
TSVB requires a date field and supports most Elasticsearch metric aggregations, multiple visualization types, custom functions, and some math.

With TSVB, you can visualize the data from multiple series, but only Timelion can perform math across layers.


When you open TSVB, click Panel options, then verify the following:

  • The index pattern, time field, and interval are configured
  • Specify if you want to show the last bucket, which usually contains partial data
  • For non-time series visualizations, specify if you want the Data timerange mode.
  • Specify any KQL filters to select specific documents

Visualization optionsedit

Time series
By default, the Y axis shows the full range of data, including zero. To scale the axis from the minimum to maximum values of the data automatically, go to Series > Options > Fill and set Fill to 0. You can add annotations to the x-axis based on timestamped documents in a separate Elasticsearch index.
All other chart types
Panel options > Data timerange mode controls the timespan used for matching documents. Last value is unable to match all documents, only the specific interval. Entire timerange matches all the documents specified in the time filter.
Metric, Top N, and Gauge
Panel options > Color rules contains conditional coloring based on the values.
Top N and Table
When you click a series, TSVB applies a filter based on the series name. To change this behavior, configure Panel options > Item URL, which opens a URL instead of applying a filter on click.
Supports Markdown with Handlebars syntax to insert dynamic data. Also supports custom CSS using LESS syntax.

Understanding the TSVB series paneledit

Every visualization shares the same interface for creating a Series. Each series can be thought of as a separate Elasticsearch aggregation, which prevents them from being compared with math. Each series has an Options tab that controls the styling and Elasticsearch options, which are inherited from the Panel options. Having separate options for each series allows you to compare different Elasticsearch indices, or to view two time periods from the same index.

To configure the value of each series, select the function first and then the inputs to the function. Only the last function is displayed.

Series can optionally have a Group by, which will show each group separately in the chart. The Filters grouping lets you assign a color to each filter. The Terms grouping has special behavior in the Time series chart, which is controlled by Options > Split color theme.

TSVB referenceedit

TSVB has implemented shortcuts for some frequently-used functions.

Filter ratio
Returns a percent value by calculating a metric on two sets of documents. For example, calculate the error rate as a percentage of the overall events over time.
Counter rate
Used for when dealing with monotonically increasing counters. Shortcut for max, derivative and positive only.
Positive only
Removes any negative values from the results, which can be used as a post-processing step after a derivative.
Series agg
Applies a function to all of the Group by series to reduce the values to a single number. This function must always be the last metric in the series. + For example, if the Time series chart is showing 10 series, applying a "sum" series agg will calculate the sum of all 10 bars and output a single Y value per X value. This is often confused with the overall sum function, which outputs a single Y value per unique series.
The math context is able to do both simple and advanced calculations per series. This function must always be the last metric in the series.

Frequently asked questionsedit

Why is my TSVB visualization missing data?

It depends, but most often it’s two causes:

  1. If looking at a Time series chart with a derivative function, the time interval might be too small. Derivatives require sequential values,
  2. If looking at anything but Time series in TSVB, the cause is probably the Data timerange mode. This is controlled by Panel options > Data timerange mode > Entire time range. This is because TSVB defaults to showing the last whole bucket. If the time range is "last 24 hours", and the current time is 9:41, then TSVB metrics will be only show 10 minutes: from 9:30 to 9:40.
How do I calculate the difference between two series?
TSVB doesn’t support math across series, but Timelion does. Vega can also do this.
How do I view the current vs previous month?
While it’s not possible to do math on these two, TSVB supports series with time offsets. Click Clone Series, and then choose a new color for the new series. Go toc Options > Offset series time by and choose an offset value.
How do I calculate a month over month change?
This is not fully supported in TSVB, but there is a special case that is supported if the TSVB time range is set to 3 months or more and the time interval is one month. Use the derivative to get the absolute monthly change. To convert to a percent, add a math function with the formula params.current / (params.current - params.derivative), and then set the formatter to Percent. + For other types of month over month calculations, use Timelion or Vega.
How do I calculate the duration between start and end of an event?
TSVB can’t do this because it requires correlation between different time periods. TSVB requires that the duration is pre-calculated.