Share your COVID-19 Elastic Stack stories on #ElasticStories

Members of the Elastic community — the hospitals, the media, the drugstores, the online retailers and grocers, the research institutions, universities, telecoms, and countless others — have taken many steps to help combat COVID-19, or have quickly adapted their businesses to deal with this pandemic.

Connecting with the Elastic community

We know this isn’t easy. That is why we are connecting the Elastic community's businesses, enterprises, and organizations with a venue to share how they are battling the novel coronavirus, or how they have had to rapidly modify their companies to adjust to the new normal. 

We’re opening this conversation on the #ElasticStories hashtag — a venue to share COVID-19 Elastic Stack stories. As for our commitment to a free and open community, we’re doing this to foster the sharing of best practices as we innovate through these turbulent times.

We launched the hashtag a year ago for the benefit of the Elastic community, and to serve as an unfiltered setting to share all Elastic Stack stories regardless of simplicity or complexity. For the time being, we’re altering the hashtag’s purpose as we react to this pandemic.

So if your business, enterprise, or organization is using the Elastic Stack to manage or serve others during this challenging time, then share your COVID-19 Elastic Stack stories on #ElasticStories.