" : {
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                        "sandbox_mode" : true
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               "user_bundles" : [
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                     "name" : "string",
                     "url" : "string"
               "user_plugins" : [
                     "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                     "name" : "string",
                     "url" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "cluster_settings_json" : {},
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
                  "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
                  "skip_snapshot" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "remote_clusters" : {
                  "resources" : [
                        "alias" : "string",
                        "deployment_id" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                        "info" : {
                           "compatible" : true,
                           "connected" : true,
                           "healthy" : true,
                           "trusted" : true,
                           "trusted_back" : true
                        "skip_unavailable" : true
               "restore_snapshot" : {
                  "repository_config" : {
                     "raw_settings" : {}
                  "repository_name" : "string",
                  "restore_payload" : {
                     "indices" : [
                     "raw_settings" : {}
                  "snapshot_name" : "string",
                  "source_cluster_id" : "string",
                  "strategy" : "string"
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "pending" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "autoscaling_max" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "autoscaling_min" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
               "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
               "elasticsearch" : {
                  "curation" : {
                     "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                  "node_attributes" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "auto_create_index" : true,
                     "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                     "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                     "enable_close_index" : true,
                     "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                     "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                     "reindex_whitelist" : [
                     "scripting" : {
                        "expressions_enabled" : true,
                        "file" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "inline" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "mustache_enabled" : true,
                        "painless_enabled" : true,
                        "stored" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                  "user_bundles" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_plugins" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "node_roles" : [
               "node_type" : {
                  "data" : true,
                  "ingest" : true,
                  "master" : true,
                  "ml" : true
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "topology_element_control" : {
                  "min" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "deployment_template" : {
            "id" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "elasticsearch" : {
            "curation" : {
               "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
            "node_attributes" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "system_settings" : {
               "auto_create_index" : true,
               "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
               "destructive_requires_name" : true,
               "enable_close_index" : true,
               "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
               "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
               "reindex_whitelist" : [
               "scripting" : {
                  "expressions_enabled" : true,
                  "file" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
                  "inline" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
                  "mustache_enabled" : true,
                  "painless_enabled" : true,
                  "stored" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
               "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
            "user_bundles" : [
                  "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "url" : "string"
            "user_plugins" : [
                  "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "url" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "transient" : {
            "cluster_settings_json" : {},
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
               "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
               "skip_snapshot" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "remote_clusters" : {
               "resources" : [
                     "alias" : "string",
                     "deployment_id" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                     "info" : {
                        "compatible" : true,
                        "connected" : true,
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "trusted" : true,
                        "trusted_back" : true
                     "skip_unavailable" : true
            "restore_snapshot" : {
               "repository_config" : {
                  "raw_settings" : {}
               "repository_name" : "string",
               "restore_payload" : {
                  "indices" : [
                  "raw_settings" : {}
               "snapshot_name" : "string",
               "source_cluster_id" : "string",
               "strategy" : "string"
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"


The authorization information for an Elasticsearch cluster user.


roles (array[string], required)
The list of roles for this user
username (string, required)
The username


   "roles" : [
   "username" : "string"


For 2.x Elasticsearch clusters, specifies the information about the users and roles. For 5.x Elasticsearch clusters, use the Kibana management UI.


last_modified (string as date-time, required)
The most recent time the security settings were changed (ISO format in UTC)
roles (object, required)
An arbitrarily nested JSON object mapping roles to sets of resources and permissions - see the Elasticsearch security documentation for more details on roles
users (array[ElasticsearchClusterUser], required)
users_roles (array[ElasticsearchClusterRole], required)
version (integer as int32, required)
The resource version number of the security settings


   "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "roles" : {},
   "users" : [
         "password_hash" : "string",
         "username" : "string"
   "users_roles" : [
         "roles" : [
         "username" : "string"
   "version" : 0


The settings for an Elasticsearch cluster.


curation (ClusterCurationSettings)
The curation settings for this deployment. When provided, curation settings are changed as specified. A null value reverts the field to the default value. Otherwise, all curation settings remain as they were set previously.
dedicated_masters_threshold (integer as int32)
Threshold starting from which the number of instances in the cluster results in the introduction of dedicated masters. If the cluster is downscaled to a number of nodes below this one, dedicated masters will be removed. Limit is inclusive. When provided the threshold setting is updated. A null value removes the field. Otherwise, the setting remains as it was set previously.
keystore_contents (KeystoreContents)
The contents of the Elasticsearch keystore. It's a write only field.
metadata (ClusterMetadataSettings)
The top-level configuration settings for the Elasticsearch cluster.
monitoring (ManagedMonitoringSettings)
The monitoring settings for this deployment. When provided, monitoring settings are changed as specified. A null value reverts the field to the default value. Otherwise, all monitoring settings remain as they were set previously.
snapshot (ClusterSnapshotSettings)
The snapshot settings for this deployment. When provided, snapshot settings are changed as specified. A null value reverts the field to the default value. Otherwise, all snapshot settings remain as they were set previously.
traffic_filter (TrafficFilterSettings)
The rulesets to apply to all resources in this cluster. When specified, the set of rulesets is updated and the same rulesets will be applied to Kibana and APM clusters as well. If not specified, the rulesets remain as they were set previously.
trust (ElasticsearchClusterTrustSettings)
Configuration of trust with other clusters. When provided, trust settings are changed as specified. A null value reverts the field to the default value. Otherwise, all trust settings remain as they were set previously.


   "curation" : {
      "specs" : [
            "index_pattern" : "string",
            "trigger_interval_seconds" : 0
   "dedicated_masters_threshold" : 0,
   "keystore_contents" : {
      "secrets" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "as_file" : true,
            "value" : {}
   "metadata" : {
      "name" : "string"
   "monitoring" : {
      "target_cluster_id" : "string"
   "snapshot" : {
      "cron_expression" : "string",
      "interval" : "string",
      "retention" : {
         "max_age" : "string",
         "snapshots" : 0
      "slm" : true
   "traffic_filter" : {
      "rulesets" : [
   "trust" : {
      "accounts" : [
            "account_id" : "string",
            "name" : "string",
            "trust_all" : true,
            "trust_allowlist" : [
      "direct" : [
            "additional_node_names" : [
            "certificates" : [
                  "metadata" : {
                     "also_trusted_by" : [
                     "fingerprint" : "string",
                     "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "pem" : "string"
            "name" : "string",
            "scope_id" : "string",
            "trust_all" : true,
            "trust_allowlist" : [
            "type" : "string",
            "uid" : "string"
      "external" : [
            "name" : "string",
            "trust_all" : true,
            "trust_allowlist" : [
            "trust_relationship_id" : "string"


The topology of the Elasticsearch nodes, including the number, capacity, and type of nodes, and where they can be allocated.


autoscaling_max (TopologySize)
The maximum size of this topology element when autoscaling is enabled. This property is only supported, and must be provided, for data and ML topology elements.
autoscaling_min (TopologySize)
The minimum size of this topology element when autoscaling is enabled. This property is only supported, and must be provided, for ML topology elements.
autoscaling_policy_override_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object overriding the default autoscaling policy. Don't set unless you really know what you are doing.
autoscaling_tier_override (boolean)
Set to true to enable autoscaling for this topology element, even if the cluster-level 'autoscaling_enabled' field is false. Note that 'autoscaling_tier_override' cannot be set to false if cluster-level 'autoscaling_enabled' is true. Currently only supported for the 'ml' tier
elasticsearch (ElasticsearchConfiguration)
The Elasticsearch cluster settings. When specified at the top level, provides a field-by-field default. When specified at the topology level, provides the override settings.
id (string)
Unique identifier of this topology element
instance_configuration_id (string)
Controls the allocation of this topology element as well as allowed sizes and node_types. It needs to match the id of an existing instance configuration.
instance_configuration_version (integer as int32)
The version of the Instance Configuration Id. If it is unset, the meaning depends on read vs writes. For deployment reads, it is equivalent to version 0 (or the IC is unversioned); for deployment creates and deployment template use, it is equivalent to 'the latest version&#39
and for deployment updates, it is equivalent to 'retain the current version'.
node_roles (array[string])
The list of node roles for this topology element (ES version >= 7.10). Allowable values are: master, ingest, ml, data_hot, data_content, data_warm, data_cold, data_frozen, remote_cluster_client, transform
node_type (ElasticsearchNodeType)
Controls the combinations of Elasticsearch node types. TIP: By default, the Elasticsearch node is master eligible, can hold data, and run ingest pipelines. WARNING: Do not set for tiebreaker topologies.
size (TopologySize)
Measured by the amount of a resource. The final cluster size is calculated using multipliers from the topology instance configuration.
topology_element_control (TopologyElementControl)
Controls for the topology element. Only used as part of the deployment template. Ignored if included as part of a deployment.
zone_count (integer as int32)
The default number of zones in which data nodes will be placed


   "autoscaling_max" : {
      "resource" : "string",
      "value" : 0
   "autoscaling_min" : {
      "resource" : "string",
      "value" : 0
   "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
   "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
   "elasticsearch" : {
      "curation" : {
         "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
         "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
      "node_attributes" : {
         "some_property" : "string"
      "system_settings" : {
         "auto_create_index" : true,
         "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
         "destructive_requires_name" : true,
         "enable_close_index" : true,
         "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
         "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
         "reindex_whitelist" : [
         "scripting" : {
            "expressions_enabled" : true,
            "file" : {
               "enabled" : true,
               "sandbox_mode" : true
            "inline" : {
               "enabled" : true,
               "sandbox_mode" : true
            "mustache_enabled" : true,
            "painless_enabled" : true,
            "stored" : {
               "enabled" : true,
               "sandbox_mode" : true
         "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
      "user_bundles" : [
            "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
            "name" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "user_plugins" : [
            "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
            "name" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "id" : "string",
   "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
   "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
   "node_roles" : [
   "node_type" : {
      "data" : true,
      "ingest" : true,
      "master" : true,
      "ml" : true
   "size" : {
      "resource" : "string",
      "value" : 0
   "topology_element_control" : {
      "min" : {
         "resource" : "string",
         "value" : 0
   "zone_count" : 0


Configuration of trust with other clusters.


accounts (array[AccountTrustRelationship])
The list of trust relationships with different accounts
direct (array[DirectTrustRelationship])
The list of trust relationships where the certificate is bundled with the trust setting. Allows configuring trust for clusters running outside of an Elastic Cloud managed environment or in an Elastic Cloud environment without an environment level trust established.
external (array[ExternalTrustRelationship])
The list of trust relationships with external entities


   "accounts" : [
         "account_id" : "string",
         "name" : "string",
         "trust_all" : true,
         "trust_allowlist" : [
   "direct" : [
         "additional_node_names" : [
         "certificates" : [
               "metadata" : {
                  "also_trusted_by" : [
                  "fingerprint" : "string",
                  "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "pem" : "string"
         "name" : "string",
         "scope_id" : "string",
         "trust_all" : true,
         "trust_allowlist" : [
         "type" : "string",
         "uid" : "string"
   "external" : [
         "name" : "string",
         "trust_all" : true,
         "trust_allowlist" : [
         "trust_relationship_id" : "string"


The information about an Elasticsearch cluster user.


password_hash (string, required)
The hashed password
username (string, required)
The username


   "password_hash" : "string",
   "username" : "string"


The Elasticsearch cluster settings. When specified at the top level, provides a field-by-field default. When specified at the topology level, provides the override settings.


curation (ElasticsearchCuration)
Defines the index curation routing for the cluster
docker_image (string)
A docker URI that allows overriding of the default docker image specified for this version
enabled_built_in_plugins (array[string])
A list of plugin names from the Elastic-supported subset that are bundled with the version images. NOTES: (Users should consult the Elastic stack objects to see what plugins are available, this is currently only available from the UI)
node_attributes (map[string,string])
Defines the Elasticsearch node attributes for the instances in the topology
system_settings (ElasticsearchSystemSettings)
A subset of Elasticsearch settings. TIP: To define the complete set of Elasticsearch settings, use ElasticsearchSystemSettings with user_settings_override* and user_settings*.
user_bundles (array[ElasticsearchUserBundle])
A list of admin-uploaded bundle objects (eg scripts, synonym files) that are available for this user.
user_plugins (array[ElasticsearchUserPlugin])
A list of admin-uploaded plugin objects that are available for this user.
user_settings_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_yaml' is allowed), provided the parameters arey are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. NOTES: (This field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Elasticsearch settings)
user_settings_override_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_yaml' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. NOTES: (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Elasticsearch settings)
user_settings_override_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_json' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. NOTES: (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Elasticsearch settings)
user_settings_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_json' is allowed), provided the parameters arey are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. NOTES: (This field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Elasticsearch settings)
version (string)
The version of the Elasticsearch cluster (must be one of the ECE supported versions). Currently cannot be different across the topology (and is generally specified in the globals). Defaults to the latest version if not specified.


   "curation" : {
      "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
      "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
   "docker_image" : "string",
   "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
   "node_attributes" : {
      "some_property" : "string"
   "system_settings" : {
      "auto_create_index" : true,
      "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
      "destructive_requires_name" : true,
      "enable_close_index" : true,
      "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
      "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
      "reindex_whitelist" : [
      "scripting" : {
         "expressions_enabled" : true,
         "file" : {
            "enabled" : true,
            "sandbox_mode" : true
         "inline" : {
            "enabled" : true,
            "sandbox_mode" : true
         "mustache_enabled" : true,
         "painless_enabled" : true,
         "stored" : {
            "enabled" : true,
            "sandbox_mode" : true
      "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
   "user_bundles" : [
         "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
         "name" : "string",
         "url" : "string"
   "user_plugins" : [
         "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
         "name" : "string",
         "url" : "string"
   "user_settings_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
   "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


The structure that defines the routing settings for index curation.


from_instance_configuration_id (string, required)
The source instance configuration
to_instance_configuration_id (string, required)
The destination instance configuration


   "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
   "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"


Details about an orphaned Elasticsearch-dependent resources.


id (string, required)
The id of the orphaned resource
kind (string, required)
The kind of resource


   "id" : "string",
   "kind" : "string"


Envelope holding the newly-reset password for a cluster's user


password (string, required)
The newly-reset password for the given Elasticsearch cluster
username (string, required)
The username for the newly-reset password for the given Elasticsearch cluster


   "password" : "string",
   "username" : "string"


Information about the Elasticsearch cluster.


blocking_issues (ElasticsearchClusterBlockingIssues, required)

This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. Use cluster_blocking_issues instead.

cluster-wide and/or index blocks

cluster_blocking_issues (ElasticsearchBlockingIssues)
Issues that prevent the Elasticsearch cluster or index from correctly operating.
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the Elasticsearch cluster is healthy (check the sub-objects for more details if not)
master_info (ElasticsearchMasterInfo, required)
Information about the master nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster.
shard_info (ElasticsearchShardsInfo, required)

This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. Use shards_status instead.

Elasticsearch shard info

shards_status (ElasticsearchShardsStatus)
Shards status represented as green, yellow, or red, as returned by the Elasticsearch cluster health API


   "blocking_issues" : {
      "cluster_level" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "instances" : [
      "healthy" : true,
      "index_level" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "instances" : [
   "cluster_blocking_issues" : {
      "blocks" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "level" : "string"
      "healthy" : true
   "healthy" : true,
   "master_info" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "instances_with_no_master" : [
      "masters" : [
            "instances" : [
            "master_instance_name" : "string",
            "master_node_id" : "string"
   "shard_info" : {
      "available_shards" : [
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "shard_count" : 0
      "healthy" : true,
      "unavailable_replicas" : [
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "replica_count" : 0
      "unavailable_shards" : [
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "shard_count" : 0
   "shards_status" : {
      "status" : "string"


Information about the Elasticsearch instances. For split-brain cases, this also includes sub-clusters.


instances (array[string], required)
The names of the instance/container hosting the node belong to the cluster with the given master
master_instance_name (string)
The corresponding instance name of the container hosting the Elasticsearch master node, if available
master_node_id (string, required)
The Elasticsearch node id of a master node


   "instances" : [
   "master_instance_name" : "string",
   "master_node_id" : "string"


Information about the master nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster.


healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the master situation in the cluster is healthy (ie is the number of masters != 1), or do any instances have no master
instances_with_no_master (array[string], required)
A list of any instances with no master
masters (array[ElasticsearchMasterElement], required)


   "healthy" : true,
   "instances_with_no_master" : [
   "masters" : [
         "instances" : [
         "master_instance_name" : "string",
         "master_node_id" : "string"


Information about the monitoring status for the Elasticsearch cluster.


destination_cluster_ids (array[string], required)
The list of clusters Ids to which this cluster is currently sending monitoring data
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the Monitoring configuration has been successfully applied
last_modified (string as date-time, required)
The time the monitoring configuration was last changed
last_update_status (string, required)
The status message from the last update (successful or not)
source_cluster_ids (array[string], required)
The list of clusters Ids from which this cluster is currently receiving monitoring data


   "destination_cluster_ids" : [
   "healthy" : true,
   "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "last_update_status" : "string",
   "source_cluster_ids" : [


Controls the combinations of Elasticsearch node types. TIP: By default, the Elasticsearch node is master eligible, can hold data, and run ingest pipelines. WARNING: Do not set for tiebreaker topologies.


data (boolean)
Defines whether this node can hold data (default: false)
ingest (boolean)
Defines whether this node can run an ingest pipeline (default: false)
master (boolean)
Defines whether this node can be elected master (default: false)
ml (boolean)
Defines whether this node can run ml jobs, valid only for versions 5.4.0 or greater (default: false)


   "data" : true,
   "ingest" : true,
   "master" : true,
   "ml" : true


An alias for an Elasticsearch Cluster paired with a request for creating one


display_name (string)
The human readable name for the cluster (defaults to the generated cluster id if not specified)
plan (ElasticsearchClusterPlan, required)
The plan for building this Elasticsearch cluster
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id for this Elasticsearch cluster
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists
settings (ElasticsearchClusterSettings)
The settings for building this Elasticsearch cluster


   "display_name" : "string",
   "plan" : {
      "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "autoscaling_max" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "autoscaling_min" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
            "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
            "elasticsearch" : {
               "curation" : {
                  "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
               "node_attributes" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "system_settings" : {
                  "auto_create_index" : true,
                  "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                  "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                  "enable_close_index" : true,
                  "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                  "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                  "reindex_whitelist" : [
                  "scripting" : {
                     "expressions_enabled" : true,
                     "file" : {
                        "enabled" : true,
                        "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "inline" : {
                        "enabled" : true,
                        "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "mustache_enabled" : true,
                     "painless_enabled" : true,
                     "stored" : {
                        "enabled" : true,
                        "sandbox_mode" : true
                  "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
               "user_bundles" : [
                     "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                     "name" : "string",
                     "url" : "string"
               "user_plugins" : [
                     "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                     "name" : "string",
                     "url" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "node_roles" : [
            "node_type" : {
               "data" : true,
               "ingest" : true,
               "master" : true,
               "ml" : true
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "topology_element_control" : {
               "min" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "deployment_template" : {
         "id" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "elasticsearch" : {
         "curation" : {
            "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
         "node_attributes" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "system_settings" : {
            "auto_create_index" : true,
            "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
            "destructive_requires_name" : true,
            "enable_close_index" : true,
            "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
            "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
            "reindex_whitelist" : [
            "scripting" : {
               "expressions_enabled" : true,
               "file" : {
                  "enabled" : true,
                  "sandbox_mode" : true
               "inline" : {
                  "enabled" : true,
                  "sandbox_mode" : true
               "mustache_enabled" : true,
               "painless_enabled" : true,
               "stored" : {
                  "enabled" : true,
                  "sandbox_mode" : true
            "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
         "user_bundles" : [
               "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "user_plugins" : [
               "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "transient" : {
         "cluster_settings_json" : {},
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
            "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
            "skip_snapshot" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "remote_clusters" : {
            "resources" : [
                  "alias" : "string",
                  "deployment_id" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                  "info" : {
                     "compatible" : true,
                     "connected" : true,
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "trusted" : true,
                     "trusted_back" : true
                  "skip_unavailable" : true
         "restore_snapshot" : {
            "repository_config" : {
               "raw_settings" : {}
            "repository_name" : "string",
            "restore_payload" : {
               "indices" : [
               "raw_settings" : {}
            "snapshot_name" : "string",
            "source_cluster_id" : "string",
            "strategy" : "string"
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "curation" : {
         "specs" : [
               "index_pattern" : "string",
               "trigger_interval_seconds" : 0
      "dedicated_masters_threshold" : 0,
      "keystore_contents" : {
         "secrets" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "as_file" : true,
               "value" : {}
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"
      "monitoring" : {
         "target_cluster_id" : "string"
      "snapshot" : {
         "cron_expression" : "string",
         "interval" : "string",
         "retention" : {
            "max_age" : "string",
            "snapshots" : 0
         "slm" : true
      "traffic_filter" : {
         "rulesets" : [
      "trust" : {
         "accounts" : [
               "account_id" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "trust_all" : true,
               "trust_allowlist" : [
         "direct" : [
               "additional_node_names" : [
               "certificates" : [
                     "metadata" : {
                        "also_trusted_by" : [
                        "fingerprint" : "string",
                        "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "pem" : "string"
               "name" : "string",
               "scope_id" : "string",
               "trust_all" : true,
               "trust_allowlist" : [
               "type" : "string",
               "uid" : "string"
         "external" : [
               "name" : "string",
               "trust_all" : true,
               "trust_allowlist" : [
               "trust_relationship_id" : "string"


The configuration settings for the timeout and fallback parameters.


calm_wait_time (integer as int64)
This timeout determines how long to give a cluster after it responds to API calls before performing actual operations on it. It defaults to 5s
cluster_reboot (string; allowed values: [forced])
Set to 'forced' to force a reboot as part of the upgrade plan. NOTES: (ie taking an existing plan and leaving it alone except for setting 'transient.plan_configuration.cluster_reboot': 'forced' will reboot the cluster)
extended_maintenance (boolean)
If true (default false), does not clear the maintenance flag (which prevents its API from being accessed except by the constructor) on new instances added until after a snapshot has been restored, otherwise, the maintenance flag is cleared once the new instances successfully join the new cluster
max_snapshot_age (integer as int64)
When you take a snapshot and 'skip_snapshots' is false, specifies the maximum age in seconds of the most recent snapshot before a new snapshot is created. Default is 300
max_snapshot_attempts (integer as int32)
If taking a snapshot (ie unless 'skip_snapshots': true) then will retry on failure at most this number of times (default: 5)
skip_snapshot (boolean)
If true (default: false), does not take (or require) a successful snapshot to be taken before performing any potentially destructive changes to this cluster
timeout (integer as int64)
The total timeout in seconds after which the plan is cancelled even if it is not complete. Defaults to 4x the max memory capacity per node (in MB). NOTES: A 3 zone cluster with 2 nodes of 2048 each would have a timeout of 4*2048=8192 seconds. Timeout does not include time required to run rollback actions.


   "calm_wait_time" : 0,
   "cluster_reboot" : "string",
   "extended_maintenance" : true,
   "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
   "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
   "skip_snapshot" : true,
   "timeout" : 0


Information about the unavailable replicas. NOTE: Unlike shards, unavailable replicas indicate a loss of redundancy rather than a loss of availability.


instance_name (string, required)
The Elastic Cloud name/id of the instance (container)
replica_count (integer as int32, required)
The number of unavailable replicas on this instance


   "instance_name" : "string",
   "replica_count" : 0


Describes an Elasticsearch resource belonging to a Deployment


id (string, required)
The randomly-generated id of a Resource
info (ElasticsearchClusterInfo, required)
Info for the resource.
ref_id (string, required)
The locally-unique user-specified id of a Resource
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists


   "id" : "string",
   "info" : {
      "associated_apm_clusters" : [
            "apm_id" : "string",
            "enabled" : true,
            "links" : {
               "some_property" : {
                  "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "associated_appsearch_clusters" : [
            "app_search_id" : "string",
            "enabled" : true,
            "links" : {
               "some_property" : {
                  "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "associated_enterprise_search_clusters" : [
            "enabled" : true,
            "enterprise_search_id" : "string",
            "links" : {
               "some_property" : {
                  "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "associated_kibana_clusters" : [
            "enabled" : true,
            "kibana_id" : "string",
            "links" : {
               "some_property" : {
                  "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "cluster_id" : "string",
      "cluster_name" : "string",
      "deployment_id" : "string",
      "elasticsearch" : {
         "blocking_issues" : {
            "cluster_level" : [
                  "description" : "string",
                  "instances" : [
            "healthy" : true,
            "index_level" : [
                  "description" : "string",
                  "instances" : [
         "cluster_blocking_issues" : {
            "blocks" : [
                  "description" : "string",
                  "level" : "string"
            "healthy" : true
         "healthy" : true,
         "master_info" : {
            "healthy" : true,
            "instances_with_no_master" : [
            "masters" : [
                  "instances" : [
                  "master_instance_name" : "string",
                  "master_node_id" : "string"
         "shard_info" : {
            "available_shards" : [
                  "instance_name" : "string",
                  "shard_count" : 0
            "healthy" : true,
            "unavailable_replicas" : [
                  "instance_name" : "string",
                  "replica_count" : 0
            "unavailable_shards" : [
                  "instance_name" : "string",
                  "shard_count" : 0
         "shards_status" : {
            "status" : "string"
      "elasticsearch_monitoring_info" : {
         "destination_cluster_ids" : [
         "healthy" : true,
         "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "last_update_status" : "string",
         "source_cluster_ids" : [
      "external_links" : [
            "id" : "string",
            "label" : "string",
            "uri" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "metadata" : {
         "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
         "aliased_url" : "string",
         "cloud_id" : "string",
         "endpoint" : "string",
         "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "ports" : {
            "http" : 0,
            "https" : 0,
            "transport_passthrough" : 0
         "raw" : {},
         "service_url" : "string",
         "services_urls" : [
               "service" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "version" : 0
      "plan_info" : {
         "current" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "autoscaling_max" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "autoscaling_min" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
                     "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
                     "elasticsearch" : {
                        "curation" : {
                           "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                           "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                        "node_attributes" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "auto_create_index" : true,
                           "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                           "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                           "enable_close_index" : true,
                           "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                           "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                           "reindex_whitelist" : [
                           "scripting" : {
                              "expressions_enabled" : true,
                              "file" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "inline" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "mustache_enabled" : true,
                              "painless_enabled" : true,
                              "stored" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                           "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                        "user_bundles" : [
                              "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                              "name" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "user_plugins" : [
                              "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                              "name" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "node_roles" : [
                     "node_type" : {
                        "data" : true,
                        "ingest" : true,
                        "master" : true,
                        "ml" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "topology_element_control" : {
                        "min" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "deployment_template" : {
                  "id" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "elasticsearch" : {
                  "curation" : {
                     "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                  "node_attributes" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "auto_create_index" : true,
                     "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                     "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                     "enable_close_index" : true,
                     "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                     "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                     "reindex_whitelist" : [
                     "scripting" : {
                        "expressions_enabled" : true,
                        "file" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "inline" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "mustache_enabled" : true,
                        "painless_enabled" : true,
                        "stored" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                  "user_bundles" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_plugins" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "cluster_settings_json" : {},
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
                     "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
                     "skip_snapshot" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "remote_clusters" : {
                     "resources" : [
                           "alias" : "string",
                           "deployment_id" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                           "info" : {
                              "compatible" : true,
                              "connected" : true,
                              "healthy" : true,
                              "trusted" : true,
                              "trusted_back" : true
                           "skip_unavailable" : true
                  "restore_snapshot" : {
                     "repository_config" : {
                        "raw_settings" : {}
                     "repository_name" : "string",
                     "restore_payload" : {
                        "indices" : [
                        "raw_settings" : {}
                     "snapshot_name" : "string",
                     "source_cluster_id" : "string",
                     "strategy" : "string"
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
         "healthy" : true,
         "history" : [
               "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "error" : {
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "healthy" : true,
               "plan" : {
                  "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "autoscaling_max" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "autoscaling_min" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
                        "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
                        "elasticsearch" : {
                           "curation" : {
                              "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                           "node_attributes" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "auto_create_index" : true,
                              "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                              "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                              "enable_close_index" : true,
                              "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                              "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                              "reindex_whitelist" : [
                              "scripting" : {
                                 "expressions_enabled" : true,
                                 "file" : {
                                    "enabled" : true,
                                    "sandbox_mode" : true
                                 "inline" : {
                                    "enabled" : true,
                                    "sandbox_mode" : true
                                 "mustache_enabled" : true,
                                 "painless_enabled" : true,
                                 "stored" : {
                                    "enabled" : true,
                                    "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                           "user_bundles" : [
                                 "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                                 "name" : "string",
                                 "url" : "string"
                           "user_plugins" : [
                                 "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                                 "name" : "string",
                                 "url" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "node_roles" : [
                        "node_type" : {
                           "data" : true,
                           "ingest" : true,
                           "master" : true,
                           "ml" : true
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "topology_element_control" : {
                           "min" : {
                              "resource" : "string",
                              "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "deployment_template" : {
                     "id" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "elasticsearch" : {
                     "curation" : {
                        "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                     "node_attributes" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "auto_create_index" : true,
                        "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                        "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                        "enable_close_index" : true,
                        "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                        "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                        "reindex_whitelist" : [
                        "scripting" : {
                           "expressions_enabled" : true,
                           "file" : {
                              "enabled" : true,
                              "sandbox_mode" : true
                           "inline" : {
                              "enabled" : true,
                              "sandbox_mode" : true
                           "mustache_enabled" : true,
                           "painless_enabled" : true,
                           "stored" : {
                              "enabled" : true,
                              "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                     "user_bundles" : [
                           "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
                           "url" : "string"
                     "user_plugins" : [
                           "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
                           "url" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "transient" : {
                     "cluster_settings_json" : {},
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
                        "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
                        "skip_snapshot" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "remote_clusters" : {
                        "resources" : [
                              "alias" : "string",
                              "deployment_id" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                              "info" : {
                                 "compatible" : true,
                                 "connected" : true,
                                 "healthy" : true,
                                 "trusted" : true,
                                 "trusted_back" : true
                              "skip_unavailable" : true
                     "restore_snapshot" : {
                        "repository_config" : {
                           "raw_settings" : {}
                        "repository_name" : "string",
                        "restore_payload" : {
                           "indices" : [
                           "raw_settings" : {}
                        "snapshot_name" : "string",
                        "source_cluster_id" : "string",
                        "strategy" : "string"
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
               "plan_attempt_log" : [
                     "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                     "info_log" : [
                           "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                           "details" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "failure_type" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "status" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
               "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
               "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "source" : {
                  "action" : "string",
                  "admin_id" : "string",
                  "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "facilitator" : "string",
                  "remote_addresses" : [
                  "user_id" : "string"
               "warnings" : [
                     "code" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
         "pending" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "autoscaling_enabled" : true,
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "autoscaling_max" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "autoscaling_min" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "autoscaling_policy_override_json" : {},
                     "autoscaling_tier_override" : true,
                     "elasticsearch" : {
                        "curation" : {
                           "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                           "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                        "node_attributes" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "auto_create_index" : true,
                           "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                           "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                           "enable_close_index" : true,
                           "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                           "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                           "reindex_whitelist" : [
                           "scripting" : {
                              "expressions_enabled" : true,
                              "file" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "inline" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                              "mustache_enabled" : true,
                              "painless_enabled" : true,
                              "stored" : {
                                 "enabled" : true,
                                 "sandbox_mode" : true
                           "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                        "user_bundles" : [
                              "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                              "name" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "user_plugins" : [
                              "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                              "name" : "string",
                              "url" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "node_roles" : [
                     "node_type" : {
                        "data" : true,
                        "ingest" : true,
                        "master" : true,
                        "ml" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "topology_element_control" : {
                        "min" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "deployment_template" : {
                  "id" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "elasticsearch" : {
                  "curation" : {
                     "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
                  "node_attributes" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "auto_create_index" : true,
                     "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
                     "destructive_requires_name" : true,
                     "enable_close_index" : true,
                     "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
                     "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
                     "reindex_whitelist" : [
                     "scripting" : {
                        "expressions_enabled" : true,
                        "file" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "inline" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                        "mustache_enabled" : true,
                        "painless_enabled" : true,
                        "stored" : {
                           "enabled" : true,
                           "sandbox_mode" : true
                     "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
                  "user_bundles" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_plugins" : [
                        "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                        "name" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "cluster_settings_json" : {},
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
                     "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
                     "skip_snapshot" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "remote_clusters" : {
                     "resources" : [
                           "alias" : "string",
                           "deployment_id" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
                           "info" : {
                              "compatible" : true,
                              "connected" : true,
                              "healthy" : true,
                              "trusted" : true,
                              "trusted_back" : true
                           "skip_unavailable" : true
                  "restore_snapshot" : {
                     "repository_config" : {
                        "raw_settings" : {}
                     "repository_name" : "string",
                     "restore_payload" : {
                        "indices" : [
                        "raw_settings" : {}
                     "snapshot_name" : "string",
                     "source_cluster_id" : "string",
                     "strategy" : "string"
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "region" : "string",
      "security" : {
         "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "roles" : {},
         "users" : [
               "password_hash" : "string",
               "username" : "string"
         "users_roles" : [
               "roles" : [
               "username" : "string"
         "version" : 0
      "settings" : {
         "curation" : {
            "specs" : [
                  "index_pattern" : "string",
                  "trigger_interval_seconds" : 0
         "dedicated_masters_threshold" : 0,
         "keystore_contents" : {
            "secrets" : {
               "some_property" : {
                  "as_file" : true,
                  "value" : {}
         "metadata" : {
            "name" : "string"
         "monitoring" : {
            "target_cluster_id" : "string"
         "snapshot" : {
            "cron_expression" : "string",
            "interval" : "string",
            "retention" : {
               "max_age" : "string",
               "snapshots" : 0
            "slm" : true
         "traffic_filter" : {
            "rulesets" : [
         "trust" : {
            "accounts" : [
                  "account_id" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "trust_all" : true,
                  "trust_allowlist" : [
            "direct" : [
                  "additional_node_names" : [
                  "certificates" : [
                        "metadata" : {
                           "also_trusted_by" : [
                           "fingerprint" : "string",
                           "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                        "pem" : "string"
                  "name" : "string",
                  "scope_id" : "string",
                  "trust_all" : true,
                  "trust_allowlist" : [
                  "type" : "string",
                  "uid" : "string"
            "external" : [
                  "name" : "string",
                  "trust_all" : true,
                  "trust_allowlist" : [
                  "trust_relationship_id" : "string"
      "snapshots" : {
         "count" : 0,
         "healthy" : true,
         "latest_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "latest_status" : "string",
         "latest_successful" : true,
         "latest_successful_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "recent_success" : true,
         "scheduled_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "status" : "string",
      "system_alerts" : [
            "alert_type" : "string",
            "exit_code" : 0,
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "url" : "string"
      "topology" : {
         "healthy" : true,
         "instances" : [
               "allocator_id" : "string",
               "container_started" : true,
               "disk" : {
                  "disk_space_available" : 0,
                  "disk_space_used" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "healthy" : true,
               "instance_configuration" : {
                  "config_version" : 0,
                  "id" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "resource" : "string"
               "instance_name" : "string",
               "instance_overrides" : {
                  "capacity" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "maintenance_mode" : true,
               "memory" : {
                  "instance_capacity" : 0,
                  "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                  "memory_pressure" : 0,
                  "native_memory_pressure" : 0
               "node_roles" : [
               "service_roles" : [
               "service_running" : true,
               "service_version" : "string",
               "zone" : "string"
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string"


Enables scripting for the specified type and controls other parameters. Store scripts in indexes (stored), upload in file bundles (file), or use in API requests (inline).


enabled (boolean)
If enabled (default: true) then scripts are enabled, either for sandboxing languages (by default), or for all installed languages if 'sandbox_mode' is disabled (or for 6.x). NOTES: (Corresponds to the parameter 'script.file|stored/indexed|inline')
sandbox_mode (boolean)
If enabled (default: true) and this script type is enabled, then only the sandbox languages are allowed. By default the sandbox languages are painless, expressions and mustache, but this can be restricted via the 'painless_enabled', 'mustache_enabled' 'expression_enabled' settings.NOTES: Not supported in 6.x. (Corresponds to the parameters 'script.engine.[painless|mustache|expressions].[file|stored|inline]')


   "enabled" : true,
   "sandbox_mode" : true


Controls the languages supported by the Elasticsearch cluster, such as Painless, Mustache, and Expressions. Controls how the languages are used, such as file, index, and inline. TIP: For complex configurations, leave these blank and configure these settings in the user YAML or JSON.


expressions_enabled (boolean)
(5.x+ only) If enabled (the default) then the expressions scripting engine is allowed as a sandboxed language. Sandboxed languages are the only ones allowed if 'sandbox_mode' is set to true. NOTES: (Corresponds to the parameters 'script.engine.expression.[file|stored|inline]')
file (ElasticsearchScriptTypeSettings)
Enables scripting for the specified type and controls other parameters. Store scripts in indexes (stored), upload in file bundles (file), or use in API requests (inline).
inline (ElasticsearchScriptTypeSettings)
Enables scripting for the specified type and controls other parameters. Store scripts in indexes (stored), upload in file bundles (file), or use in API requests (inline).
mustache_enabled (boolean)
(5.x+ only) If enabled (the default) then the mustache scripting engine is allowed as a sandboxed language. Sandboxed languages are the only ones allowed if 'sandbox_mode' is set to true. NOTES: (Corresponds to the parameters 'script.engine.mustache.[file|stored|inline]')
painless_enabled (boolean)
(5.x+ only) If enabled (the default) then the painless scripting engine is allowed as a sandboxed language. Sandboxed languages are the only ones allowed if 'sandbox_mode' is set to true. NOTES: (Corresponds to the parameters 'script.engine.painless.[file|stored|inline]')
stored (ElasticsearchScriptTypeSettings)
Enables scripting for the specified type and controls other parameters. Store scripts in indexes (stored), upload in file bundles (file), or use in API requests (inline).


   "expressions_enabled" : true,
   "file" : {
      "enabled" : true,
      "sandbox_mode" : true
   "inline" : {
      "enabled" : true,
      "sandbox_mode" : true
   "mustache_enabled" : true,
   "painless_enabled" : true,
   "stored" : {
      "enabled" : true,
      "sandbox_mode" : true


Information about the shards for each Elasticsearch instance container that hosts an Elasticsearch node. TIP: When the shard is unavailable, the cluster is unable to serve all of the data.


instance_name (string, required)
The Elastic Cloud name/id of the instance (container)
shard_count (integer as int32, required)
The number of shards of the given type (available/unavailable) on this instance


   "instance_name" : "string",
   "shard_count" : 0


This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. Use shards_status instead.

Information about the shards and replicas that comprise the Elasticsearch indices.


available_shards (array[ElasticsearchShardElement], required)
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the shard situation is healthy (any unavailable shards is unhealthy)
unavailable_replicas (array[ElasticsearchReplicaElement], required)
unavailable_shards (array[ElasticsearchShardElement], required)


   "available_shards" : [
         "instance_name" : "string",
         "shard_count" : 0
   "healthy" : true,
   "unavailable_replicas" : [
         "instance_name" : "string",
         "replica_count" : 0
   "unavailable_shards" : [
         "instance_name" : "string",
         "shard_count" : 0


Shards status represented as green, yellow, or red, as returned by the Elasticsearch cluster health API


status (string; allowed values: [green, red, yellow], required)
Indicates the elasticsearch cluster health status as a color


   "status" : "string"


A subset of Elasticsearch settings. TIP: To define the complete set of Elasticsearch settings, use ElasticsearchSystemSettings with user_settings_override* and user_settings*.


auto_create_index (boolean)
If true (the default), then any write operation on an index that does not currently exist will create it. NOTES: (Corresponds to the parameter 'action.auto_create_index')
default_shards_per_index (integer as int32)
(2.x only - to get the same result in 5.x template mappings must be used) Sets the default number of shards per index, defaulting to 1 if not specified. (Corresponds to the parameter 'index.number_of_shards' in 2.x, not supported in 5.x)
destructive_requires_name (boolean)
If true (default is false) then the index deletion API will not support wildcards or '_all'. NOTES: (Corresponds to the parameter 'action.destructive_requires_name')
enable_close_index (boolean)
Defaults to false on versions <= 7.2.0, true otherwise. If false, then the API commands to close indices are disabled. This is important because Elasticsearch does not snapshot or migrate close indices on versions under 7.2.0, therefore standard Elastic Cloud configuration operations will cause irretrievable loss of indices' data. NOTES: (Corresponds to the parameter 'cluster.indices.close.enable')
monitoring_collection_interval (integer as int32)
The default interval at which monitoring information from the cluster if collected, if monitoring is enabled. NOTES: (Corresponds to the parameter 'marvel.agent.interval' in 2.x and 'xpack.monitoring.collection.interval' in 5.x)
monitoring_history_duration (string)
The duration for which monitoring history is stored (format '(NUMBER)d' eg '3d' for 3 days). NOTES: ('Corresponds to the parameter xpack.monitoring.history.duration' in 5.x, defaults to '7d')
reindex_whitelist (array[string])
Limits remote Elasticsearch clusters that can be used as the source for '_reindex' API commands
scripting (ElasticsearchScriptingUserSettings)
Controls the languages supported by the Elasticsearch cluster, such as Painless, Mustache, and Expressions. Controls how the languages are used, such as file, index, and inline. TIP: For complex configurations, leave these blank and configure these settings in the user YAML or JSON.
watcher_trigger_engine (string)
The trigger engine for Watcher, defaults to 'scheduler' - see the xpack documentation for more information. NOTES: (Corresponds to the parameter '(xpack.)watcher.trigger.schedule.engine', depending on version. Ignored from 6.x onwards.)


   "auto_create_index" : true,
   "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
   "destructive_requires_name" : true,
   "enable_close_index" : true,
   "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
   "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
   "reindex_whitelist" : [
   "scripting" : {
      "expressions_enabled" : true,
      "file" : {
         "enabled" : true,
         "sandbox_mode" : true
      "inline" : {
         "enabled" : true,
         "sandbox_mode" : true
      "mustache_enabled" : true,
      "painless_enabled" : true,
      "stored" : {
         "enabled" : true,
         "sandbox_mode" : true
   "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"


A list of admin-uploaded bundle objects, such as scripts and synonym files.


elasticsearch_version (string, required)
The supported Elasticsearch version (must match the version in the plan)
name (string, required)
The name of the bundle
url (string, required)
The URL of the bundle, which must be accessible from the ECE infrastructure. This URL could be cached by platform, make sure to change it when updating the bundle


   "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "url" : "string"


A list of admin-uploaded plugin objects.


elasticsearch_version (string, required)
The supported Elasticsearch version (must match the version in the plan)
name (string, required)
The name of the plugin
url (string, required)
The URL of the plugin (must be accessible from the ECE infrastructure)


   "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "url" : "string"


Intentionally left blank




Request sent to enable ILM on a deployment.


index_patterns (array[IndexPattern], required)
A locally-unique user-specified id for Kibana


   "index_patterns" : [
         "index_pattern" : "string",
         "node_attributes" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "policy_name" : "string"


Holds diagnostics for an Enterprise Search resource


backend_plan (object, required)
The backend plan as JSON
display_name (string, required)
The human readable name (defaults to the generated cluster id if not specified)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The user-specified id of the Elasticsearch Cluster that this will link to
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id


   "backend_plan" : {},
   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "ref_id" : "string"


Intentionally left blank


docker_image (string)
A docker URI that allows overriding of the default docker image specified for this version
system_settings (EnterpriseSearchSystemSettings)
This structure defines a curated subset of the Enterprise Search settings. (This field together with 'user_settings_override_' and 'user_settings_' defines the total set of Enterprise Search settings)
user_settings_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_yaml' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (This field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Enterprise Search settings)
user_settings_override_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing ECE admins to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_yaml' is allowed), i.e. in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Enterprise Search settings)
user_settings_override_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing ECE admins to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_json' is allowed), i.e. in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Enterprise Search settings)
user_settings_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_json' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (This field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Enterprise Search settings)
version (string)
The version of the Enterprise Search cluster (must be one of the ECE supported versions, and won't work unless it matches the Elasticsearch version. Leave blank to auto-detect version.)


   "docker_image" : "string",
   "system_settings" : {
      "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
      "secret_session_key" : "string"
   "user_settings_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
   "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


The overview information for the Enterprise Search Server.


deployment_id (string)
The id of the deployment that this Enterprise Search belongs to.
elasticsearch_cluster (TargetElasticsearchCluster, required)
Information about the specified Elasticsearch cluster.
external_links (array[ExternalHyperlink], required)
External resources related to the Enterprise Search
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the Enterprise Search is healthy or not (one or more of the info subsections will have healthy: false)
id (string, required)
The id of the Enterprise Search
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation
metadata (ClusterMetadataInfo)
Information about the public and internal state, and the configuration settings of an Elasticsearch cluster.
name (string, required)
The name of the Enterprise Search
plan_info (EnterpriseSearchPlansInfo, required)
Information about current, pending, and past Enterprise Search Server plans.
region (string)
The region that this Enterprise Search belongs to. Only populated in SaaS or federated ECE.
settings (EnterpriseSearchSettings)
The cluster metadata settings for the Enterprise Search
status (string; allowed values: [initializing, stopping, stopped, rebooting, restarting, reconfiguring, started], required)
Enterprise Search status
topology (ClusterTopologyInfo, required)
The topology for Elasticsearch clusters, multiple Kibana instances, or multiple APM Servers. The ClusterTopologyInfo also includes the instances and containers, and where they are located.


   "deployment_id" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
      "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "external_links" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "label" : "string",
         "uri" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "id" : "string",
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "metadata" : {
      "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
      "aliased_url" : "string",
      "cloud_id" : "string",
      "endpoint" : "string",
      "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "ports" : {
         "http" : 0,
         "https" : 0,
         "transport_passthrough" : 0
      "raw" : {},
      "service_url" : "string",
      "services_urls" : [
            "service" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "version" : 0
   "name" : "string",
   "plan_info" : {
      "current" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "allocator_filter" : {},
                  "enterprise_search" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "memory_per_node" : {},
                  "node_configuration" : "string",
                  "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                  "node_type" : {
                     "appserver" : true,
                     "connector" : true,
                     "worker" : true
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "enterprise_search" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "move_allocators" : [
                        "allocator_down" : true,
                        "from" : "string",
                        "to" : [
                  "move_instances" : [
                        "from" : "string",
                        "instance_down" : true,
                        "to" : [
                  "preferred_allocators" : [
                  "reallocate_instances" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "history" : [
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "allocator_filter" : {},
                     "enterprise_search" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "memory_per_node" : {},
                     "node_configuration" : "string",
                     "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "connector" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "enterprise_search" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "pending" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "allocator_filter" : {},
                  "enterprise_search" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "memory_per_node" : {},
                  "node_configuration" : "string",
                  "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                  "node_type" : {
                     "appserver" : true,
                     "connector" : true,
                     "worker" : true
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "enterprise_search" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "move_allocators" : [
                        "allocator_down" : true,
                        "from" : "string",
                        "to" : [
                  "move_instances" : [
                        "from" : "string",
                        "instance_down" : true,
                        "to" : [
                  "preferred_allocators" : [
                  "reallocate_instances" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"
   "status" : "string",
   "topology" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "instances" : [
            "allocator_id" : "string",
            "container_started" : true,
            "disk" : {
               "disk_space_available" : 0,
               "disk_space_used" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "healthy" : true,
            "instance_configuration" : {
               "config_version" : 0,
               "id" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "resource" : "string"
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "instance_overrides" : {
               "capacity" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "maintenance_mode" : true,
            "memory" : {
               "instance_capacity" : 0,
               "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
               "memory_pressure" : 0,
               "native_memory_pressure" : 0
            "node_roles" : [
            "service_roles" : [
            "service_running" : true,
            "service_version" : "string",
            "zone" : "string"


Node types to enable for an Enterprise Search instance


appserver (boolean, required)
Defines whether this instance should run as Application/API server
connector (boolean, required)
Defines whether this instance should run as Connector
worker (boolean, required)
Defines whether this instance should run as background worker


   "appserver" : true,
   "connector" : true,
   "worker" : true


An Enterprise Search creation request paired with the alias of the Elasticsearch cluster it should be paired with


display_name (string)
The human readable name for the Enterprise Search cluster (default: takes the name of its Elasticsearch cluster)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
Alias to the Elasticsearch Cluster to attach Enterprise Search to
plan (EnterpriseSearchPlan, required)
The plan for the Enterprise Search cluster.
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id for Enterprise Search
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists
settings (EnterpriseSearchSettings)
The settings for building this Enterprise Search cluster


   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "plan" : {
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "allocator_filter" : {},
            "enterprise_search" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "memory_per_node" : {},
            "node_configuration" : "string",
            "node_count_per_zone" : {},
            "node_type" : {
               "appserver" : true,
               "connector" : true,
               "worker" : true
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "enterprise_search" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
            "secret_session_key" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "move_allocators" : [
                  "allocator_down" : true,
                  "from" : "string",
                  "to" : [
            "move_instances" : [
                  "from" : "string",
                  "instance_down" : true,
                  "to" : [
            "preferred_allocators" : [
            "reallocate_instances" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"


The plan for the Enterprise Search cluster.


cluster_topology (array[EnterpriseSearchTopologyElement])
enterprise_search (EnterpriseSearchConfiguration, required)
transient (TransientEnterpriseSearchPlanConfiguration)
Defines configuration parameters that control how the plan (i.e. consisting of the cluster topology and Enterprise Search settings) is applied


   "cluster_topology" : [
         "allocator_filter" : {},
         "enterprise_search" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "secret_session_key" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
         "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
         "memory_per_node" : {},
         "node_configuration" : "string",
         "node_count_per_zone" : {},
         "node_type" : {
            "appserver" : true,
            "connector" : true,
            "worker" : true
         "size" : {
            "resource" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "zone_count" : 0
   "enterprise_search" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
         "secret_session_key" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "transient" : {
      "plan_configuration" : {
         "calm_wait_time" : 0,
         "cluster_reboot" : "string",
         "extended_maintenance" : true,
         "move_allocators" : [
               "allocator_down" : true,
               "from" : "string",
               "to" : [
         "move_instances" : [
               "from" : "string",
               "instance_down" : true,
               "to" : [
         "preferred_allocators" : [
         "reallocate_instances" : true,
         "timeout" : 0
      "strategy" : {
         "autodetect" : {},
         "grow_and_shrink" : {},
         "rolling" : {
            "allow_inline_resize" : true,
            "group_by" : "string",
            "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
            "skip_synced_flush" : true
         "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


Intentionally left blank


calm_wait_time (integer as int64)
This timeout determines how long to give a cluster after it responds to API calls before performing actual operations on it. It defaults to 5s
cluster_reboot (string; allowed values: [forced])
Set to 'forced' to force a reboot as part of the upgrade plan
extended_maintenance (boolean)
If true (default false), does not clear the maintenance flag (which prevents its API from being accessed except by the constructor) on new instances added until after a snapshot has been restored, otherwise, the maintenance flag is cleared once the new instances successfully join the new cluster
move_allocators (array[AllocatorMoveRequest])
move_instances (array[InstanceMoveRequest])
preferred_allocators (array[string])
List of allocators on which instances are placed if possible (if not possible/not specified then any available allocator with space is used)
reallocate_instances (boolean)
If true (default: false) does not allow re-using any existing instances currently in the cluster, i.e. even unchanged instances will be re-created
timeout (integer as int64)
The total timeout in seconds after which the plan is cancelled even if it is not complete. Defaults to 4x the max memory capacity per node (in MB)


   "calm_wait_time" : 0,
   "cluster_reboot" : "string",
   "extended_maintenance" : true,
   "move_allocators" : [
         "allocator_down" : true,
         "from" : "string",
         "to" : [
   "move_instances" : [
         "from" : "string",
         "instance_down" : true,
         "to" : [
   "preferred_allocators" : [
   "reallocate_instances" : true,
   "timeout" : 0


Information about the Enterprise Search Server plan.


attempt_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan completed or failed (ie is not pending), when the attempt ended (ISO format in UTC)
attempt_start_time (string as date-time)
When this plan attempt (ie to apply the plan to the Enterprise Search) started (ISO format in UTC)
error (ClusterPlanAttemptError)
Information about an error during a plan attempt.
healthy (boolean, required)
Either the plan ended successfully, or is not yet completed (and no errors have occurred)
plan (EnterpriseSearchPlan)
The plan for the Enterprise Search cluster.
plan_attempt_id (string)
A UUID for each plan attempt
plan_attempt_log (array[ClusterPlanStepInfo], required)
plan_attempt_name (string)
A human readable name for each plan attempt, only populated when retrieving plan histories
plan_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan is not current or pending, when the plan was no longer active (ISO format in UTC)
source (ChangeSourceInfo)
Information describing the source that facilitated the plans current state
warnings (array[ClusterPlanWarning], required)


   "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "error" : {
      "details" : {
         "some_property" : "string"
      "failure_type" : "string",
      "message" : "string",
      "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "healthy" : true,
   "plan" : {
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "allocator_filter" : {},
            "enterprise_search" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "memory_per_node" : {},
            "node_configuration" : "string",
            "node_count_per_zone" : {},
            "node_type" : {
               "appserver" : true,
               "connector" : true,
               "worker" : true
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "enterprise_search" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
            "secret_session_key" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "move_allocators" : [
                  "allocator_down" : true,
                  "from" : "string",
                  "to" : [
            "move_instances" : [
                  "from" : "string",
                  "instance_down" : true,
                  "to" : [
            "preferred_allocators" : [
            "reallocate_instances" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
   "plan_attempt_log" : [
         "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "duration_in_millis" : 0,
         "info_log" : [
               "delta_in_millis" : 0,
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "stage" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "stage" : "string",
         "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "status" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"
   "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
   "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "source" : {
      "action" : "string",
      "admin_id" : "string",
      "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "facilitator" : "string",
      "remote_addresses" : [
      "user_id" : "string"
   "warnings" : [
         "code" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"


Information about current, pending, and past Enterprise Search Server plans.


current (EnterpriseSearchPlanInfo)
Information about the Enterprise Search Server plan.
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the plan situation is healthy (if unhealthy, means the last plan attempt failed)
history (array[EnterpriseSearchPlanInfo], required)
pending (EnterpriseSearchPlanInfo)
Information about the Enterprise Search Server plan.


   "current" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "allocator_filter" : {},
               "enterprise_search" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "memory_per_node" : {},
               "node_configuration" : "string",
               "node_count_per_zone" : {},
               "node_type" : {
                  "appserver" : true,
                  "connector" : true,
                  "worker" : true
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "enterprise_search" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "secret_session_key" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "move_allocators" : [
                     "allocator_down" : true,
                     "from" : "string",
                     "to" : [
               "move_instances" : [
                     "from" : "string",
                     "instance_down" : true,
                     "to" : [
               "preferred_allocators" : [
               "reallocate_instances" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "history" : [
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "allocator_filter" : {},
                  "enterprise_search" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "memory_per_node" : {},
                  "node_configuration" : "string",
                  "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                  "node_type" : {
                     "appserver" : true,
                     "connector" : true,
                     "worker" : true
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "enterprise_search" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "secret_session_key" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "move_allocators" : [
                        "allocator_down" : true,
                        "from" : "string",
                        "to" : [
                  "move_instances" : [
                        "from" : "string",
                        "instance_down" : true,
                        "to" : [
                  "preferred_allocators" : [
                  "reallocate_instances" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "pending" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "allocator_filter" : {},
               "enterprise_search" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "memory_per_node" : {},
               "node_configuration" : "string",
               "node_count_per_zone" : {},
               "node_type" : {
                  "appserver" : true,
                  "connector" : true,
                  "worker" : true
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "enterprise_search" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "secret_session_key" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "move_allocators" : [
                     "allocator_down" : true,
                     "from" : "string",
                     "to" : [
               "move_instances" : [
                     "from" : "string",
                     "instance_down" : true,
                     "to" : [
               "preferred_allocators" : [
               "reallocate_instances" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"


Describes an Enterprise Search resource belonging to a Deployment


elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The Elasticsearch cluster that this resource depends on.
id (string, required)
The randomly-generated id of a Resource
info (EnterpriseSearchInfo, required)
Info for the resource.
ref_id (string, required)
The locally-unique user-specified id of a Resource
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists


   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "id" : "string",
   "info" : {
      "deployment_id" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
         "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
         "links" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "external_links" : [
            "id" : "string",
            "label" : "string",
            "uri" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "id" : "string",
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "metadata" : {
         "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
         "aliased_url" : "string",
         "cloud_id" : "string",
         "endpoint" : "string",
         "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "ports" : {
            "http" : 0,
            "https" : 0,
            "transport_passthrough" : 0
         "raw" : {},
         "service_url" : "string",
         "services_urls" : [
               "service" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "version" : 0
      "name" : "string",
      "plan_info" : {
         "current" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "allocator_filter" : {},
                     "enterprise_search" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "memory_per_node" : {},
                     "node_configuration" : "string",
                     "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "connector" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "enterprise_search" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
         "healthy" : true,
         "history" : [
               "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "error" : {
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "healthy" : true,
               "plan" : {
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "allocator_filter" : {},
                        "enterprise_search" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "secret_session_key" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "memory_per_node" : {},
                        "node_configuration" : "string",
                        "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                        "node_type" : {
                           "appserver" : true,
                           "connector" : true,
                           "worker" : true
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "enterprise_search" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
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                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "secret_session_key" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "move_allocators" : [
                              "allocator_down" : true,
                              "from" : "string",
                              "to" : [
                        "move_instances" : [
                              "from" : "string",
                              "instance_down" : true,
                              "to" : [
                        "preferred_allocators" : [
                        "reallocate_instances" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
               "plan_attempt_log" : [
                     "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                     "info_log" : [
                           "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                           "details" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "failure_type" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "status" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
               "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
               "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "source" : {
                  "action" : "string",
                  "admin_id" : "string",
                  "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "facilitator" : "string",
                  "remote_addresses" : [
                  "user_id" : "string"
               "warnings" : [
                     "code" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
         "pending" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "allocator_filter" : {},
                     "enterprise_search" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "secret_session_key" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "memory_per_node" : {},
                     "node_configuration" : "string",
                     "node_count_per_zone" : {},
                     "node_type" : {
                        "appserver" : true,
                        "connector" : true,
                        "worker" : true
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "enterprise_search" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "secret_session_key" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "move_allocators" : [
                           "allocator_down" : true,
                           "from" : "string",
                           "to" : [
                     "move_instances" : [
                           "from" : "string",
                           "instance_down" : true,
                           "to" : [
                     "preferred_allocators" : [
                     "reallocate_instances" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "region" : "string",
      "settings" : {
         "metadata" : {
            "name" : "string"
      "status" : "string",
      "topology" : {
         "healthy" : true,
         "instances" : [
               "allocator_id" : "string",
               "container_started" : true,
               "disk" : {
                  "disk_space_available" : 0,
                  "disk_space_used" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "healthy" : true,
               "instance_configuration" : {
                  "config_version" : 0,
                  "id" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "resource" : "string"
               "instance_name" : "string",
               "instance_overrides" : {
                  "capacity" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "maintenance_mode" : true,
               "memory" : {
                  "instance_capacity" : 0,
                  "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                  "memory_pressure" : 0,
                  "native_memory_pressure" : 0
               "node_roles" : [
               "service_roles" : [
               "service_running" : true,
               "service_version" : "string",
               "zone" : "string"
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string"


The settings for the Enterprise Search.


metadata (ClusterMetadataSettings)
The top-level configuration settings for the Elasticsearch cluster.


   "metadata" : {
      "name" : "string"


Information about the APM Servers associated with the Elasticsearch cluster.


enabled (boolean, required)
Whether the associated Enterprise Search is currently available
enterprise_search_id (string, required)
The Enterprise Search Id
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation


   "enabled" : true,
   "enterprise_search_id" : "string",
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true


This structure defines a curated subset of the Enterprise Search settings. (This field together with 'user_settings_override_' and 'user_settings_' defines the total set of Enterprise Search settings)


elasticsearch_password (string)
Optionally override the account within Enterprise Search - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the username must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
elasticsearch_url (string)
DEPRECATED: Scheduled for removal in a future version of the API. Optionally override the URL to which to send data (for advanced users only, if unspecified the system selects an internal URL)
elasticsearch_username (string)
Optionally override the account within Enterprise Search - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the password must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
secret_session_key (string)
Optionally override the secret session key within Enterprise Search - defaults to the previously existing secretSession. Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.


   "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
   "secret_session_key" : "string"


Defines the topology of the Enterprise Search nodes (e.g. number/capacity of nodes, and where they can be allocated)


allocator_filter (object)
enterprise_search (EnterpriseSearchConfiguration)
instance_configuration_id (string)
Controls the allocation of this topology element as well as allowed sizes and node_types. It needs to match the id of an existing instance configuration.
instance_configuration_version (integer as int32)
The version of the Instance Configuration Id. If it is unset, the meaning depends on read vs writes. For deployment reads, it is equivalent to version 0 (or the IC is unversioned); for deployment creates and deployment template use, it is equivalent to 'the latest version&#39
and for deployment updates, it is equivalent to 'retain the current version'.
memory_per_node (object)
node_configuration (string)
node_count_per_zone (object)
node_type (EnterpriseSearchNodeTypes)
Defines the EnterpriseSearch node type
size (TopologySize)
Measured by the amount of a resource. The final cluster size is calculated using multipliers from the topology instance configuration.
zone_count (integer as int32)
number of zones in which nodes will be placed


   "allocator_filter" : {},
   "enterprise_search" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
         "secret_session_key" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
   "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
   "memory_per_node" : {},
   "node_configuration" : "string",
   "node_count_per_zone" : {},
   "node_type" : {
      "appserver" : true,
      "connector" : true,
      "worker" : true
   "size" : {
      "resource" : "string",
      "value" : 0
   "zone_count" : 0


Matches documents that have at least one non-null value in the original field.


field (string, required)
The field to check for non-null values in.


   "field" : "string"


An API extension. It represents clusters' plugins and bundles


deployments (array[string])
List of deployments using this extension. Up to only 10000 deployments will be included in the list.
description (string)
The extension description.
download_url (string)
The download URL specified during extension creation.
extension_type (string; allowed values: [plugin, bundle], required)
The extension type.
file_metadata (ExtensionFileMetadata)
The extension file metadata.
id (string, required)
The extension ID
name (string, required)
The extension name.
url (string, required)
The extension URL to be used in the plan.
version (string, required)
The Elasticsearch version.


   "deployments" : [
   "description" : "string",
   "download_url" : "string",
   "extension_type" : "string",
   "file_metadata" : {
      "last_modified_date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "size" : 0,
      "url" : ""
   "id" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "url" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


Intentionally left blank


last_modified_date (string as date-time)
The date and time the extension was last modified.
size (integer as int64)
The extension file size in bytes.
url (string as uri)
The temporary URL to download the extension file. Usable for verification.


   "last_modified_date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "size" : 0,
   "url" : ""


A collection of extensions


extensions (array[Extension], required)
The list of extensions.


   "extensions" : [
         "deployments" : [
         "description" : "string",
         "download_url" : "string",
         "extension_type" : "string",
         "file_metadata" : {
            "last_modified_date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "size" : 0,
            "url" : ""
         "id" : "string",
         "name" : "string",
         "url" : "string",
         "version" : "string"


Intentionally left blank


id (string, required)
Identifier of the external link
label (string, required)
Human-readable description of the external link
uri (string)
hyperlink to an external resource


   "id" : "string",
   "label" : "string",
   "uri" : "string"


The trust relationship with external entities (remote environments, remote accounts…​).


name (string)
The name of the external trust relationship. Retrieved from the TrustRelationship and ignored on write.
trust_all (boolean, required)
If true, all clusters in this external entity will be trusted and the trust_allowlist is ignored.
trust_allowlist (array[string])
The list of clusters to trust. Only used when trust_all is false.
trust_relationship_id (string, required)
The ID of the external trust relationship


   "name" : "string",
   "trust_all" : true,
   "trust_allowlist" : [
   "trust_relationship_id" : "string"


The association with a ruleset or user auth token for a deployment, template, or product.


entity_type (string, required)
Type of the traffic filter ruleset association, such as 'deployment', 'cluster'
id (string, required)
ID of the entity, such as the deployment ID or Elasticsearch cluster ID.


   "entity_type" : "string",
   "id" : "string"


A strategy that creates instances with the new plan, migrates data from the old instances, then shuts down the old instances. GrowShrinkStrategyConfig is safer than 'rolling' and ensures single node availability during a plan change, but can be a lot slower on larger clusters.




Intentionally left blank


need_elevated_permissions (boolean)
Whether the operation requires elevated permissions (when the field is present, elevated permissions are required).


   "need_elevated_permissions" : true


An index pattern described indicating how it has to be migrated to ILM.


index_pattern (string, required)
Index pattern to which the ILM policy will be applied.
node_attributes (map[string,string])
Defines the Elasticsearch node attributes for the warm element of the topology
policy_name (string, required)
Name of the policy to create


   "index_pattern" : "string",
   "node_attributes" : {
      "some_property" : "string"
   "policy_name" : "string"


The configuration template for Elasticsearch instances, Kibana instances, and APM Servers.


config_version (integer as int32)
If the IC is configuration controlled, this field is the version either being read back (reads return the latest IC unless specified by the 'config_version' URL param), or the version to update. Cannot be used in creates. For unversioned IC reads it is left empty.
cpu_multiplier (number as double)
Settings for the instance CPU multiplier
description (string)
Optional description for the instance configuration
discrete_sizes (DiscreteSizes, required)
Numerics representing possible instance sizes that the instance configuration supports.
id (string)
Unique identifier for the instance configuration
instance_type (string; allowed values: [elasticsearch, kibana, apm, integrations_server, appsearch, enterprise_search])
The type of instance. For instance configurations where the type is specified in the 'id', the default value of 'instance_type' will be automatically inferred.
max_zones (integer as int32)
The maximum number of availability zones in which this instance configuration has allocators. This field will be missing unless explicitly requested with the show_max_zones parameter.
metadata (object)
Optional arbitrary metadata to associate with this template.
name (string, required)
Display name for the instance configuration.
node_types (array[string])
Node types (master, data) for the instance. For instance configurations where the type (and tier) is specified in the 'id', the default value of 'node_types' will be automatically inferred.
storage_multiplier (number as double)
Settings for the instance storage multiplier


   "config_version" : 0,
   "cpu_multiplier" : 0.1,
   "description" : "string",
   "discrete_sizes" : {
      "default_size" : 0,
      "resource" : "string",
      "sizes" : [
   "id" : "string",
   "instance_type" : "string",
   "max_zones" : 0,
   "metadata" : {},
   "name" : "string",
   "node_types" : [
   "storage_multiplier" : 0.1


The request that specifies the Elasticsearch or stateless (eg Kibana) instances to move to allocators as part of the upgrade plan. When used in conjunction with '__all__' (roll all instances as a single unit) strategy, these instances are not restarted, which can sometimes enable recovery plans when these instances are boot-looping.


from (string, required)
The instance id that is going to be moved
instance_down (boolean)
Tells the infrastructure that the instance should be considered as permanently down when deciding how to migrate data to new nodes. If left blank then the system will automatically decide (currently: will treat the instances as up)
to (array[string])
An optional list of allocator ids to which the instance should be moved. If not specified then any available allocator can be used (including the current one if it is healthy)


   "from" : "string",
   "instance_down" : true,
   "to" : [


Intentionally left blank


capacity (integer as int32)
Sets the memory capacity for the instances container. Requires a restart to take effect.
storage_multiplier (number as double)
Overrides the disk quota multiplier for the instance


   "capacity" : 0,
   "storage_multiplier" : 0.1


Holds diagnostics for an Integrations Server resource


backend_plan (object, required)
The backend plan as JSON
display_name (string, required)
The human readable name (defaults to the generated cluster id if not specified)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The user-specified id of the Elasticsearch Cluster that this will link to
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id


   "backend_plan" : {},
   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "ref_id" : "string"


The configuration options for the Integrations Server.


docker_image (string)
A docker URI that allows overriding of the default docker image specified for this version
mode (string; allowed values: [standalone, managed])
The mode the Integrations Server is operating in.
system_settings (IntegrationsServerSystemSettings)
A structure that defines a curated subset of the Integrations Server settings. TIP: To define the complete set of Integrations Server setting, use IntegrationsSystemSettings with user_settings_override_ and user_settings_.
user_settings_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_yaml' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (This field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Integrations Server settings)
user_settings_override_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_yaml' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Integrations Server settings)
user_settings_override_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_json' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Integrations Server settings)
user_settings_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_json' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (These field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Integrations Server settings)
version (string)
The version of the Integrations Server cluster (must be one of the ECE supported versions, and won't work unless it matches the Integrations Server version. Leave blank to auto-detect version.)


   "docker_image" : "string",
   "mode" : "string",
   "system_settings" : {
      "debug_enabled" : true,
      "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
      "kibana_url" : "string",
      "secret_token" : "string"
   "user_settings_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
   "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


The overview information for the Integrations Server.


apm_server_mode (string; allowed values: [standalone, managed])
The mode APM is operating in.
deployment_id (string)
The id of the deployment that this Integrations Server belongs to.
elasticsearch_cluster (TargetElasticsearchCluster, required)
Information about the specified Elasticsearch cluster.
external_links (array[ExternalHyperlink], required)
External resources related to the Integrations Server
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the Integrations Server is healthy or not (one or more of the info subsections will have healthy: false)
id (string, required)
The id of the Integrations Server
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation
metadata (ClusterMetadataInfo)
Information about the public and internal state, and the configuration settings of an Elasticsearch cluster.
name (string, required)
The name of the Integrations Server
plan_info (IntegrationsServerPlansInfo, required)
Information about current, pending, and past Integrations Server plans.
region (string)
The region that this Integrations Server belongs to. Only populated in SaaS or federated ECE.
settings (IntegrationsServerSettings)
The cluster metadata settings for the Integrations Server
status (string; allowed values: [initializing, stopping, stopped, rebooting, restarting, reconfiguring, started], required)
Integrations Server status
topology (ClusterTopologyInfo, required)
The topology for Elasticsearch clusters, multiple Kibana instances, or multiple APM Servers. The ClusterTopologyInfo also includes the instances and containers, and where they are located.


   "apm_server_mode" : "string",
   "deployment_id" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
      "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "external_links" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "label" : "string",
         "uri" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "id" : "string",
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "metadata" : {
      "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
      "aliased_url" : "string",
      "cloud_id" : "string",
      "endpoint" : "string",
      "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "ports" : {
         "http" : 0,
         "https" : 0,
         "transport_passthrough" : 0
      "raw" : {},
      "service_url" : "string",
      "services_urls" : [
            "service" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "version" : 0
   "name" : "string",
   "plan_info" : {
      "current" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "integrations_server" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "mode" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "integrations_server" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "mode" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "history" : [
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "integrations_server" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "mode" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "integrations_server" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "mode" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "pending" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "integrations_server" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "mode" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "integrations_server" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "mode" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"
   "status" : "string",
   "topology" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "instances" : [
            "allocator_id" : "string",
            "container_started" : true,
            "disk" : {
               "disk_space_available" : 0,
               "disk_space_used" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "healthy" : true,
            "instance_configuration" : {
               "config_version" : 0,
               "id" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "resource" : "string"
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "instance_overrides" : {
               "capacity" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "maintenance_mode" : true,
            "memory" : {
               "instance_capacity" : 0,
               "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
               "memory_pressure" : 0,
               "native_memory_pressure" : 0
            "node_roles" : [
            "service_roles" : [
            "service_running" : true,
            "service_version" : "string",
            "zone" : "string"


An Integrations Server creation request paired with the alias of the Elasticsearch cluster it should be paired with


display_name (string)
The human readable name for the Integrations Server cluster (default: takes the name of its Elasticsearch cluster)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
Alias to the Elasticsearch Cluster to attach the Integrations Server to
plan (IntegrationsServerPlan, required)
The plan for the Integrations Server.
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id for the Integrations Server
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists
settings (IntegrationsServerSettings)
The settings for building this Integrations Server cluster


   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "plan" : {
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "integrations_server" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "mode" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "integrations_server" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "mode" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "debug_enabled" : true,
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
            "kibana_url" : "string",
            "secret_token" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"


The plan for the Integrations Server.


cluster_topology (array[IntegrationsServerTopologyElement])
integrations_server (IntegrationsServerConfiguration, required)
The configuration options for the Integrations Server.
transient (TransientIntegrationsServerPlanConfiguration)
Defines the configuration parameters that control how the plan is applied. For example, the Elasticsearch cluster topology and Integrations Server settings.


   "cluster_topology" : [
         "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
         "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
         "integrations_server" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "mode" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "debug_enabled" : true,
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "kibana_url" : "string",
               "secret_token" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "size" : {
            "resource" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "zone_count" : 0
   "integrations_server" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "mode" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "debug_enabled" : true,
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
         "kibana_url" : "string",
         "secret_token" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "transient" : {
      "plan_configuration" : {
         "calm_wait_time" : 0,
         "cluster_reboot" : "string",
         "extended_maintenance" : true,
         "timeout" : 0
      "strategy" : {
         "autodetect" : {},
         "grow_and_shrink" : {},
         "rolling" : {
            "allow_inline_resize" : true,
            "group_by" : "string",
            "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
            "skip_synced_flush" : true
         "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


The plan control configuration options for the Integrations Server.


calm_wait_time (integer as int64)
This timeout determines how long to give a cluster after it responds to API calls before performing actual operations on it. It defaults to 5s
cluster_reboot (string; allowed values: [forced])
Set to 'forced' to force a reboot as part of the upgrade plan
extended_maintenance (boolean)
If true (default false), does not clear the maintenance flag (which prevents its API from being accessed except by the constructor) on new instances added until after a snapshot has been restored, otherwise, the maintenance flag is cleared once the new instances successfully join the new cluster
timeout (integer as int64)
The total timeout in seconds after which the plan is cancelled even if it is not complete. Defaults to 4x the max memory capacity per node (in MB)


   "calm_wait_time" : 0,
   "cluster_reboot" : "string",
   "extended_maintenance" : true,
   "timeout" : 0


Information about the Integrations Server plan.


attempt_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan completed or failed (ie is not pending), when the attempt ended (ISO format in UTC)
attempt_start_time (string as date-time)
When this plan attempt (ie to apply the plan to the Integrations Server) started (ISO format in UTC)
error (ClusterPlanAttemptError)
Information about an error during a plan attempt.
healthy (boolean, required)
Either the plan ended successfully, or is not yet completed (and no errors have occurred)
plan (IntegrationsServerPlan)
The plan for the Integrations Server.
plan_attempt_id (string)
A UUID for each plan attempt
plan_attempt_log (array[ClusterPlanStepInfo], required)
plan_attempt_name (string)
A human readable name for each plan attempt, only populated when retrieving plan histories
plan_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan is not current or pending, when the plan was no longer active (ISO format in UTC)
source (ChangeSourceInfo)
Information describing the source that facilitated the plans current state
warnings (array[ClusterPlanWarning], required)


   "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "error" : {
      "details" : {
         "some_property" : "string"
      "failure_type" : "string",
      "message" : "string",
      "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "healthy" : true,
   "plan" : {
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "integrations_server" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "mode" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "integrations_server" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "mode" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "debug_enabled" : true,
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
            "kibana_url" : "string",
            "secret_token" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
   "plan_attempt_log" : [
         "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "duration_in_millis" : 0,
         "info_log" : [
               "delta_in_millis" : 0,
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "stage" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "stage" : "string",
         "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "status" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"
   "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
   "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "source" : {
      "action" : "string",
      "admin_id" : "string",
      "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "facilitator" : "string",
      "remote_addresses" : [
      "user_id" : "string"
   "warnings" : [
         "code" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"


Information about current, pending, and past Integrations Server plans.


current (IntegrationsServerPlanInfo)
Information about the Integrations Server plan.
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the plan situation is healthy (if unhealthy, means the last plan attempt failed)
history (array[IntegrationsServerPlanInfo], required)
pending (IntegrationsServerPlanInfo)
Information about the Integrations Server plan.


   "current" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "integrations_server" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "mode" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "integrations_server" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "mode" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "debug_enabled" : true,
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "kibana_url" : "string",
               "secret_token" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "history" : [
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "integrations_server" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "mode" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "integrations_server" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "mode" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "debug_enabled" : true,
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                  "kibana_url" : "string",
                  "secret_token" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "pending" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "integrations_server" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "mode" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "integrations_server" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "mode" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "debug_enabled" : true,
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
               "kibana_url" : "string",
               "secret_token" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"


Describes an Integrations Server resource belonging to a Deployment


elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The Elasticsearch cluster that this resource depends on.
id (string, required)
The randomly-generated id of a Resource
info (IntegrationsServerInfo, required)
Info for the resource.
ref_id (string, required)
The locally-unique user-specified id of a Resource
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists


   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "id" : "string",
   "info" : {
      "apm_server_mode" : "string",
      "deployment_id" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
         "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
         "links" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "external_links" : [
            "id" : "string",
            "label" : "string",
            "uri" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "id" : "string",
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "metadata" : {
         "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
         "aliased_url" : "string",
         "cloud_id" : "string",
         "endpoint" : "string",
         "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "ports" : {
            "http" : 0,
            "https" : 0,
            "transport_passthrough" : 0
         "raw" : {},
         "service_url" : "string",
         "services_urls" : [
               "service" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "version" : 0
      "name" : "string",
      "plan_info" : {
         "current" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "integrations_server" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "mode" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "integrations_server" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "mode" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
         "healthy" : true,
         "history" : [
               "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "error" : {
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "healthy" : true,
               "plan" : {
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "integrations_server" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "mode" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "debug_enabled" : true,
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "integrations_server" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "mode" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "debug_enabled" : true,
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                        "kibana_url" : "string",
                        "secret_token" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
               "plan_attempt_log" : [
                     "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                     "info_log" : [
                           "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                           "details" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "failure_type" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "status" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
               "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
               "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "source" : {
                  "action" : "string",
                  "admin_id" : "string",
                  "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "facilitator" : "string",
                  "remote_addresses" : [
                  "user_id" : "string"
               "warnings" : [
                     "code" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
         "pending" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "integrations_server" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "mode" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "debug_enabled" : true,
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                           "kibana_url" : "string",
                           "secret_token" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "integrations_server" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "mode" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "debug_enabled" : true,
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                     "kibana_url" : "string",
                     "secret_token" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "region" : "string",
      "settings" : {
         "metadata" : {
            "name" : "string"
      "status" : "string",
      "topology" : {
         "healthy" : true,
         "instances" : [
               "allocator_id" : "string",
               "container_started" : true,
               "disk" : {
                  "disk_space_available" : 0,
                  "disk_space_used" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "healthy" : true,
               "instance_configuration" : {
                  "config_version" : 0,
                  "id" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "resource" : "string"
               "instance_name" : "string",
               "instance_overrides" : {
                  "capacity" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "maintenance_mode" : true,
               "memory" : {
                  "instance_capacity" : 0,
                  "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                  "memory_pressure" : 0,
                  "native_memory_pressure" : 0
               "node_roles" : [
               "service_roles" : [
               "service_running" : true,
               "service_version" : "string",
               "zone" : "string"
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string"


The settings for the Integrations Server.


metadata (ClusterMetadataSettings)
The top-level configuration settings for the Elasticsearch cluster.


   "metadata" : {
      "name" : "string"


A structure that defines a curated subset of the Integrations Server settings. TIP: To define the complete set of Integrations Server setting, use IntegrationsSystemSettings with user_settings_override_ and user_settings_.


debug_enabled (boolean)
Optionally enable debug mode for Integrations Server - defaults false
elasticsearch_password (string)
Optionally override the account within Integrations Server - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the username must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
elasticsearch_url (string)
DEPRECATED: Scheduled for removal in a future version of the API. Optionally override the URL to which to send data (for advanced users only, if unspecified the system selects an internal URL)
elasticsearch_username (string)
Optionally override the account within Integrations Server - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the password must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
kibana_url (string)
DEPRECATED: Scheduled for removal in a future version of the API. Optionally override the URL to which to send data (for advanced users only, if unspecified the system selects an internal URL)
secret_token (string)
Optionally override the secret token within Integrations Server - defaults to the previously existing secretToken


   "debug_enabled" : true,
   "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
   "kibana_url" : "string",
   "secret_token" : "string"


Defines the topology of the Integrations Server nodes. For example, the number or capacity of the nodes, and where you can allocate the nodes.


instance_configuration_id (string)
Controls the allocation of this topology element as well as allowed sizes and node_types. It needs to match the id of an existing instance configuration.
instance_configuration_version (integer as int32)
The version of the Instance Configuration Id. If it is unset, the meaning depends on read vs writes. For deployment reads, it is equivalent to version 0 (or the IC is unversioned); for deployment creates and deployment template use, it is equivalent to 'the latest version&#39
and for deployment updates, it is equivalent to 'retain the current version'.
integrations_server (IntegrationsServerConfiguration)
The configuration options for the Integrations Server.
size (TopologySize)
Measured by the amount of a resource. The final cluster size is calculated using multipliers from the topology instance configuration.
zone_count (integer as int32)
number of zones in which nodes will be placed


   "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
   "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
   "integrations_server" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "mode" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "debug_enabled" : true,
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
         "kibana_url" : "string",
         "secret_token" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "size" : {
      "resource" : "string",
      "value" : 0
   "zone_count" : 0


Detailed costs associated to an Elastic Cloud Resource for an organization. All of the costs are expressed in Elastic Consumption Unit (ECU).


hours (integer as int64, required)
Resource usage in hours
instance_count (integer as int32, required)
Number of instances
kind (string; allowed values: [elasticsearch, kibana, apm, integrations_server, appsearch, enterprise_search], required)
Kind of resource
name (string, required)
Resource name
period (Period, required)
price (number as double, required)
Resource price
price_per_hour (number as double, required)
Price per hour
sku (string, required)
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)


   "hours" : 0,
   "instance_count" : 0,
   "kind" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "period" : {
      "end" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "start" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "price" : 0.1,
   "price_per_hour" : 0.1,
   "sku" : "string"


Costs associated to a set of Elastic Cloud resources for an organization. All of the costs are expressed in Elastic Consumption Unit (ECU).


costs (Costs, required)
Costs for the Elastic Cloud resources
data_transfer_and_storage (array[DtsDimensionCosts], required)
List of the detailed costs associated to the Data Transfer and Storage (DTS) dimensions
resources (array[ItemCosts], required)
Costs of the list of resources


   "costs" : {
      "dimensions" : [
            "cost" : 0.1,
            "type" : "string"
      "total" : 0.1
   "data_transfer_and_storage" : [
         "cost" : 0.1,
         "name" : "string",
         "quantity" : {
            "formatted_value" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "rate" : {
            "formatted_value" : "string",
            "value" : 0.1
         "sku" : "string",
         "type" : "string"
   "resources" : [
         "hours" : 0,
         "instance_count" : 0,
         "kind" : "string",
         "name" : "string",
         "period" : {
            "end" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "start" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "price" : 0.1,
         "price_per_hour" : 0.1,
         "sku" : "string"


The contents of the Elasticsearch keystore.


secrets (map[string,KeystoreSecret], required)
List of secrets


   "secrets" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "as_file" : true,
         "value" : {}


The value that you configure for the Elasticsearch keystore secret.


as_file (boolean)
Stores the keystore secret as a file. The default is false, which stores the keystore secret as string when value is a plain string, or true when value is an object.
value (object)
Value of this setting. This can either be a string or a JSON object that is stored as a JSON string in the keystore. NOTE: When the keystore secret is unspecified, it is removed.


   "as_file" : true,
   "value" : {}


Holds diagnostics for a Kibana resource


backend_plan (object, required)
The backend plan as JSON
display_name (string, required)
The human readable name (defaults to the generated cluster id if not specified)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The user-specified id of the Elasticsearch Cluster that this will link to
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id


   "backend_plan" : {},
   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "ref_id" : "string"


The top-level object information for a Kibana instance.


cluster_id (string, required)
The id of the cluster
cluster_name (string, required)
The name of the cluster
deployment_id (string)
The id of the deployment to which this Kibana Server belongs to.
elasticsearch_cluster (TargetElasticsearchCluster, required)
Information about the specified Elasticsearch cluster.
external_links (array[ExternalHyperlink], required)
External resources related to the cluster
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the cluster is healthy or not (one or more of the info subsections will have healthy: false)
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation
metadata (ClusterMetadataInfo, required)
Information about the public and internal state, and the configuration settings of an Elasticsearch cluster.
plan_info (KibanaClusterPlansInfo, required)
Information about the current, pending, or past Kibana instance plans.
region (string)
The region that this cluster belongs to. Only populated in SaaS or federated ECE.
settings (KibanaClusterSettings)
The cluster metadata settings for a kibana cluster
status (string; allowed values: [initializing, stopping, stopped, rebooting, restarting, reconfiguring, started], required)
Cluster status
topology (ClusterTopologyInfo, required)
The topology for Elasticsearch clusters, multiple Kibana instances, or multiple APM Servers. The ClusterTopologyInfo also includes the instances and containers, and where they are located.


   "cluster_id" : "string",
   "cluster_name" : "string",
   "deployment_id" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
      "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "external_links" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "label" : "string",
         "uri" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true
   "metadata" : {
      "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
      "aliased_url" : "string",
      "cloud_id" : "string",
      "endpoint" : "string",
      "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "ports" : {
         "http" : 0,
         "https" : 0,
         "transport_passthrough" : 0
      "raw" : {},
      "service_url" : "string",
      "services_urls" : [
            "service" : "string",
            "url" : "string"
      "version" : 0
   "plan_info" : {
      "current" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "kibana" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "kibana" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "history" : [
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "kibana" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "kibana" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "pending" : {
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "kibana" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "kibana" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"
   "status" : "string",
   "topology" : {
      "healthy" : true,
      "instances" : [
            "allocator_id" : "string",
            "container_started" : true,
            "disk" : {
               "disk_space_available" : 0,
               "disk_space_used" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "healthy" : true,
            "instance_configuration" : {
               "config_version" : 0,
               "id" : "string",
               "name" : "string",
               "resource" : "string"
            "instance_name" : "string",
            "instance_overrides" : {
               "capacity" : 0,
               "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
            "maintenance_mode" : true,
            "memory" : {
               "instance_capacity" : 0,
               "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
               "memory_pressure" : 0,
               "native_memory_pressure" : 0
            "node_roles" : [
            "service_roles" : [
            "service_running" : true,
            "service_version" : "string",
            "zone" : "string"


The plan for the Kibana instance.


cluster_topology (array[KibanaClusterTopologyElement])
kibana (KibanaConfiguration, required)
The Kibana instance settings. When specified at the top level, provides a field-by-field default. When specified at the topology level, provides the override settings.
transient (TransientKibanaPlanConfiguration)
Defines the configuration parameters that control how the plan is applied. For example, the Elasticsearch cluster topology and Kibana instance settings.


   "cluster_topology" : [
         "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
         "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
         "kibana" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "size" : {
            "resource" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "zone_count" : 0
   "kibana" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "transient" : {
      "plan_configuration" : {
         "calm_wait_time" : 0,
         "cluster_reboot" : "string",
         "extended_maintenance" : true,
         "timeout" : 0
      "strategy" : {
         "autodetect" : {},
         "grow_and_shrink" : {},
         "rolling" : {
            "allow_inline_resize" : true,
            "group_by" : "string",
            "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
            "skip_synced_flush" : true
         "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


Information about the current, pending, or past Kibana instance plan.


attempt_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan completed or failed (ie is not pending), when the attempt ended (ISO format in UTC)
attempt_start_time (string as date-time)
When this plan attempt (ie to apply the plan to the cluster) started (ISO format in UTC)
error (ClusterPlanAttemptError)
Information about an error during a plan attempt.
healthy (boolean, required)
Either the plan ended successfully, or is not yet completed (and no errors have occurred)
plan (KibanaClusterPlan)
The plan for the Kibana instance.
plan_attempt_id (string)
A UUID for each plan attempt
plan_attempt_log (array[ClusterPlanStepInfo], required)
plan_attempt_name (string)
A human readable name for each plan attempt, only populated when retrieving plan histories
plan_end_time (string as date-time)
If this plan is not current or pending, when the plan was no longer active (ISO format in UTC)
source (ChangeSourceInfo)
Information describing the source that facilitated the plans current state
warnings (array[ClusterPlanWarning], required)


   "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "error" : {
      "details" : {
         "some_property" : "string"
      "failure_type" : "string",
      "message" : "string",
      "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "healthy" : true,
   "plan" : {
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "kibana" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "kibana" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
   "plan_attempt_log" : [
         "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "duration_in_millis" : 0,
         "info_log" : [
               "delta_in_millis" : 0,
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "stage" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "stage" : "string",
         "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "status" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"
   "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
   "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "source" : {
      "action" : "string",
      "admin_id" : "string",
      "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "facilitator" : "string",
      "remote_addresses" : [
      "user_id" : "string"
   "warnings" : [
         "code" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "step_id" : "string"


Information about the current, pending, or past Kibana instance plans.


current (KibanaClusterPlanInfo)
Information about the current, pending, or past Kibana instance plan.
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the plan situation is healthy (if unhealthy, means the last plan attempt failed)
history (array[KibanaClusterPlanInfo], required)
pending (KibanaClusterPlanInfo)
Information about the current, pending, or past Kibana instance plan.


   "current" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "kibana" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "kibana" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
   "healthy" : true,
   "history" : [
         "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "error" : {
            "details" : {
               "some_property" : "string"
            "failure_type" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "healthy" : true,
         "plan" : {
            "cluster_topology" : [
                  "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                  "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                  "kibana" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "size" : {
                     "resource" : "string",
                     "value" : 0
                  "zone_count" : 0
            "kibana" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
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                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "transient" : {
               "plan_configuration" : {
                  "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                  "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                  "extended_maintenance" : true,
                  "timeout" : 0
               "strategy" : {
                  "autodetect" : {},
                  "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                  "rolling" : {
                     "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                     "group_by" : "string",
                     "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                     "skip_synced_flush" : true
                  "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
         "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
         "plan_attempt_log" : [
               "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "duration_in_millis" : 0,
               "info_log" : [
                     "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                     "details" : {
                        "some_property" : "string"
                     "failure_type" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "stage" : "string",
               "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "status" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
         "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
         "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "source" : {
            "action" : "string",
            "admin_id" : "string",
            "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "facilitator" : "string",
            "remote_addresses" : [
            "user_id" : "string"
         "warnings" : [
               "code" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "step_id" : "string"
   "pending" : {
      "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "error" : {
         "details" : {
            "some_property" : "string"
         "failure_type" : "string",
         "message" : "string",
         "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "healthy" : true,
      "plan" : {
         "cluster_topology" : [
               "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
               "kibana" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "size" : {
                  "resource" : "string",
                  "value" : 0
               "zone_count" : 0
         "kibana" : {
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "system_settings" : {
               "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "transient" : {
            "plan_configuration" : {
               "calm_wait_time" : 0,
               "cluster_reboot" : "string",
               "extended_maintenance" : true,
               "timeout" : 0
            "strategy" : {
               "autodetect" : {},
               "grow_and_shrink" : {},
               "rolling" : {
                  "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                  "group_by" : "string",
                  "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                  "skip_synced_flush" : true
               "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
      "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
      "plan_attempt_log" : [
            "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration_in_millis" : 0,
            "info_log" : [
                  "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "stage" : "string",
            "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "status" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"
      "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
      "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "source" : {
         "action" : "string",
         "admin_id" : "string",
         "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "facilitator" : "string",
         "remote_addresses" : [
         "user_id" : "string"
      "warnings" : [
            "code" : "string",
            "message" : "string",
            "step_id" : "string"


The settings for multiple Kibana instances.


metadata (ClusterMetadataSettings)
The top-level configuration settings for the Elasticsearch cluster.


   "metadata" : {
      "name" : "string"


The topology of the Kibana nodes, including the number, capacity, and type of nodes, and where they can be allocated.


instance_configuration_id (string)
Controls the allocation of this topology element as well as allowed sizes and node_types. It needs to match the id of an existing instance configuration.
instance_configuration_version (integer as int32)
The version of the Instance Configuration Id. If it is unset, the meaning depends on read vs writes. For deployment reads, it is equivalent to version 0 (or the IC is unversioned); for deployment creates and deployment template use, it is equivalent to 'the latest version&#39
and for deployment updates, it is equivalent to 'retain the current version'.
kibana (KibanaConfiguration)
The Kibana instance settings. When specified at the top level, provides a field-by-field default. When specified at the topology level, provides the override settings.
size (TopologySize)
Measured by the amount of a resource. The final cluster size is calculated using multipliers from the topology instance configuration.
zone_count (integer as int32)
number of zones in which nodes will be placed


   "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
   "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
   "kibana" : {
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "system_settings" : {
         "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
      "user_settings_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_json" : {},
      "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
      "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "size" : {
      "resource" : "string",
      "value" : 0
   "zone_count" : 0


The Kibana instance settings. When specified at the top level, provides a field-by-field default. When specified at the topology level, provides the override settings.


docker_image (string)
A docker URI that allows overriding of the default docker image specified for this version
system_settings (KibanaSystemSettings)
A subset of Kibana settings. TIP: To define the complete set of Elasticsearch settings, use KibanaSystemSettings with user_settings_override_ and user_settings_.
user_settings_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_yaml' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (This field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Kibana settings)
user_settings_override_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_yaml' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Kibana settings)
user_settings_override_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_json' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Kibana settings)
user_settings_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_json' is allowed), provided the parameters are on the allowlist and not on the denylist. (These field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Kibana settings)
version (string)
The version of the Kibana cluster (must be one of the ECE supported versions, and won't work unless it matches the Elasticsearch version. Leave blank to auto-detect version.)


   "docker_image" : "string",
   "system_settings" : {
      "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
   "user_settings_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
   "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


Embedded object that contains information for linking into a specific Kibana page configured via the template.


semver (string, required)
Semver condition when to apply the URI.
uri (string, required)
URI to which the user should be directed.


   "semver" : "string",
   "uri" : "string"


A Kibana creation request paired with the alias of the Elasticsearch cluster it should be paired with


display_name (string)
The human readable name for the Kibana cluster (default: takes the name of its Elasticsearch cluster)
elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
Alias to the Elasticsearch Cluster to attach Kibana to
plan (KibanaClusterPlan, required)
The plan for the Kibana instance.
ref_id (string, required)
A locally-unique user-specified id for Kibana
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists
settings (KibanaClusterSettings)
The settings for building this Kibana cluster


   "display_name" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "plan" : {
      "cluster_topology" : [
            "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
            "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
            "kibana" : {
               "docker_image" : "string",
               "system_settings" : {
                  "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                  "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
               "user_settings_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_json" : {},
               "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
               "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
               "version" : "string"
            "size" : {
               "resource" : "string",
               "value" : 0
            "zone_count" : 0
      "kibana" : {
         "docker_image" : "string",
         "system_settings" : {
            "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
         "user_settings_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_json" : {},
         "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
         "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
         "version" : "string"
      "transient" : {
         "plan_configuration" : {
            "calm_wait_time" : 0,
            "cluster_reboot" : "string",
            "extended_maintenance" : true,
            "timeout" : 0
         "strategy" : {
            "autodetect" : {},
            "grow_and_shrink" : {},
            "rolling" : {
               "allow_inline_resize" : true,
               "group_by" : "string",
               "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
               "skip_synced_flush" : true
            "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "settings" : {
      "metadata" : {
         "name" : "string"


The configuration settings for the timeout and fallback parameters.


calm_wait_time (integer as int64)
This timeout determines how long to give a cluster after it responds to API calls before performing actual operations on it. It defaults to 5s
cluster_reboot (string; allowed values: [forced])
Set to 'forced' to force a reboot as part of the upgrade plan
extended_maintenance (boolean)
If true (default false), does not clear the maintenance flag (which prevents its API from being accessed except by the constructor) on new instances added until after a snapshot has been restored, otherwise, the maintenance flag is cleared once the new instances successfully join the new cluster
timeout (integer as int64)
The total timeout in seconds after which the plan is cancelled even if it is not complete. Defaults to 4x the max memory capacity per node (in MB)


   "calm_wait_time" : 0,
   "cluster_reboot" : "string",
   "extended_maintenance" : true,
   "timeout" : 0


Describes an Kibana resource belonging to a Deployment


elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id (string, required)
The Elasticsearch cluster that this resource depends on.
id (string, required)
The randomly-generated id of a Resource
info (KibanaClusterInfo, required)
Info for the resource.
ref_id (string, required)
The locally-unique user-specified id of a Resource
region (string, required)
The region where this resource exists


   "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
   "id" : "string",
   "info" : {
      "cluster_id" : "string",
      "cluster_name" : "string",
      "deployment_id" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
         "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
         "links" : {
            "some_property" : {
               "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "external_links" : [
            "id" : "string",
            "label" : "string",
            "uri" : "string"
      "healthy" : true,
      "links" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "need_elevated_permissions" : true
      "metadata" : {
         "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
         "aliased_url" : "string",
         "cloud_id" : "string",
         "endpoint" : "string",
         "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "ports" : {
            "http" : 0,
            "https" : 0,
            "transport_passthrough" : 0
         "raw" : {},
         "service_url" : "string",
         "services_urls" : [
               "service" : "string",
               "url" : "string"
         "version" : 0
      "plan_info" : {
         "current" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "kibana" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "kibana" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
         "healthy" : true,
         "history" : [
               "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "error" : {
                  "details" : {
                     "some_property" : "string"
                  "failure_type" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
               "healthy" : true,
               "plan" : {
                  "cluster_topology" : [
                        "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                        "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                        "kibana" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "size" : {
                           "resource" : "string",
                           "value" : 0
                        "zone_count" : 0
                  "kibana" : {
                     "docker_image" : "string",
                     "system_settings" : {
                        "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                        "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                     "user_settings_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                     "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                     "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                     "version" : "string"
                  "transient" : {
                     "plan_configuration" : {
                        "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                        "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                        "extended_maintenance" : true,
                        "timeout" : 0
                     "strategy" : {
                        "autodetect" : {},
                        "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                        "rolling" : {
                           "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                           "group_by" : "string",
                           "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                           "skip_synced_flush" : true
                        "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
               "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
               "plan_attempt_log" : [
                     "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                     "info_log" : [
                           "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                           "details" : {
                              "some_property" : "string"
                           "failure_type" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                     "stage" : "string",
                     "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "status" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
               "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
               "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "source" : {
                  "action" : "string",
                  "admin_id" : "string",
                  "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "facilitator" : "string",
                  "remote_addresses" : [
                  "user_id" : "string"
               "warnings" : [
                     "code" : "string",
                     "message" : "string",
                     "step_id" : "string"
         "pending" : {
            "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "error" : {
               "details" : {
                  "some_property" : "string"
               "failure_type" : "string",
               "message" : "string",
               "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "healthy" : true,
            "plan" : {
               "cluster_topology" : [
                     "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                     "instance_configuration_version" : 0,
                     "kibana" : {
                        "docker_image" : "string",
                        "system_settings" : {
                           "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                           "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                        "user_settings_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                        "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                        "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                        "version" : "string"
                     "size" : {
                        "resource" : "string",
                        "value" : 0
                     "zone_count" : 0
               "kibana" : {
                  "docker_image" : "string",
                  "system_settings" : {
                     "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                     "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
                  "user_settings_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                  "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                  "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                  "version" : "string"
               "transient" : {
                  "plan_configuration" : {
                     "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                     "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                     "extended_maintenance" : true,
                     "timeout" : 0
                  "strategy" : {
                     "autodetect" : {},
                     "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                     "rolling" : {
                        "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                        "group_by" : "string",
                        "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                        "skip_synced_flush" : true
                     "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
            "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
            "plan_attempt_log" : [
                  "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                  "info_log" : [
                        "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                        "details" : {
                           "some_property" : "string"
                        "failure_type" : "string",
                        "message" : "string",
                        "stage" : "string",
                        "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "stage" : "string",
                  "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "status" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
            "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
            "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "source" : {
               "action" : "string",
               "admin_id" : "string",
               "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "facilitator" : "string",
               "remote_addresses" : [
               "user_id" : "string"
            "warnings" : [
                  "code" : "string",
                  "message" : "string",
                  "step_id" : "string"
      "region" : "string",
      "settings" : {
         "metadata" : {
            "name" : "string"
      "status" : "string",
      "topology" : {
         "healthy" : true,
         "instances" : [
               "allocator_id" : "string",
               "container_started" : true,
               "disk" : {
                  "disk_space_available" : 0,
                  "disk_space_used" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "healthy" : true,
               "instance_configuration" : {
                  "config_version" : 0,
                  "id" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "resource" : "string"
               "instance_name" : "string",
               "instance_overrides" : {
                  "capacity" : 0,
                  "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
               "maintenance_mode" : true,
               "memory" : {
                  "instance_capacity" : 0,
                  "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                  "memory_pressure" : 0,
                  "native_memory_pressure" : 0
               "node_roles" : [
               "service_roles" : [
               "service_running" : true,
               "service_version" : "string",
               "zone" : "string"
   "ref_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string"


Information about the Kibana instances associated with the Elasticsearch cluster.


enabled (boolean, required)
Whether the associated Kibana cluster is currently available
kibana_id (string, required)
The Kibana cluster Id
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation


   "enabled" : true,
   "kibana_id" : "string",
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true


A subset of Kibana settings. TIP: To define the complete set of Elasticsearch settings, use KibanaSystemSettings with user_settings_override_ and user_settings_.


elasticsearch_password (string)
Optionally override the account within Elasticsearch - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the username must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
elasticsearch_url (string)
DEPRECATED: Scheduled for removal in a future version of the API. Optionally override the URL to which to send data (for advanced users only, if unspecified the system selects an internal URL)
elasticsearch_username (string)
Optionally override the account within Elasticsearch - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the password must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.


   "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_username" : "string"


The settings for sending monitoring information to another cluster.


target_cluster_id (string, required)
The Id of the target cluster to which to send monitoring information


   "target_cluster_id" : "string"


A query that matches all documents.




A query that doesn't match any documents.




Consumes and analyzes text, numbers, and dates, then constructs a query.


analyzer (string)
The analyzer that will be used to perform the analysis process on the text. Defaults to the analyzer that was used to index the field.
minimum_should_match (integer as int32)
The minimum number of optional should clauses to match.
operator (string)
The operator flag can be set to or or and to control the boolean clauses (defaults to or).
query (string, required)
The text/numeric/date to query for.


   "analyzer" : "string",
   "minimum_should_match" : 0,
   "operator" : "string",
   "query" : "string"


The key-value pair.


key (string, required)
The metadata field name
value (string, required)
The metadata value


   "key" : "string",
   "value" : "string"


A query that matches nested objects.


path (string, required)
The path to the nested object.
query (QueryContainer, required)
The actual query to execute on the nested objects.
score_mode (string; allowed values: [avg, sum, min, max, none])
Allows to specify how inner children matching affects score of the parent. Refer to the Elasticsearch documentation for details.


   "path" : "string",
   "query" : {
      "bool" : {
         "filter" : [
         "minimum_should_match" : 0,
         "must" : [
         "must_not" : [
         "should" : [
      "exists" : {
         "field" : "string"
      "match" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "minimum_should_match" : 0,
            "operator" : "string",
            "query" : "string"
      "match_all" : {},
      "match_none" : {},
      "nested" : null,
      "prefix" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "boost" : 0.1,
            "value" : "string"
      "query_string" : {
         "allow_leading_wildcard" : true,
         "analyzer" : "string",
         "default_field" : "string",
         "default_operator" : "string",
         "query" : "string"
      "range" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "boost" : 0.1,
            "format" : "string",
            "gt" : {},
            "gte" : {},
            "lt" : {},
            "lte" : {},
            "time_zone" : "string"
      "simple_query_string" : {
         "analyze_wildcard" : true,
         "analyzer" : "string",
         "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query" : true,
         "default_operator" : "string",
         "fields" : [
         "flags" : "string",
         "fuzzy_max_expansions" : 0,
         "fuzzy_prefix_length" : 0,
         "fuzzy_transpositions" : true,
         "lenient" : true,
         "minimum_should_match" : "string",
         "query" : "string",
         "quote_field_suffix" : "string"
      "term" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "value" : "string"
   "score_mode" : "string"


The destination to send logs and metrics to


deployment_id (string, required)
The deployment to send logs and/or metrics to. Contains either the deployment's ID or 'self'.
ref_id (string)
RefId of the Elasticsearch cluster to send logs and/or metrics to. If not specified, refId is resolved automatically as long as the destination deployment contains a single Elasticsearch resource.


   "deployment_id" : "string",
   "ref_id" : "string"


Observability health issue


description (string, required)
A user-friendly description of the observability health issue
severity (string, required)
Severity of the health issue


   "description" : "string",
   "severity" : "string"


An organization


billing_contacts (array[string])
The list of contacts for billing notifications, if specified
default_disk_usage_alerts_enabled (boolean)
Whether the default disk alerts are enabled
id (string, required)
The organization's identifier
name (string, required)
The organization's friendly name
notifications_allowed_email_domains (array[string])
The list of allowed domains for notification-email recipients
operational_contacts (array[string])
The list of contacts for operational notifications, if specified


   "billing_contacts" : [
   "default_disk_usage_alerts_enabled" : true,
   "id" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "notifications_allowed_email_domains" : [
   "operational_contacts" : [


An invitation to an organization


accepted_at (string as date-time)
The date and time when the invitation was accepted
created_at (string as date-time, required)
The date and time when the invitation was created
email (string, required)
The email address to invite to the organization
expired (boolean, required)
True if the invitation is expired
expires_at (string as date-time, required)
The date and time when the invitation expires
organization (Organization, required)
The organization associated with this invitation
token (string, required)
The token used to accept the invitation


   "accepted_at" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "created_at" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "email" : "string",
   "expired" : true,
   "expires_at" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "organization" : {
      "billing_contacts" : [
      "default_disk_usage_alerts_enabled" : true,
      "id" : "string",
      "name" : "string",
      "notifications_allowed_email_domains" : [
      "operational_contacts" : [
   "token" : "string"


A request to create one or more invitations to an organization


emails (array[string], required)
The email addresses to invite to the organization
expires_in (string)
The date and time when the invitation expires. Defaults to three days from now.


   "emails" : [
   "expires_in" : "string"


A collection of invitations to an organization


invitations (array[OrganizationInvitation], required)
The list of organization invitations


   "invitations" : [
         "accepted_at" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "created_at" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "email" : "string",
         "expired" : true,
         "expires_at" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "organization" : {
            "billing_contacts" : [
            "default_disk_usage_alerts_enabled" : true,
            "id" : "string",
            "name" : "string",
            "notifications_allowed_email_domains" : [
            "operational_contacts" : [
         "token" : "string"


A collection of Organizations


next_page (string)
A cursor to get the next page of results
organizations (array[Organization], required)
The list of organizations


   "next_page" : "string",
   "organizations" : [
         "billing_contacts" : [
         "default_disk_usage_alerts_enabled" : true,
         "id" : "string",
         "name" : "string",
         "notifications_allowed_email_domains" : [
         "operational_contacts" : [


A user's membership to an organization


email (string)
The user's email address
member_since (string as date-time, required)
The date and time the user was added to the organization
name (string)
The user's full name
organization_id (string, required)
The organization's identifier
user_id (string, required)
The users's identifier


   "email" : "string",
   "member_since" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "name" : "string",
   "organization_id" : "string",
   "user_id" : "string"


All user memberships to an organization


members (array[OrganizationMembership], required)
The list of organization memberships


   "members" : [
         "email" : "string",
         "member_since" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
         "name" : "string",
         "organization_id" : "string",
         "user_id" : "string"


A request to create or update an organization


billing_contacts (array[string])
The list of contacts for billing notifications
default_disk_usage_alerts_enabled (boolean)
Whether the default disk alerts are enabled
name (string)
The organization's friendly name
notifications_allowed_email_domains (array[string])
The list of allowed domains for notification-email recipients
operational_contacts (array[string])
The list of contacts for operational notifications


   "billing_contacts" : [
   "default_disk_usage_alerts_enabled" : true,
   "name" : "string",
   "notifications_allowed_email_domains" : [
   "operational_contacts" : [


Details about orphaned resources.


apm (array[string], required)
List of orphaned APM resource ids
appsearch (array[string], required)
List of orphaned AppSearch resource ids
elasticsearch (array[OrphanedElasticsearch], required)
List of orphaned Elasticsearch resources
enterprise_search (array[string], required)
List of orphaned Enterprise Search resource ids
integrations_server (array[string], required)
List of orphaned Integrations Server resource ids
kibana (array[string], required)
List of orphaned Kibana resource ids


   "apm" : [
   "appsearch" : [
   "elasticsearch" : [
         "dependents" : [
               "id" : "string",
               "kind" : "string"
         "id" : "string"
   "enterprise_search" : [
   "integrations_server" : [
   "kibana" : [


Details about an orphaned Elasticsearch resources.


dependents (array[ElasticsearchDependant], required)
List of orphaned dependent resources
id (string, required)
The id of the orphaned resource


   "dependents" : [
         "id" : "string",
         "kind" : "string"
   "id" : "string"




end (string as date-time, required)
start (string as date-time, required)


   "end" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "start" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"


The options for performing a plan change. Specify only one property each time. The default is grow_and_shrink.


autodetect (AutodetectStrategyConfig)
A strategy that lets constructor choose the most optimal way to execute the plan.
grow_and_shrink (GrowShrinkStrategyConfig)
A strategy that creates instances with the new plan, migrates data from the old instances, then shuts down the old instances. GrowShrinkStrategyConfig is safer than 'rolling' and ensures single node availability during a plan change, but can be a lot slower on larger clusters.
rolling (RollingStrategyConfig)
Performs inline, rolling configuration changes that mutate existing containers. TIP: This is the fastest way to update a plan, but can fail for complex plan changes, such as topology changes. Also, this is less safe for configuration changes that leave a cluster in a non running state. NOTE: When you perform a major version upgrade, and 'group_by' is set to '*all*';, rolling is required.
rolling_grow_and_shrink (RollingGrowShrinkStrategyConfig)
A strategy that creates new Elasticsearch instances, Kibana instances, and APM Servers with the new plan, then migrates the node data to minimize the amount of spare capacity.


   "autodetect" : {},
   "grow_and_shrink" : {},
   "rolling" : {
      "allow_inline_resize" : true,
      "group_by" : "string",
      "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
      "skip_synced_flush" : true
   "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


The query that matches documents with fields that contain terms with a specified, not analyzed, prefix.


boost (number as float)
An optional boost value to apply to the query.
value (string, required)
The prefix to search for.


   "boost" : 0.1,
   "value" : "string"


A certificate used to sign the certificates of this deployment


active (boolean, required)
If true, this certificate is the one which has been used to sign the current certificates. Otherwise, it may be the one that will be used when this certificate expires.
metadata (CertificateMetaData, required)
Metadata about the certificate, including fingerprint and expiry date. Generated by the Cloud service and ignored on write.
pem (string, required)
The public certificate as string in PEM format.


   "active" : true,
   "metadata" : {
      "also_trusted_by" : [
      "fingerprint" : "string",
      "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "pem" : "string"


The container for all of the allowed Elasticsearch queries. Specify only one property each time.


bool (BoolQuery)
A query for documents that match boolean combinations of other queries.
exists (ExistsQuery)
Matches documents that have at least one non-null value in the original field.
match (map[string,MatchQuery])
match_all (MatchAllQuery)
A query that matches all documents.
match_none (MatchNoneQuery)
A query that doesn't match any documents.
nested (NestedQuery)
A query that matches nested objects.
prefix (map[string,PrefixQuery])
query_string (QueryStringQuery)
A query that uses the strict query string syntax for parsing. Will return an error for invalid syntax.
range (map[string,RangeQuery])
simple_query_string (SimpleQueryStringQuery)
A query that uses simple query string syntax. Will ignore invalid syntax.
term (map[string,TermQuery])


   "bool" : {
      "filter" : [
      "minimum_should_match" : 0,
      "must" : [
      "must_not" : [
      "should" : [
   "exists" : {
      "field" : "string"
   "match" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "analyzer" : "string",
         "minimum_should_match" : 0,
         "operator" : "string",
         "query" : "string"
   "match_all" : {},
   "match_none" : {},
   "nested" : {
      "path" : "string",
      "query" : null,
      "score_mode" : "string"
   "prefix" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "boost" : 0.1,
         "value" : "string"
   "query_string" : {
      "allow_leading_wildcard" : true,
      "analyzer" : "string",
      "default_field" : "string",
      "default_operator" : "string",
      "query" : "string"
   "range" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "boost" : 0.1,
         "format" : "string",
         "gt" : {},
         "gte" : {},
         "lt" : {},
         "lte" : {},
         "time_zone" : "string"
   "simple_query_string" : {
      "analyze_wildcard" : true,
      "analyzer" : "string",
      "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query" : true,
      "default_operator" : "string",
      "fields" : [
      "flags" : "string",
      "fuzzy_max_expansions" : 0,
      "fuzzy_prefix_length" : 0,
      "fuzzy_transpositions" : true,
      "lenient" : true,
      "minimum_should_match" : "string",
      "query" : "string",
      "quote_field_suffix" : "string"
   "term" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "value" : "string"


A query that uses the strict query string syntax for parsing. Will return an error for invalid syntax.


allow_leading_wildcard (boolean)
When set, * or ? are allowed as the first character. Defaults to false.
analyzer (string)
The analyzer used to analyze each term of the query when creating composite queries.
default_field (string)
The default field for query terms if no prefix field is specified.
default_operator (string)
The default operator used if no explicit operator is specified.
query (string, required)
The actual query to be parsed.


   "allow_leading_wildcard" : true,
   "analyzer" : "string",
   "default_field" : "string",
   "default_operator" : "string",
   "query" : "string"


The query that matches documents with fields that contain terms within a specified range.


boost (number as float)
An optional boost value to apply to the query.
format (string)
Formatted dates will be parsed using the format specified on the date field by default, but it can be overridden by passing the format parameter.
gt (object)
gte (object)
Greater-than or equal to
lt (object)
lte (object)
Less-than or equal to.
time_zone (string)
Dates can be converted from another timezone to UTC either by specifying the time zone in the date value itself (if the format accepts it), or it can be specified as the time_zone parameter.


   "boost" : 0.1,
   "format" : "string",
   "gt" : {},
   "gte" : {},
   "lt" : {},
   "lte" : {},
   "time_zone" : "string"


Read-only mode request payload


enabled (boolean, required)
Enabled or disabled read-only mode


   "enabled" : true


Read-only mode response


enabled (boolean, required)
Whether read-only mode is enabled or disabled


   "enabled" : true


Information about a Remote Cluster.


compatible (boolean, required)
Whether or not the remote cluster version is compatible with this cluster version.
connected (boolean, required)
Whether or not there is at least one connection to the remote cluster.
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether or not the remote cluster is healthy
trusted (boolean, required)
Whether or not the remote cluster is trusted by this cluster.
trusted_back (boolean, required)
Whether or not the remote cluster trusts this cluster back.


   "compatible" : true,
   "connected" : true,
   "healthy" : true,
   "trusted" : true,
   "trusted_back" : true


The Elasticsearch resource used as a Remote Cluster.


alias (string, required)
The alias for this remote cluster. Aliases must only contain letters, digits, dashes and underscores
deployment_id (string, required)
The id of the deployment
elasticsearch_ref_id (string, required)
The locally-unique user-specified id of an Elasticsearch Resource
info (RemoteResourceInfo)
Information about a Remote Cluster.
skip_unavailable (boolean)
If true, skip this cluster during search if it is disconnected. Default: false


   "alias" : "string",
   "deployment_id" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
   "info" : {
      "compatible" : true,
      "connected" : true,
      "healthy" : true,
      "trusted" : true,
      "trusted_back" : true
   "skip_unavailable" : true


The list of resources used as remote clusters


resources (array[RemoteResourceRef], required)
The remote resources


   "resources" : [
         "alias" : "string",
         "deployment_id" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
         "info" : {
            "compatible" : true,
            "connected" : true,
            "healthy" : true,
            "trusted" : true,
            "trusted_back" : true
         "skip_unavailable" : true


Intentionally left blank


code (string, required)
A structured code representing the error type that occurred
message (string)
A human readable message describing the warning that occurred


   "code" : "string",
   "message" : "string"


The configuration for the restore command, such as which indices you want to restore.


indices (array[string])
The list of indices to restore (supports +ve and -ve selection and wildcarding - see the default Elasticsearch index format documentation)
raw_settings (object)
This JSON object (merged with the 'indices' field (if present) is passed untouched into the restore command - see the Elasticsearch '_snapshot' documentation for more details on supported formats


   "indices" : [
   "raw_settings" : {}


Restores a snapshot from a local or remote repository.


repository_config (RestoreSnapshotRepoConfiguration)
Raw remote snapshot restore settings. Do not send this if you are sending source_cluster_id
repository_name (string)
If specified, contains the name of the snapshot repository - else will default to the Elastic Cloud system repo ('found-snapshots')
restore_payload (RestoreSnapshotApiConfiguration)
The configuration for the restore command, such as which indices you want to restore.
snapshot_name (string, required)
The name of the snapshot to restore. Use '__latest_success__' to get the most recent snapshot from the specified repository
source_cluster_id (string)
If specified, contains the name of the source cluster id. Do not send this if you are sending repository_config
strategy (string; allowed values: [partial, full, recovery])
The restore strategy to use. Defaults to a full restore. Partial restore will attempt to restore unavailable indices only


   "repository_config" : {
      "raw_settings" : {}
   "repository_name" : "string",
   "restore_payload" : {
      "indices" : [
      "raw_settings" : {}
   "snapshot_name" : "string",
   "source_cluster_id" : "string",
   "strategy" : "string"


Configures the location of a remote repository. The default is the system repository.


raw_settings (object)
The remote snapshot settings raw JSON - see the Elasticsearch '_snapshot' documentation for more details on supported formats


   "raw_settings" : {}


A strategy that creates new Elasticsearch instances, Kibana instances, and APM Servers with the new plan, then migrates the node data to minimize the amount of spare capacity.




Performs inline, rolling configuration changes that mutate existing containers. TIP: This is the fastest way to update a plan, but can fail for complex plan changes, such as topology changes. Also, this is less safe for configuration changes that leave a cluster in a non running state. NOTE: When you perform a major version upgrade, and 'group_by' is set to '*all*';, rolling is required.


allow_inline_resize (boolean)
Whether we allow changing the capacity of instances (default false). This is currently implemented by stopping, re-creating then starting the affected instance on its associated allocator when performing the changes. NOTES: This requires a round-trip through the allocation infrastructure of the active constructor, as it has to reserve the target capacity without over-committing
group_by (string)
Specifies the grouping attribute to use when rolling several instances. Instances that share the same value for the provided attribute key are rolled together as a unit. Examples that make sense to use are '__all__' (roll all instances as a single unit), 'logical_zone_name' (roll instances by zone), '__name__' (roll one instance at a time, the default if not specified). Note that '__all__' is required when performing a major version upgrade
shard_init_wait_time (integer as int64)
The time, in seconds, to wait for shards that show no progress of initializing before rolling the next group (default: 10 minutes)
skip_synced_flush (boolean)
Whether to skip attempting to do a synced flush on the filesystem of the container (default: false), which is less safe but may be required if the container is unhealthy


   "allow_inline_resize" : true,
   "group_by" : "string",
   "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
   "skip_synced_flush" : true


The configuration settings for the traffic filter.


associations (array[FilterAssociation], required)
List of associations
total_associations (integer as int32, required)
Total number of associations. This includes associations the user does not have permission to view.


   "associations" : [
         "entity_type" : "string",
         "id" : "string"
   "total_associations" : 0


An Elasticsearch search request with a subset of options.


from (integer as int32)
query (QueryContainer)
The container for all of the allowed Elasticsearch queries. Specify only one property each time.
size (integer as int32)
The maximum number of search results to return.
sort (array[object])
An array of fields to sort the search results by.


   "from" : 0,
   "query" : {
      "bool" : {
         "filter" : [
         "minimum_should_match" : 0,
         "must" : [
         "must_not" : [
         "should" : [
      "exists" : {
         "field" : "string"
      "match" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "analyzer" : "string",
            "minimum_should_match" : 0,
            "operator" : "string",
            "query" : "string"
      "match_all" : {},
      "match_none" : {},
      "nested" : {
         "path" : "string",
         "query" : null,
         "score_mode" : "string"
      "prefix" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "boost" : 0.1,
            "value" : "string"
      "query_string" : {
         "allow_leading_wildcard" : true,
         "analyzer" : "string",
         "default_field" : "string",
         "default_operator" : "string",
         "query" : "string"
      "range" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "boost" : 0.1,
            "format" : "string",
            "gt" : {},
            "gte" : {},
            "lt" : {},
            "lte" : {},
            "time_zone" : "string"
      "simple_query_string" : {
         "analyze_wildcard" : true,
         "analyzer" : "string",
         "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query" : true,
         "default_operator" : "string",
         "fields" : [
         "flags" : "string",
         "fuzzy_max_expansions" : 0,
         "fuzzy_prefix_length" : 0,
         "fuzzy_transpositions" : true,
         "lenient" : true,
         "minimum_should_match" : "string",
         "query" : "string",
         "quote_field_suffix" : "string"
      "term" : {
         "some_property" : {
            "value" : "string"
   "size" : 0,
   "sort" : [


A URL to access the service of a resource


service (string, required)
Name of the service
url (string, required)
The full URL to access the service


   "service" : "string",
   "url" : "string"


A query that uses simple query string syntax. Will ignore invalid syntax.


analyze_wildcard (boolean)
If true, the query attempts to analyze wildcard terms. Defaults to false.
analyzer (string)
The name of the analyzer to use to convert the query text into tokens.
auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query (boolean)
If true, the parse creates a match_phrase uery for each multi-position token. Defaults to true.
default_operator (string)
The boolean operator used to combine the terms of the query. Valid values are OR (default) and AND.
fields (array[string])
Array of fields to search
flags (string)
List of enabled operators for the simple query string syntax. Defaults to ALL.
fuzzy_max_expansions (integer as int32)
Maximum number of terms to which the query expands for fuzzy matching. Defaults to 50.
fuzzy_prefix_length (integer as int32)
Number of beginning characters left unchanged for fuzzy matching. Defaults to 0.
fuzzy_transpositions (boolean)
If true, edits for fuzzy matching include transpositions of two adjacent characters. Defaults to false.
lenient (boolean)
If true, format-based errors, such as providing a text value for a numeric field are ignored. Defaults to false.
minimum_should_match (string)
Minimum number of clauses that must match for a document to be returned.
query (string, required)
The query expressed in simple query string syntax.
quote_field_suffix (string)
Suffix appended to quoted text in the query string.


   "analyze_wildcard" : true,
   "analyzer" : "string",
   "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query" : true,
   "default_operator" : "string",
   "fields" : [
   "flags" : "string",
   "fuzzy_max_expansions" : 0,
   "fuzzy_prefix_length" : 0,
   "fuzzy_transpositions" : true,
   "lenient" : true,
   "minimum_should_match" : "string",
   "query" : "string",
   "quote_field_suffix" : "string"


Line Item


ecu_balance (number as double, required)
Elastic Consumption Unit (ECU) Balance
ecu_quantity (number as double, required)
Original Elastic Consumption Unit (ECU) quantity
end (string as date-time, required)
Expiration of the line item
id (string, required)
Line Item ID
start (string as date-time, required)
Start of the line item's validity


   "ecu_balance" : 0.1,
   "ecu_quantity" : 0.1,
   "end" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "id" : "string",
   "start" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"


Information about the snapshot status for the Elasticsearch cluster. For example, the health status.


count (integer as int32, required)
Number of snapshots stored for this cluster
healthy (boolean, required)
Health status of snapshots for this cluster
latest_end_time (string as date-time)
The end time of the most recently attempted snapshot
latest_status (string)
Status of the latest snapshot attempt, if any exist.
latest_successful (boolean)
Latest snapshot status
latest_successful_end_time (string as date-time)
The end time of the most recently successful snapshot
recent_success (boolean, required)
Indicates whether the cluster has a relatively recent successful snapshot.
scheduled_time (string as date-time)
Scheduled time of next snapshot attempt


   "count" : 0,
   "healthy" : true,
   "latest_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "latest_status" : "string",
   "latest_successful" : true,
   "latest_successful_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "recent_success" : true,
   "scheduled_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"


The APM Server configuration for an Elastic Stack version.


blacklist (array[string], required)
List of configuration options that cannot be overridden by user settings
capacity_constraints (StackVersionInstanceCapacityConstraint)

This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

Capacity constraints for the node type

compatible_node_types (array[string])
Node types that are compatible with this one
docker_image (string, required)
Docker image for the APM
settings (object)
Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type
version (string)
Version of APM


   "blacklist" : [
   "capacity_constraints" : {
      "max" : 0,
      "min" : 0
   "compatible_node_types" : [
   "docker_image" : "string",
   "settings" : {},
   "version" : "string"


AppSearch related configuration of an Elastic Stack version


blacklist (array[string], required)
List of configuration options that cannot be overridden by user settings
capacity_constraints (StackVersionInstanceCapacityConstraint)

This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

Capacity constraints for the node type

compatible_node_types (array[string])
Node types that are compatible with this one
docker_image (string, required)
Docker image for the AppSearch
node_types (array[StackVersionNodeType])
Node types that are supported by this stack version
settings (object)
Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type
version (string)
Version of AppSearch


   "blacklist" : [
   "capacity_constraints" : {
      "max" : 0,
      "min" : 0
   "compatible_node_types" : [
   "docker_image" : "string",
   "node_types" : [
         "capacity_constraints" : {
            "max" : 0,
            "min" : 0
         "compatible_node_types" : [
         "description" : "string",
         "mandatory" : true,
         "name" : "string",
         "node_type" : "string",
         "settings" : {}
   "settings" : {},
   "version" : "string"


The details for an Elastic Stack configuration.


accessible (boolean)
Whether or not this version is accessible by the calling user. This is only relevant in EC (SaaS) and is not sent in ECE.
apm (StackVersionApmConfig)
The APM Server configuration for an Elastic Stack version.
appsearch (StackVersionAppSearchConfig)
AppSearch related configuration of an Elastic Stack version
deleted (boolean)
Identifies that the Elastic Stack version is marked for deletion
elasticsearch (StackVersionElasticsearchConfig, required)
The Elasticsearch configuration for an Elastic Stack version.
kibana (StackVersionKibanaConfig, required)
The Kibana configuration for an Elastic Stack version.
metadata (StackVersionMetadata)
The metadata for the Elastic Stack.
min_upgradable_from (string)

The minimum version recommended to upgrade this version.

Example: "6.7.0"

template (StackVersionTemplateInfo, required)
The template information for an Elastic Stack version.
upgradable_to (array[string], required)
Stack Versions that this version can upgrade to
version (string)
Stack version
whitelisted (boolean)
Whether or not this version is whitelisted. This is only relevant in EC (SaaS) and is not sent in ECE.


   "accessible" : true,
   "apm" : {
      "blacklist" : [
      "capacity_constraints" : {
         "max" : 0,
         "min" : 0
      "compatible_node_types" : [
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "settings" : {},
      "version" : "string"
   "appsearch" : {
      "blacklist" : [
      "capacity_constraints" : {
         "max" : 0,
         "min" : 0
      "compatible_node_types" : [
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "node_types" : [
            "capacity_constraints" : {
               "max" : 0,
               "min" : 0
            "compatible_node_types" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "mandatory" : true,
            "name" : "string",
            "node_type" : "string",
            "settings" : {}
      "settings" : {},
      "version" : "string"
   "deleted" : true,
   "elasticsearch" : {
      "blacklist" : [
      "capacity_constraints" : {
         "max" : 0,
         "min" : 0
      "compatible_node_types" : [
      "default_plugins" : [
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "node_types" : [
            "capacity_constraints" : {
               "max" : 0,
               "min" : 0
            "compatible_node_types" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "mandatory" : true,
            "name" : "string",
            "node_type" : "string",
            "settings" : {}
      "plugins" : [
      "settings" : {}
   "kibana" : {
      "blacklist" : [
      "capacity_constraints" : {
         "max" : 0,
         "min" : 0
      "compatible_node_types" : [
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "settings" : {},
      "version" : "string"
   "metadata" : {
      "min_index_compatibility_version" : "string",
      "min_platform_version" : "string",
      "min_wire_compatibility_version" : "string",
      "notes" : "string",
      "pre_release" : true,
      "schema_version" : 0
   "min_upgradable_from" : "string",
   "template" : {
      "hashes" : [
            "hash" : "string",
            "path" : "string"
      "template_version" : "string"
   "upgradable_to" : [
   "version" : "string",
   "whitelisted" : true


The details for multiple Elastic Stack configurations.


stacks (array[StackVersionConfig], required)


   "stacks" : [
         "accessible" : true,
         "apm" : {
            "blacklist" : [
            "capacity_constraints" : {
               "max" : 0,
               "min" : 0
            "compatible_node_types" : [
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "settings" : {},
            "version" : "string"
         "appsearch" : {
            "blacklist" : [
            "capacity_constraints" : {
               "max" : 0,
               "min" : 0
            "compatible_node_types" : [
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "node_types" : [
                  "capacity_constraints" : {
                     "max" : 0,
                     "min" : 0
                  "compatible_node_types" : [
                  "description" : "string",
                  "mandatory" : true,
                  "name" : "string",
                  "node_type" : "string",
                  "settings" : {}
            "settings" : {},
            "version" : "string"
         "deleted" : true,
         "elasticsearch" : {
            "blacklist" : [
            "capacity_constraints" : {
               "max" : 0,
               "min" : 0
            "compatible_node_types" : [
            "default_plugins" : [
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "node_types" : [
                  "capacity_constraints" : {
                     "max" : 0,
                     "min" : 0
                  "compatible_node_types" : [
                  "description" : "string",
                  "mandatory" : true,
                  "name" : "string",
                  "node_type" : "string",
                  "settings" : {}
            "plugins" : [
            "settings" : {}
         "kibana" : {
            "blacklist" : [
            "capacity_constraints" : {
               "max" : 0,
               "min" : 0
            "compatible_node_types" : [
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "settings" : {},
            "version" : "string"
         "metadata" : {
            "min_index_compatibility_version" : "string",
            "min_platform_version" : "string",
            "min_wire_compatibility_version" : "string",
            "notes" : "string",
            "pre_release" : true,
            "schema_version" : 0
         "min_upgradable_from" : "string",
         "template" : {
            "hashes" : [
                  "hash" : "string",
                  "path" : "string"
            "template_version" : "string"
         "upgradable_to" : [
         "version" : "string",
         "whitelisted" : true


The Elasticsearch configuration for an Elastic Stack version.


blacklist (array[string], required)
List of configuration options that cannot be overridden by user settings
capacity_constraints (StackVersionInstanceCapacityConstraint)

This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

Capacity constraints for the node type

compatible_node_types (array[string])
Node types that are compatible with this one
default_plugins (array[string], required)
List of default plugins
docker_image (string, required)
Docker image for the Elasticsearch
node_types (array[StackVersionNodeType])
Node types that are supported by this stack version
plugins (array[string], required)
List of available plugins
settings (object)
Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type


   "blacklist" : [
   "capacity_constraints" : {
      "max" : 0,
      "min" : 0
   "compatible_node_types" : [
   "default_plugins" : [
   "docker_image" : "string",
   "node_types" : [
         "capacity_constraints" : {
            "max" : 0,
            "min" : 0
         "compatible_node_types" : [
         "description" : "string",
         "mandatory" : true,
         "name" : "string",
         "node_type" : "string",
         "settings" : {}
   "plugins" : [
   "settings" : {}


The Elasticsearch instance, Kibana instance, APM Server capacity constraints for an Elastic Stack node type.


max (integer as int32, required)
Max capacity of the instances
min (integer as int32, required)
Min capacity of the instances


   "max" : 0,
   "min" : 0


The Kibana configuration for an Elastic Stack version.


blacklist (array[string], required)
List of configuration options that cannot be overridden by user settings
capacity_constraints (StackVersionInstanceCapacityConstraint)

This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

Capacity constraints for the node type

compatible_node_types (array[string])
Node types that are compatible with this one
docker_image (string, required)
Docker image for the kibana
settings (object)
Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type
version (string)
Version of Kibana


   "blacklist" : [
   "capacity_constraints" : {
      "max" : 0,
      "min" : 0
   "compatible_node_types" : [
   "docker_image" : "string",
   "settings" : {},
   "version" : "string"


The metadata for the Elastic Stack.


min_index_compatibility_version (string)
The minimum version required for performing a full cluster restart upgrade to this stack version.
min_platform_version (string)
The minimum version of the platform that the stack pack version is compatible with
min_wire_compatibility_version (string)
The minimum version required for performing a rolling upgrade to this stack version.
notes (string)
Notes for administrator
pre_release (boolean)
Indicates that the stack pack version is not GA and is not supposed to be used in production
schema_version (integer as int32)
The schema version of the stack pack version


   "min_index_compatibility_version" : "string",
   "min_platform_version" : "string",
   "min_wire_compatibility_version" : "string",
   "notes" : "string",
   "pre_release" : true,
   "schema_version" : 0


The configuration for an Elastic Stack node type.


This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

Capacity constraints for the node type

compatible_node_types (array[string])
Node types that are compatible with this one
description (string, required)
Description of the node type
mandatory (boolean)
Flag to specify a node type is mandatory in a cluster's plan
name (string, required)
Name of the node type
node_type (string, required)
Type of the node (master, data, …​)
settings (object)
Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type


   "capacity_constraints" : {
      "max" : 0,
      "min" : 0
   "compatible_node_types" : [
   "description" : "string",
   "mandatory" : true,
   "name" : "string",
   "node_type" : "string",
   "settings" : {}


The template file hash for an Elastic Stack version.


hash (string, required)
SHA-256 hash of a file
path (string, required)
File path relative to template's root


   "hash" : "string",
   "path" : "string"


The template information for an Elastic Stack version.


hashes (array[StackVersionTemplateFileHash])
Relative paths of files with SHA-256 hashes that contains the template
template_version (string)
Template version


   "hashes" : [
         "hash" : "string",
         "path" : "string"
   "template_version" : "string"


Information about the specified Elasticsearch cluster.


elasticsearch_id (string, required)
The Elasticsearch cluster Id
links (map[string,Hyperlink])
A map of application-specific operations (which map to 'operationId's in the Swagger API) to metadata about that operation


   "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
   "links" : {
      "some_property" : {
         "need_elevated_permissions" : true


A query for documents that contain the specified term in the inverted index.


value (string, required)
The exact value to query for.


   "value" : "string"


Controls for the topology element. Only used as part of the deployment template. Ignored if included as part of a deployment.


min (TopologySize, required)
Absolute minimum size limit for a topology element created with a deployment template. If the value is 0, that means the topology element can be disabled.


   "min" : {
      "resource" : "string",
      "value" : 0


Measured by the amount of a resource. The final cluster size is calculated using multipliers from the topology instance configuration.


resource (string; allowed values: [memory, storage], required)
Type of resource. In ESS the resource used should always be memory.
value (integer as int32, required)
Amount of resource


   "resource" : "string",
   "value" : 0


Intentionally left blank


azure_endpoint_guid (string)
Resource GUID of the Azure Private Endpoint to allow connections from
azure_endpoint_name (string)
Name of the Azure Private Endpoint to allow connections from
link_id (string)
Link id. A GCP private service connect ID or AWS VPC endpoint ID
region (string, required)
The claimed link id can be used only for traffic filter in the specific region


   "azure_endpoint_guid" : "string",
   "azure_endpoint_name" : "string",
   "link_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string"


The specification for traffic filter claimed link id.


azure_endpoint_guid (string)
Resource GUID of the Azure Private Endpoint to allow connections from
azure_endpoint_name (string)
Name of the Azure Private Endpoint to allow connections from
link_id (string)
Link id. A GCP private service connect ID or AWS VPC endpoint ID
region (string, required)
The claimed link id can be used only for traffic filter in the specific region


   "azure_endpoint_guid" : "string",
   "azure_endpoint_name" : "string",
   "link_id" : "string",
   "region" : "string"


The container for a set of traffic filter claimed link id.


claimed_link_ids (array[TrafficFilterClaimedLinkIdInfo], required)
List of traffic filter claimed link id


   "claimed_link_ids" : [
         "azure_endpoint_guid" : "string",
         "azure_endpoint_name" : "string",
         "link_id" : "string",
         "region" : "string"


The rule detail for a traffic filter egress rule.


ports (array[integer])
A list of target ports for an egress rule
protocol (string; allowed values: [all, tcp, udp], required)
The target protocol for an egress rule
target (string, required)
Allowed traffic filter egress target: IP address or CIDR mask


   "ports" : [
   "protocol" : "string",
   "target" : "string"


The container for a traffic filter rule.


azure_endpoint_guid (string)
Resource GUID of the Azure Private Endpoint to allow connections from
azure_endpoint_name (string)
Name of the Azure Private Endpoint to allow connections from
description (string)
Description of the rule
egress_rule (TrafficFilterEgressRule)
An egress traffic filter rule
id (string)
The rule ID
remote_cluster_id (string)
The remote cluster ID
remote_cluster_org_id (string)
The remote cluster organization ID
source (string)
Allowed traffic filter source: IP address, CIDR mask, or VPC endpoint ID


   "azure_endpoint_guid" : "string",
   "azure_endpoint_name" : "string",
   "description" : "string",
   "egress_rule" : {
      "ports" : [
      "protocol" : "string",
      "target" : "string"
   "id" : "string",
   "remote_cluster_id" : "string",
   "remote_cluster_org_id" : "string",
   "source" : "string"


The container for a set of traffic filter rules.


associations (array[FilterAssociation])
List of associations. Returned only when include_associations query parameter is true
description (string)
Description of the ruleset
id (string, required)
The ruleset ID
include_by_default (boolean, required)
Should the ruleset be automatically included in the new deployments
name (string, required)
Name of the ruleset
region (string, required)
The ruleset can be attached only to deployments in the specific region
rules (array[TrafficFilterRule], required)
List of rules
total_associations (integer as int32)
Total number of associations. This includes associations the user does not have permission to view.Returned only when include_associations query parameter is true
type (string, required)
Type of the ruleset


   "associations" : [
         "entity_type" : "string",
         "id" : "string"
   "description" : "string",
   "id" : "string",
   "include_by_default" : true,
   "name" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "rules" : [
         "azure_endpoint_guid" : "string",
         "azure_endpoint_name" : "string",
         "description" : "string",
         "egress_rule" : {
            "ports" : [
            "protocol" : "string",
            "target" : "string"
         "id" : "string",
         "remote_cluster_id" : "string",
         "remote_cluster_org_id" : "string",
         "source" : "string"
   "total_associations" : 0,
   "type" : "string"


The specification for traffic filter ruleset.


description (string)
Description of the ruleset
include_by_default (boolean, required)
Should the ruleset be automatically included in the new deployments
name (string, required)
Name of the ruleset
region (string, required)
The ruleset can be attached only to deployments in the specific region
rules (array[TrafficFilterRule], required)
List of rules
type (string, required)
Type of the ruleset


   "description" : "string",
   "include_by_default" : true,
   "name" : "string",
   "region" : "string",
   "rules" : [
         "azure_endpoint_guid" : "string",
         "azure_endpoint_name" : "string",
         "description" : "string",
         "egress_rule" : {
            "ports" : [
            "protocol" : "string",
            "target" : "string"
         "id" : "string",
         "remote_cluster_id" : "string",
         "remote_cluster_org_id" : "string",
         "source" : "string"
   "type" : "string"


The response after you create a new ruleset.


id (string, required)
The new ruleset ID


   "id" : "string"


The container for a set of traffic filter rulesets.


rulesets (array[TrafficFilterRulesetInfo], required)
List of traffic filter rules


   "rulesets" : [
         "associations" : [
               "entity_type" : "string",
               "id" : "string"
         "description" : "string",
         "id" : "string",
         "include_by_default" : true,
         "name" : "string",
         "region" : "string",
         "rules" : [
               "azure_endpoint_guid" : "string",
               "azure_endpoint_name" : "string",
               "description" : "string",
               "egress_rule" : {
                  "ports" : [
                  "protocol" : "string",
                  "target" : "string"
               "id" : "string",
               "remote_cluster_id" : "string",
               "remote_cluster_org_id" : "string",
               "source" : "string"
         "total_associations" : 0,
         "type" : "string"


The configuration settings for the traffic filter.


rulesets (array[string], required)
IDs of the traffic filter rulesets


   "rulesets" : [


Defines the configuration parameters that control how the plan is applied. For example, the Elasticsearch cluster topology and APM Server settings.


plan_configuration (ApmPlanControlConfiguration)
The plan control configuration options for the APM Server.
strategy (PlanStrategy)
The options for performing a plan change. Specify only one property each time. The default is grow_and_shrink.


   "plan_configuration" : {
      "calm_wait_time" : 0,
      "cluster_reboot" : "string",
      "extended_maintenance" : true,
      "timeout" : 0
   "strategy" : {
      "autodetect" : {},
      "grow_and_shrink" : {},
      "rolling" : {
         "allow_inline_resize" : true,
         "group_by" : "string",
         "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
         "skip_synced_flush" : true
      "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


Defines configuration parameters that control how the plan (ie consisting of the cluster topology and AppSearch settings) is applied


plan_configuration (AppSearchPlanControlConfiguration)
strategy (PlanStrategy)
The options for performing a plan change. Specify only one property each time. The default is grow_and_shrink.


   "plan_configuration" : {
      "calm_wait_time" : 0,
      "cluster_reboot" : "string",
      "extended_maintenance" : true,
      "move_allocators" : [
            "allocator_down" : true,
            "from" : "string",
            "to" : [
      "move_instances" : [
            "from" : "string",
            "instance_down" : true,
            "to" : [
      "preferred_allocators" : [
      "reallocate_instances" : true,
      "timeout" : 0
   "strategy" : {
      "autodetect" : {},
      "grow_and_shrink" : {},
      "rolling" : {
         "allow_inline_resize" : true,
         "group_by" : "string",
         "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
         "skip_synced_flush" : true
      "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


Defines the configuration parameters that control how the plan is applied. For example, the Elasticsearch cluster topology and Elasticsearch settings.


cluster_settings_json (object)

If specified, contains transient settings to be applied to an Elasticsearch cluster during changes,default values shown below applied. These can be overridden by specifying them in the map (or null to unset). Additional settings can also be set. Settings will be cleared after the plan has finished. If not specified, no settings will be applied. NOTE: These settings are only explicitly cleared for 5.x+ clusters, they must be hand-reset to their defaults in 2.x- (or a cluster reboot will clear them).

  • 120Mb
  • indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec: 120Mb
  • cluster.routing.allocation.cluster_concurrent_rebalance: 5
  • cluster.routing.allocation.node_initial_primaries_recoveries: 5
  • cluster.routing.allocation.node_concurrent_incoming_recoveries: 5 For version 8.1 and later no defaults are provided through this mechanism, but instead hardware dependent settings are provided to each instance.
plan_configuration (ElasticsearchPlanControlConfiguration)
The configuration settings for the timeout and fallback parameters.
remote_clusters (RemoteResources)
The list of resources that will be configured as remote clusters
restore_snapshot (RestoreSnapshotConfiguration)
Restores a snapshot from a local or remote repository.
strategy (PlanStrategy)
The options for performing a plan change. Specify only one property each time. The default is grow_and_shrink.


   "cluster_settings_json" : {},
   "plan_configuration" : {
      "calm_wait_time" : 0,
      "cluster_reboot" : "string",
      "extended_maintenance" : true,
      "max_snapshot_age" : 0,
      "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
      "skip_snapshot" : true,
      "timeout" : 0
   "remote_clusters" : {
      "resources" : [
            "alias" : "string",
            "deployment_id" : "string",
            "elasticsearch_ref_id" : "string",
            "info" : {
               "compatible" : true,
               "connected" : true,
               "healthy" : true,
               "trusted" : true,
               "trusted_back" : true
            "skip_unavailable" : true
   "restore_snapshot" : {
      "repository_config" : {
         "raw_settings" : {}
      "repository_name" : "string",
      "restore_payload" : {
         "indices" : [
         "raw_settings" : {}
      "snapshot_name" : "string",
      "source_cluster_id" : "string",
      "strategy" : "string"
   "strategy" : {
      "autodetect" : {},
      "grow_and_shrink" : {},
      "rolling" : {
         "allow_inline_resize" : true,
         "group_by" : "string",
         "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
         "skip_synced_flush" : true
      "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


Defines configuration parameters that control how the plan (i.e. consisting of the cluster topology and Enterprise Search settings) is applied


plan_configuration (EnterpriseSearchPlanControlConfiguration)
strategy (PlanStrategy)
The options for performing a plan change. Specify only one property each time. The default is grow_and_shrink.


   "plan_configuration" : {
      "calm_wait_time" : 0,
      "cluster_reboot" : "string",
      "extended_maintenance" : true,
      "move_allocators" : [
            "allocator_down" : true,
            "from" : "string",
            "to" : [
      "move_instances" : [
            "from" : "string",
            "instance_down" : true,
            "to" : [
      "preferred_allocators" : [
      "reallocate_instances" : true,
      "timeout" : 0
   "strategy" : {
      "autodetect" : {},
      "grow_and_shrink" : {},
      "rolling" : {
         "allow_inline_resize" : true,
         "group_by" : "string",
         "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
         "skip_synced_flush" : true
      "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


Defines the configuration parameters that control how the plan is applied. For example, the Elasticsearch cluster topology and Integrations Server settings.


plan_configuration (IntegrationsServerPlanControlConfiguration)
The plan control configuration options for the Integrations Server.
strategy (PlanStrategy)
The options for performing a plan change. Specify only one property each time. The default is grow_and_shrink.


   "plan_configuration" : {
      "calm_wait_time" : 0,
      "cluster_reboot" : "string",
      "extended_maintenance" : true,
      "timeout" : 0
   "strategy" : {
      "autodetect" : {},
      "grow_and_shrink" : {},
      "rolling" : {
         "allow_inline_resize" : true,
         "group_by" : "string",
         "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
         "skip_synced_flush" : true
      "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


Defines the configuration parameters that control how the plan is applied. For example, the Elasticsearch cluster topology and Kibana instance settings.


plan_configuration (KibanaPlanControlConfiguration)
The configuration settings for the timeout and fallback parameters.
strategy (PlanStrategy)
The options for performing a plan change. Specify only one property each time. The default is grow_and_shrink.


   "plan_configuration" : {
      "calm_wait_time" : 0,
      "cluster_reboot" : "string",
      "extended_maintenance" : true,
      "timeout" : 0
   "strategy" : {
      "autodetect" : {},
      "grow_and_shrink" : {},
      "rolling" : {
         "allow_inline_resize" : true,
         "group_by" : "string",
         "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
         "skip_synced_flush" : true
      "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}


An x509 certificate used by a DirectTrustRelationship


metadata (CertificateMetaData)
Metadata about the certificate, including fingerprint and expiry date. Generated by the Cloud service and ignored on write.
pem (string, required)
The public ca certificate as string in PEM format.


   "metadata" : {
      "also_trusted_by" : [
      "fingerprint" : "string",
      "valid_from" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "valid_to" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
   "pem" : "string"


The body of a request to update an extension


description (string)
The extension description.
download_url (string)
The URL to download the extension archive.
extension_type (string; allowed values: [plugin, bundle], required)
The extension type.
name (string, required)
The extension name.
version (string, required)
The Elasticsearch version.


   "description" : "string",
   "download_url" : "string",
   "extension_type" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "version" : "string"


Holds diagnostics for existing resources that might be updated


apm (array[Apm])
Diagnostics for APMs
appsearch (array[AppSearch])
Diagnostics for AppSearches
elasticsearch (array[Elasticsearch])
Diagnostics for Elasticsearch clusters
enterprise_search (array[EnterpriseSearch])
Diagnostics for Enterprise Search resources
integrations_server (array[IntegrationsServer])
Diagnostics for Integrations Server
kibana (array[Kibana])
Diagnostics for Kibanas


   "apm" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "appsearch" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "elasticsearch" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "enterprise_search" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "integrations_server" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"
   "kibana" : [
         "backend_plan" : {},
         "display_name" : "string",
         "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
         "ref_id" : "string"