Unusual Network Connection via DllHostedit

Identifies unusual instances of dllhost.exe making outbound network connections. This may indicate adversarial Command and Control activity.

Rule type: eql

Rule indices:

  • winlogbeat-*
  • logs-endpoint.events.*
  • logs-windows.*

Severity: medium

Risk score: 47

Runs every: 5 minutes

Searches indices from: now-9m (Date Math format, see also Additional look-back time)

Maximum alerts per execution: 100



  • Elastic
  • Host
  • Windows
  • Threat Detection
  • Defense Evasion

Version: 2 (version history)

Added (Elastic Stack release): 7.14.0

Last modified (Elastic Stack release): 8.2.0

Rule authors: Elastic

Rule license: Elastic License v2

Rule queryedit

sequence by host.id, process.entity_id with maxspan=1m [process
where event.type in ("start", "process_started") and process.name :
"dllhost.exe" and process.args_count == 1] [network where
process.name : "dllhost.exe" and not cidrmatch(destination.ip,
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "::1", "FE80::/10", "FF00::/8")]

Threat mappingedit


Rule version historyedit

Version 2 (8.2.0 release)
  • Formatting only