The Elastic Cloud is the recommended option for both development and production. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial at
Creating a Cloud Deployment
If you just signed up for an Elastic Cloud trial account, you will be asked to create a deployment or Serverless project as part of your onboarding.
If you need to create a new fully managed project on a paid account, follow these instructions:
- Navigate to your Elastic Cloud home page.
- Click Create project.
- Select your project type: Elasticsearch
- Enter a name for your fully managed Elasticsearch project .
- Select your project configuration.
- Select your preferred cloud provider and region.
- Click Create project.
If you need to create a new deployment on a paid account, follow these instructions:
- Navigate to your Elastic Cloud home page.
- Click Create deployment.
- Enter a name for your new deployment.
- Select your preferred cloud provider and region.
- Select your desired hardware profile and version, or use the suggested defaults if unsure.
- Click Create deployment.
Finding your Cloud ID
To authenticate against the Elasticsearch service you are going to need the Cloud ID that was assigned to your deployment.
Follow these steps to obtain your Cloud ID:
- Navigate to your Elastic Cloud home page.
- Locate your deployment, and click the Manage link under the Actions column.
- The Cloud ID is displayed on the right side of the page. See the screenshot below as a reference.

Creating an API Key
For security purposes, it is recommended that you create an API Key to use when authenticating to the Elasticsearch service.

Follow these steps to create an API Key:
- Navigate to your Elastic Cloud home page.
- Locate your deployment or fully managed Elasticsearch project and click the Open link under the Actions column.
- On the left-side menu bar, click on Stack Management under Management.
- Open API keys under Security.
- Click Create an API key.
- Give a name to the API key and click Create API key.
Copy your encoded
API key to the clipboard, and paste it on a local text document for safe keeping until you need to use it.
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