
Ingest threat intelligence from EclecticIQ with Elastic Agent

1.2.0 (View all)
Compatible Kibana version(s)
8.13.0 or higher
Supported Serverless project types

Subscription level
Level of support

The EclecticIQ integration allows you to ingest threat intelligence observables from an outgoing feeds on your EclecticIQ Intelligence Center instance.

Observables ingested from an EclecticIQ Intelligence Center outgoing feed can be monitored and explored on Intelligence → Indicators in Kibana.

Data streams

The EclecticIQ integration collects one type of data streams: logs.

Logs collected from this integration are collections of threat intelligence observables ingested from the connected EclecticIQ Intelligence Center outgoing feed.


You need Elasticsearch for storing and searching your data and Kibana for visualizing and managing it. You can use our hosted Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud, which is recommended, or self-manage the Elastic Stack on your own hardware.

You must also set up your EclecticIQ Intelligence Center for Elasticsearch to connect to it. See Set up EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.


For step-by-step instructions on how to set up an integration, see the Getting started guide.

You must create one integration instance per EclecticIQ Intelligence Center outgoing feed you want to retrieve intelligence from.

Set up EclecticIQ Intelligence Center

Before using the integration, you must:

  • Set up outgoing feeds on EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.
  • Connect the integration to the EclectiCIQ Intelligence Center instance.

Set up outgoing feeds on EclecticIQ Intelligence Center

Set up an outgoing feed on EclecticIQ Intelligence Center: Create and configure outgoing feeds.

These outgoing feeds must have these properties:

  • Transport type: HTTP download
  • Content type: EclecticIQ Observables CSV
  • Update strategy: Append, Diff or Replace. This must match the update strategy set for the integration instance. See Update strategies.
  • Authorized groups: Must set one or more groups. Feed must be authenticated. See EclecticIQ Intelligence Center permissions.

Only observables packed by this outgoing feed are fetched.

To find the ID of an EclecticIQ Intelligence Center outgoing feed:

  1. Log in to EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.
  2. Navigate to Data configuration > Outgoing feeds.
  3. Select an outgoing feed to open it.
  4. Inspect the address bar of your browser.
  5. The ID of this outgoing feed is the value of the ?detail= query parameter.

For example: For an outgoing feed that displays in the address bar, its ID is 6.

Index name

This integration retrieves and makes available the latest version of the threat intelligence retrieved from EclecticIQ Intelligence Center in the following index: logs-ti_eclecticiq_latest.observables-1

When threat intelligence is deleted from datasets used by the configured outgoing feed, these are removed from that index.

In the Intelligence dashboard, to see only the latest threat intelligence from EclecticIQ Intelligence Center, filter results with:

_index : logs-ti_eclecticiq_latest.observables-1 and threat.indicator.type : *


NOT labels.is_ioc_transform_source: * AND and "EclecticIQ"

Update strategies

You must set the same Update strategy for both the EclecticIQ Integration instance and the EclecticIQ Intelligence Center outgoing feed it retrieves data from.

Update strategies are how a feed decides to pack data from its configured datasets when it runs:

  • (Recommended) Diff only packs data that has been deleted from or added to the feed's datasets since the last run.

  • Append only packs data that has been added to the feed's datasets since the last run.

  • (Not recommended) Replace packs all the data currently in the feed's datasets each time it runs. Records that already exist on Elasticsearch are de-duplicated, but records that are outdated or removed from the feeds' datasets will not be correspondingly removed from Elasticsearch.

    Known issue with Replace: Replace usually removes all the data from a given destination before replacing it with all the data packed from a given feed's datasets. Currently, this is not supported by the integration.

Supported EclecticIQ observables

The following is a list of EclecticIQ observables supported by this integration. For information about how these observables are mapped, see Exported fields.

  • asn
  • domain
  • email
  • file
  • file-size
  • hash-md5
  • hash-md5
  • hash-sha1
  • hash-sha256
  • hash-sha384
  • hash-sha512
  • hash-ssdeep
  • ipv4
  • ipv4-cidr
  • ipv6
  • ipv6-cidr
  • mac-48
  • mutex
  • port
  • process
  • process-name
  • uri
  • winregistry
  • certificate-serial-number
  • malware
  • rule
  • user-agent
  • organization
  • email-subject
  • host
  • cve

Known issues

Certain threat intelligence observables in the Elastic Indicator Intelligence dashboard are displayed with a -. That data is not displayed, but retained in the JSON body of the event.


An example event for threat looks as following:

    "@timestamp": "2023-06-20T18:06:10.126Z",
    "eclecticiq": {
        "threat": {
            "observable_id": "AyGp2BbK9uP5CeLPYv/uuQlDxC8="
    "ecs": {
        "version": "8.11.0"
    "event": {
        "category": [
        "created": "2023-06-08T12:00:30.187Z",
        "dataset": "ti_eclecticiq.threat",
        "id": "XugasX/Bvu/150lNyQjzIGR0zZ8=",
        "kind": "enrichment",
        "original": "{\"calculated.relevancy\": \"0.68\", \"calculated.source_reliability\": \"A\", \"calculated.tlp\": \"GREEN\", \"diff\": \"add\", \"\": \"5e814485-012d-423d-b769-026bfed0f451\", \"entity.title\": \"Example\", \"entity.type\": \"malware\", \"meta.classification\": \"\", \"meta.confidence\": \"\", \"meta.entity_url\": \"\", \"meta.estimated_observed_time\": \"2019-07-09T17:42:44.777000+00:00\", \"meta.estimated_threat_end_time\": \"\", \"meta.estimated_threat_start_time\": \"2022-05-11T14:00:00.188000+00:00\", \"meta.ingest_time\": \"2023-06-08T12:00:30.187097+00:00\", \"meta.relevancy\": \"0.68\", \"meta.source_reliability\": \"A\", \"meta.tags\": \"tag1;tag2\", \"meta.taxonomy\": \"\", \"meta.terms_of_use\": \"\", \"meta.tlp\": \"GREEN\", \"source.ids\": \"47ec245c-9e7b-467e-a016-77a22ff12dd5\", \"source.names\": \"Test Source\", \"timestamp\": \"2023-06-20 18:06:10.126780+00:00\", \"type\": \"domain\", \"value\": \"\", \"value_url\": \"\"}",
        "provider": "Test Source",
        "start": "2022-05-11T14:00:00.188Z",
        "type": [
        "url": ""
    "tags": [
    "threat": {
        "indicator": {
            "first_seen": "2019-07-09T17:42:44.777Z",
            "marking": {
                "tlp": "GREEN"
            "name": "",
            "type": "domain-name",
            "url": {
                "domain": ""

Exported fields

Exported fields

Event timestamp.
Data stream dataset.
Data stream namespace.
Data stream type.
Date when observable was removed from dataset
The ID of the observable, based on kind and value.
Event dataset
Event module
Input type
Field indicating if its the transform source for supporting IOC expiration. This field is dropped from destination indices to facilitate easier filtering of indicators.
Display friendly feed name


VersionDetailsKibana version(s)


Enhancement View pull request
Increase CEL resource.tracer.maxsize to prevent loss of trace responses.

8.13.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
ECS version updated to 8.11.0. Update the kibana constraint to ^8.13.0. Modified the field definitions to remove ECS fields made redundant by the ecs@mappings component template.

8.13.0 or higher


Bug fix View pull request
Adjust field mappings for transform destination index.

8.12.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Release package as GA.

8.12.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Set sensitive values as secret, upgrade to package spec 3.0.3.


Enhancement View pull request
Enable SSL configuration for requests

Bug fix View pull request
Fix parsing incoming data from "Poll Outgoing feed" stream


Enhancement View pull request
Changed owners


Enhancement View pull request
Initial version of the package

On this page